Luke 17:20, 21 The Coming of God’s Kingdom is a Matter of ...

Luke 17:20, 21 The Lord Jesus Teaches the Nature of the Kingdom of God

Beloved Congregation. Last Lord’s Day we meditated on the well known words that Christ spoke to Nicodemus, namely, except a man be born again he can in no wise enter the Kingdom of Heaven. No amount of earthly instruction or reformation will gain anyone entrance into the mansions of glory. That which is born of the flesh is flesh. And so that which is still tied to this earth cannot enter the mansions of glory. But mankind needs to be radically changed; the center of his existence needs to be renewed. Sinners must be born again; they need to be quickened by the Spirit of God. Yes, congregation, even a master in Israel who knew the Old Testament Scriptures and presumably taught others, needed this rebirth. For without it, his conceptions of God and His Kingdom were distorted and all wrong.

Well now, let us seek to understand the nature of the Kingdom of Heaven from the words of our text this morning under the following theme, THE LORD JESUS TEACHES THE NATURE OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD. In the first place let us consider This Kingdom is Not Known by Observation. Secondly let us regard that This Kingdom Requires Spiritual Discernment. In the third place let us realize This Kingdom Has a Final Consummation.

In the first place let us consider that God’s Kingdom is Not known by Observation. The words of our text this morning, congregation, are located next to what is called an eschatological discourse where the Lord Jesus speaks about the end of time. We have read part of it in our Scripture reading. And because of this fact, many commentators would limit the interpretation of our text to that framework. However, while we cannot ignore what the Lord says immediately after our text words, we also should not disregard what went on before. In the previous passage we read about the healing of the ten lepers. When they saw the Lord Jesus they all began to call, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. Obviously they had heard of some of the great exploits the Lord performed in the past, and therefore they called for the Savior to be mindful of them. And then the Lord simply tells them to go and show themselves to the priests. Very remarkably, as they went, they were healed from their dreadful disease and went on their way rejoicing.

However, one of them was more deeply affected by what he experienced than the others. For, suddenly he left the rest and returned to the Lord and fell at His feet and gave Him thanks. Yes, this Samaritan was filled with humble adoration that the Lord was willing to also have dealings with him. And so this man experienced more than the others. Not only was he cleansed from his leprosy but he has become a recipient of salvation. The Lord says to him, Arise, go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. Yes, this man, in contrast to the others, received an entrance into the Kingdom of God that the others did not. Through the mysterious, powerful work of the Holy Spirit he was smitten in his heart and led to see that in the Lord Jesus was true life for his soul. And then come the words of our text where the Lord says the kingdom cometh not with observation.

Luke indicates that the Pharisees demanded of the Lord Jesus when the Kingdom of God should come. In other words, when would they be able to expect the coming of the Messiah when he would ascend David’s throne and things would be set to rights again concerning the state of Israel? Now, we cannot ascertain whether this was a genuine question or whether these opposers of Christ’s ministry were just trying to test the Lord Jesus, to see what He would answer. Would He be so bold as to claim outrightly that He was the Messiah of God for Whom all Israel have been waiting throughout the ages? Certainly, as we saw last Sunday, the Pharisees had to admit that Christ performed great miracles that were an evidence of the power of God. While Nicodemus had made that statement at that early stage of Christ’s ministry, by this time the religious leaders would be less inclined to confess this. For they saw the Lord Jesus’ ministry as a threat to their position and authority among Israel.

But now listen to how the Lord answers these hypocritical religious leaders, The Kingdom of God cometh not with observation. Now, the word the Lord uses here to express His thought is only used here in the whole New Testament. It means to examine something very closely. In secular writings it is used for physicians who are closely monitoring the symptoms of a disease in one of their patients. It has also been used in the field of astronomy where mankind closely scrutinizes the position of the stars. The Kingdom of Heaven cannot be discerned by observation, the Lord Jesus says. God’s Kingdom will not make some kind of a grand entrance into this world like an earthly kingdom. There will not be some kind of external signs which will indicate the beginning of a new age when the Lord will restore all things so that Israel would again control her own destiny, throwing off the Roman yoke.

