International Baccalaureate Middle years program School



The mission of Old Mill High School, a community rich in diversity with a multitude of programs, is to promote academic excellence and global perspective through collaboration and self-assessment in an effort to prepare productive citizens in an ever-changing world.

Teacher: Mr. Josh Webster Email: jrwebster@

Phone: 410-969-9010 x224 School website: Room: C-201

Textbook and Materials

Name of textbook: The Official SAT Study Guide. These textbooks are issued for student use and are the property of the student once they are issued. Students who need to purchase another copy because it has been stolen, damaged, or lost would do so at a cost of $15 through Old Mill High School.

Materials and Fees:

• CALCULATOR IS REQUIRED!!! Students should own a TI-83 or TI-84 calculator in order to prepare properly for the SAT. Since these students have chosen are college bound, it is imperative that they have a calculator that they can use throughout their high school and college courses.

Course Description

The PSAT/SAT Prep course is designed to help students prepare for the rigors of taking the PSAT and/or SAT tests offered by the College Board. Our primary goal is to identify and implement test taking strategies using prerequisite knowledge to increase student performance. Students in this course should have passed Algebra 2 or are taking it concurrently.

All students who qualify for Free or Reduced Meals qualify for a fee waiver for the SAT. Please see your counselor for more information.

Units of Study

|First Quarter |

|Unit 1 / Category 1/Arithmetic-Numbers and Operations |8 |

|Unit 2 / Category 2 / Algebra and Functions |5 |

|Unit 3 / Category 3 / Geometry and Measurement |5.5 |

|Unit 4 / Category 4 / Number Patterns, Probability, Statistics, and Data |3.5 |

|Analysis | |

|Total Number of Classes |22 |

*Subject to change due to the needs of the students. Pre-Test and follow-up questions may change the pacing to ensure that students’ needs are met.

Course and Classroom Expectations and Policies

Academic Integrity Please see p. 18 in the Student Code of Conduct.

In order to promote the pursuit of academic excellence and learning, Anne Arundel County Public Schools expects its students to conform to specific standards of academic integrity. Academic integrity is an integral part of promoting self-respect, trust, student achievement, and positive relationships among all stakeholders in our school community. Academic integrity means exhibiting honesty in all academic exercises and assignments. Academic Dishonesty refers to any form of misconduct that occurs in relation to all formal academic exercises.


Attendance is very important to your success. Whenever you are absent, your parent/guardian must provide a note of explanation to the school within three days of your return to school. Absences in excess of five consecutive days require a physician’s note. When you are absent, it is your responsibility to complete make-up work (see Make-Up work policy). You will be allotted the same number of days equal to the number of days absent to make-up your work. The Board of Education’s Administrative Regulation JBA defines excessive absences as “A student who is absent six or more days a semester….regardless of cause.” This is twelve days per school year. In secondary school, credit may be withheld due to excessive absences.


Please refer to for updated policy mandates.

Grades are earned by students to document the mastery of course objectives, skills, content standards and concepts. A variety of student work will contribute to each marking period grade.

A student’s grade will be determined through a point system. These points will carry the following weights:

• Homework (homework is assigned nightly) 15%

• All Other Assignments (this will include tests, quizzes, classwork, projects**) 85%

You may receive a minimum score of 50% for a Good Faith Effort on an assignment IF the teacher thinks that you actually tried. If there is no effort (no work, just wrote your name, left blank, etc.), you will be given a zero and will not be allowed to “Re-do” the assignment. Re-do opportunities are limited to those students who have completed all of his/her homework assignments.

Grading Scale: High School semester grades are determined

A 100% - 90% by averaging three weighted letter grades.

B 89% - 80%

C 79% - 70% Marking Period = 40%

D 69% - 60% Marking Period = 40%

E 59% or below Final Exam = 20%

**You must take the final exam at the end of each semester or credit will be denied. A semester final

exam is a requirement of every course.