Yes, the Pharisees were interested to know when the Messiah of God would ascend the throne of David. For surely, as the religious leaders, they too would receive a prominent place when that would take place. But these white washed sepulchres were more interested in washing the outside of the cup than the inside. Yes, their’s was a works religion of do’s and don’ts. The very nature of the question they pose to Christ reveals that they are ready to do anything to further that kingdom. If only they may have a dominant place in it as well. You know, congregation, there have always been people who are concerned about appearances, who are always ready to do a good deed. They are always first when it comes to lending a helping hand; they would even give the shirt off their back if necessary. They are people who are always busy for the Lord, full of energy. Theirs is a hands on religion.

But, while they may seem very enthusiastic for the cause of God, when one would ask them about the Lord’s dealings in their heart, they really do not know what to say. I realize that one person may more easily open their heart and express what lives there than another, but when the Lord has dealings with one’s soul through the power of His Spirit, then this is going to have an affect on one’s life. That touches the center of a person’s existence so that one experiences a hungering and thirsting after righteousness, a deep longing for God. Yes, then God’s people’s mouths will be opened in humble praise of the Lord most High. Was that not also revealed in the life of the one leper the Samaritan? He was given an entrance into the kingdom of Heaven while his comrades were satisfied with merely the blessing of physical restoration. Oh yes, they all were healed. But only one was truly blessed by the demonstration of the Lord’s power. He experienced a saving attachment to the Savior.

But no, the Pharisees as a sect did not know anything of a life that was hid with the Lord. They were concerned with externals. They had no knowledge of any spiritual burden, but only the national one of being suppressed by Rome. And when God’s Kingdom would appear, they had every hope that they would receive a prominent position in it. However, God’s way for His people was so very different than the religious leaders could have imagined. Roman oppression was not their greatest misery, but the fact that the Jews, just as all the other nations of the earth, were in bondage to the powers of darkness, that was basically their deepest need as well, namely, that they be delivered from their sins. But alas they didn’t see it that way.

Just think of the Pharisee’s prayer, I thank Thee God that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. Meanwhile, the publican would not so much as lifted up his eyes to heaven but smote upon his breast continually, saying, God be merciful to me, a sinner. But no, the Pharisees knew nothing of these exercises of the soul. And therefore they remained outside of God’s Kingdom. But the question remains, Do you know of these things, beloved? Has the weight of your sins ever driven you out to the Lord? What is your hope built upon? How do you expect to meet God one day? These are serious questions that you need to be able to answer by God’s grace while you have health and strength and a sound mind. These things must be in order before you pass away. For only then will you be prepared for eternity. Only then will you have some understanding of our second thought That Christ’s Kingdom is Spiritually Discerned.

The Lord Jesus emphasized before His inquirers that the Kingdom of God would not makes its entrance into the world in an external way. It would not come with a lot of fanfare or anything like that. This truth is underlined in the first part of verse 21, Neither shall they say, Lo here! or lo there! That’s not what the Kingdom of God is all about. It does not make its entrance into the world in a visible way. But it comes the Lord said, without observation. Why? Well, as we saw last week as well, the Lord Jesus did not come to build and earthly kingdom but a spiritual one. The establishing of His rule in sinner’s lives is done in secret. And so when any one becomes a member of the Lord’s Kingdom, it is a personal event that He effects through the power of His Spirit. And how does that take place? Through the new birth!

Listen to what the Savior further says, Behold, the Kingdom of God is within you! How must these religious leaders have been taken aback. This is not at all what they expected. Their minds were not going in that direction at all. The reason for this of course was that their hearts were not engaged in the things of God. Theirs was a religion of do’s and don’ts and nothing more. It was not a matter of the heart for them, but of works. But that is not an avenue open to man, congregation. By the deeds of the law shall no man be justified in God’s sight. Through the law comes the knowledge of sin. But that was of no consequence to the Pharisees. According to their standards they were very scrupulous in keeping the law and even went beyond its demands. No, no one would be able to lay a finger upon them. And therefore if any one was a candidate to be given entrance into the Kingdom, then it would be them.

But now, just as the Lord had to correct Nicodemus’ thinking by telling him that he must be born again, the Lord tells these Pharisees that the Kingdom of God is not to be seen by observation, but it is made manifest within you! Well now, that is oh so different than these religious leaders expected. God’s Kingdom is not an external force or something like that which can be discerned by one’s natural senses. For, once again, it is spiritual in nature. And these religious leaders do not have true spiritual receptivity to partake of it. For they remain dead in trespasses and sins.

Well now, let us try to discern the meaning of Christ’s words that the Kingdom of God is within you. To be a true partaker of any kingdom then a person also has to recognize the king of it. It’s one thing to live in a land and to enjoy its benefits but to really be part of a nation or kingdom, then one must also experience some allegiance to the sovereign or king who rules over the land. Well now, that is also true when it comes to being a partaker of the Kingdom of God. You see, through our first parents, you and I have given our allegiance to the prince of darkness. And as a result we lie dead in trespasses and sins. And since darkness can have no communion with light, by nature we are lost, without God and without hope. And therefore it is imperative that the Lord make a new beginning in your lives, congregation. For otherwise, like the Pharisees, with all your outward religiosity you are going to perish.

And so, to partake of God’s Kingdom you and I must receive a personal relationship with its Ruler and King. Now, the Lord Jesus came into this world as the true son of David Who had the right of accession to his throne. Moreover, Christ was given the power of His heavenly Father when He took up His ministry. But, because the Kingdom He came to build was not an earthly one, the Lord Jesus did not exercise His power to that end at all. Oh yes, He healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, made the lame to walk, healed lepers as we also just saw, but the Lord’s chief concern was to bring sinners from darkness to light. He was come to seek and to save that which was lost. And the way that He was going to do this, was to give His life as an offering for sin and not to build an earthly empire or throne, no. For His Kingdom was spiritual, in complete union and communion with that of His Father. There would be no external, royal beauty to Christ’s reign but it would be a spiritual power that would appear through a life of humiliation. The Prophet Isaiah had also prophesied that. He hath no form or comeliness; and when we shall see Him there would be no beauty that we should desire Him. No, Christ’s Kingdom would be so radically different than the people, including the Pharisees, could have imagined.

Now, the first and most important characteristic of Christ’s Kingdom was its spiritual nature. This would become apparent in His subject’s lives in an unpresuming way, at least as the world counts prestige and honor. It is like a seed which lies under the soil unknown to anyone but which begins to swell and to germinate, unknown to anyone at first. One does not know that there is life there. In this way the Spirit of God and of Christ goes forward in building God’s Kingdom. One of the first signs of life is when a sinner begins to feel in his heart that he lives without God, and therefore without hope. The more the Holy Spirit begins to discover a sinner to His need, breathing His life giving breath in an individual’s soul, the more he learns to see and understand something of the empty void in his life. For the first time in his life, a sinner feels estranged from the world and the principles for which it stands. And the more the Spirit opens one’s eyes to see the lostness of his condition and the utter foolishness of self-chosen ways, the more that person sees his need of a redeemer and mediator.

Yes, beloved, the work of the Holy Spirit is like leaven that spreads its influence more and more in one’s life. The deeper that the Spirit leads a sinner, the more he begins to abhor himself and see his need of a savior. And so, the Kingdom of God does not come with observation, but as in a still small voice. The Kingdom of God appears within a people, those given to Christ by the Father. By the power of the Holy Spirit sight is given to the blind so that sin is seen for what it is, namely, as rebellion against one’s Creator. By the same Spirit, new life is given to the soul by which sinners experience a new and holy breathing after God. Yes, through the blessed Spirit, the Savior is made near and dear and precious. The other Comforter takes the merits of the Lord Jesus and shows them unto sinners. When a people are given to see that in His blessed work of atonement is true life, they are given a righteousness which is not their own, but of that precious Lamb of God. And then, people of God you experience true peace for your soul. For there is power, cleansing power in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus.

There is nothing that can compare to the experience of His love and grace by which you receive deep spiritual exercises in the soul. Yes then, the Spirit witnesses with your spirit that you have a vital attachment to Lord to the saving of your soul. No, that is not so visible to the outside world. It is hid from it. But through the new birth and the manifestations of the Spirit’s power, the Kingdom of God grows. In this way, God’s glory is extended. Oh beloved, may we not rest until we too partake of this powerful, mysterious work. For thereby alone, can you gain an entrance into God’s Kingdom. There is no other way to receive entrance into it. Which brings us to briefly consider our third thought, Christ’s Kingdom Has a Final Consummation.