**Old Mill High School is an ‘E’ Free Zone. Students who fail a class are required to retake the

class during Evening High School or Summer School.


Homework is assigned on a regular basis. All work should be attempted and completed to the best of the student’s ability. Homework is posted on the calendar in the classroom as well as our school web page each day and it is the responsibility of the student to record the assignment in his/her agenda book each day.

It is due the next class period for full credit when collected or checked. If homework is late by one day, it will be graded for half the total points. After that one late class period, the assignment will not be accepted.

CLASSWORK – There is no re-do or late classwork assignment policy. If you are here, it is due at the end of class when it is collected. Only students who were absent on that day will be able to turn the assignment in late.

Make-up work Policy:

When a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to get the make-up work. The student will be allotted the same number of days equal to the number of days absent to make-up work.

RE-DO POLICY for ASSESSMENTS: It is the student’s responsibility to get help and to study before taking any test or quiz the first time it is given. A student may “re-do” any assessment once with only the content standards missed. These “re-do” questions will be graded and the “re-do” points will be added to the score from the original assessment. You may re-do any “teacher” made quiz or test, and any Anne Arundel County Chapter tests. You may not “re-do” any county mandated Benchmark, Mid-term, Final Exam or PARCC tests. IN ORDER TO RE-DO ANY ASSESSMENT, you must complete a remediation session within 5 days of the assessment being returned and you must have completed/corrected all of your homework assignments. You must also have the original graded assessment signed by a parent. You must complete the “re-do” within 2 weeks of getting the original assessment returned. Assignments at the end of a marking period may require “re-do” assignments to be done in a shorter time frame and students will be notified of any changes to the policy in advance of the assignment.

Classroom Procedures

In order for ALL students to be successful, classroom management must be effective. Behavioral expectations, attendance policies and tardiness policies of the school will be followed. Students are expected to show respect to their fellow students, classroom teachers and other adults, school property, and themselves.

Music Listening Device and Hat Policy

Hats (not hoods) may be worn in my class. Cell phones may be used in class for instructional purposes (after asking for permission from an adult) and music listening devices may be used during designated time periods. Students may not share listening devices and volume should be limited so that only the intended user may hear it. Students who cannot follow these rules will have their privileges revoked and classwide issues may result in revocation for an entire class. Repeat offenders may be subject to school-wide discipline for insubordination.

Student Progress

Because parents are partners in the education of their child, communication between teachers and parents is vital to student success. Written notes, telephone conversations, e-mails, face-to-face Parent- Teacher conferences (scheduled through the Counseling Department), student grade reports and interim reports are all excellent means of maintaining appropriate and open communication with parents.

Parents can also monitor student progress with our electronic grading system, Parent Connect XP. Families are encouraged to refer to regularly for school news.

Please detach this page of the syllabus, sign it and return it to the teacher. Keep the other pages for your personal reference.

I have read this syllabus and I am fully aware of the expectations for behavior and achievement in this class. I understand that it is MY responsibility to check for my own understanding of the content, ask questions when I do not understand and seek extra help when needed. I understand that if I do not abide by all rules and procedures consequences may be given.

Students Name (printed) _____________________________________________

Student Signature ___________________________________________________

I have read this syllabus, and I am fully aware of the expectations for behavior and achievement in this class. I understand that if my son/daughter does not abide by all rules and procedures consequences may be given.

1. Parent/Guardian Name (printed) _______________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature ____________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Email_______________________________________________

Best Contact Number for Parent/Guardian: ____-_____-______

2. Parent/Guardian Name (printed) _______________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature ____________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Email________________________________________________

Quick-Reference Sheet for Teacher

Please check the statement that applies to your student.

♦ My student has internet access at home to complete and submit assignments.

♦ My student does not have internet access at home.

Last Math Course Taken by Student: _________________

Grade Earned for that course: ______

Current Math Course: _________________ Teacher: ____________

Student Birthday: _____/______

Activities/Sports/Clubs that the student is involved/interested in:



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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