You know, congregation, just before the Lord Jesus departed from His disciples for the final time He said to them, all power is given unto Me in heaven and upon earth. And this is still true today. And yet we see so little evidence of this. Why? Well, for one thing, the Lord’s Kingdom cannot be seen by observation. Christ has not established an earthly throne or set up an earthly realm. But His Kingdom is spiritual in nature. And yet the Kingdom of God progresses; silently it goes forward to a determinate consummation. Here is a young woman who is at her wits end in trying to manage her household and by God’s grace, in answer to prayer, experiences a quiet peace in her soul. There is an old drunkard who is so convicted by the Spirit’s power that one day he must die and then the judgment. And, he feels that he cannot die as he has been born. Over there is a young man who is agitated at the least setback and cannot refrain from vocalizing his frustrations in an unchristian manner. But by the Spirit’s grace, he is convicted in his heart and cries out with the publican, oh God, be merciful to me the sinner.

And so God’s people are being taught the way of holiness by God’s grace. They are called to run with patience the race that has been set before them. Time and again, they must look unto the Lord Jesus Who has gone before them. Through Him alone will they reach the desired goal. Yes, beloved, they go through this life as not having anything in and of themselves. Their possessions are borrowed goods, for this world is not their home. They are strangers and pilgrims of this earth, who look for a city whose Builder and Maker is God. And so, because God’s Kingdom is spiritual, it also works along spiritual lines and does not appear as a grandiose force upon the earth. The Lord does not allow the spiritual realm to rule over natural things in an external way. But His Kingdom calls dead sinners to spiritual life.

You see, congregation, the Lord’s spiritual Kingdom does not sparkle with the glamour of this world; it is not glorified in outward splendor, not at all. But it is just the opposite. All that is natural and of this world will be made subject one day to that which is spiritual. God’s spiritual Kingdom does not manifest itself in the multifaceted arrays of this natural world. On the contrary, its progression ensures the demise of all that is not of God. No, the redemption and reconciliation of nature and grace has not yet taken place, but it will occur at a predetermined time. We are still living during this time when all things have not yet been subdued unto God. Sin still lies at the door of man’s heart and goes around as the prince of this world while righteousness is not given a second thought. And therefore, God’s people need to beware lest they fall prey to Satan’s charms and the glitter of this world.

And yet, the Day of the Lord is approaching. How careful you need to be, people of God that you do not become attached to the things of this life. Oh yes, there are many good things, even choice blessings. But when they are temporal in nature, they have not been sanctified and do not promote God’s glory. And therefore Paul could also by God’s grace say, I count all things as useless refuse in comparison to the excellency of the knowledge of God. As a result, when God’s people are in their place, all that they have and buy, is as though they possessed it not. The closer God’s children live to the Lord in dependence upon His grace, the more loosely they are attached to their earthly goods. Why? Because they are taught by the Spirit of God that it is all perishing. And last of all but not least, God’s child is taught to give up his own life for the price of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus that he or she may glory in the Lord who is worthy of all adoration.

That, beloved, is a life long struggle that never becomes a vanquished foe in this life. The desire for pleasure and outward honor and esteem can never be put completely to death in this life. And therefore we live in such dangerous times today. For everywhere one turns, you are beckoned to enjoy this and that and the other. You know, if the world hates us and persecutes us, it is far more easier to suffer with Christ. But when the enemy is cordial and even allows us in her circles we are n the greatest danger, people of God, of trading in the sufferings of Christ to which we are called, for the goods of this world. The open arms of the world are a great temptation to let the offense of the cross go and the Christ of that cross. And therefore, the friendship of this world is much more dangerous than when she remains one’s mortal enemy.

We are called, congregation, to be in the world and not of it. But the only way that anyone will be ready to offer up all things for the Kingdom of God, including himself, is to look upon the blessed Savior. Christ Jesus has gone before His people; He has given everything up for His own. He gained the full victory for His people when He laid everything of this life aside. At the beginning of His ministry He said to the adversary, Get behind Me Satan. At the end, upon the cross He declared, It is finished. Through His sacrificial death He has attained all things for His people. And one day, yes, one day, all things shall be put to rights again when He shall return in glory upon the clouds of heaven. Then everything shall be perfected in a new heaven, upon a new earth. For then everything of this life will have melted away with fervent heat and Christ shall be all in all. Yes, then, His Kingdom will be perfected with internal as well as external glory. Do you also long for that day, beloved? Amen.



(Third Sermon of a Possible Series)

Psalter 318: 1, 3, 4

Law of God

Psalter 87: all

Reading: Luke 17:11-30

Text verses 20, 21

Psalter 415: 2, 4, 5


Psalter 347: 1, 3, 4

Psalter 200: 1, 2, 4

Dox. Pst. 76:1

Sermon written by Rev. L. Roth of the Free Reformed Church of Pompton Plains, N.J.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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