Letter from the President

[Pages:7]January 2019

Letter from the President

Hello Ladies!

2018 was a very busy year for GFWC Centennial and December was no exception. Our Club Christmas party was such a fun event. We enjoyed spending the evening together during such a wonderful time of the year and I want to especially thank Monica Skelton and Vicki Barbeau for their efforts in planning the entertainment for us. A very merry and festive occasion to add to our 2018 GFWC memories.

In mid December, GFWC Centennial also participated in the Wreaths Across America project to honor our veterans. There were many volunteers for the memorial ceremony. Mary Anne Scott, Vicki Barbeau, and I were honored to be a part of this effort to recognize the service of the veterans buried at Oakwood Cemetery.

Kathy Hagler and Betty Lynch took care of our Christmas family effort. They found a very resourceful way to make the Christmas holiday special for some women and children at Blue Monarch. Kathy and Betty will give us the details of the assistance we provided to this program that gives hope and direction to women. Thank you Betty and Kathy!!

Get Ready, Get Set, It's 2019! As we ring in the New Year, prepare for an active calendar of GFWC Centennial events. If you have resolved in 2019 (yes, I'm trying to resolve!) to plan and prepare in advance, then you have already started organizing your club reports to submit within the next few weeks. More information on the reporting process will be provided by Anne Wonder as we review and document the club events from 2018.

Preparations are already underway for the Wine and Spirit Tasting, Yard Sale, and Soup Salad Bunco Night. We're going to be busy.

As a member of GFWC Centennial, let's keep expectations high for 2019 and work together to make this a great year as we serve the community!!

Happy New Year, Lisa Marty, President

Communications Chairman, Jan Dent, is excited to announce a new website for our club. Be sure to give her news to post! Check it out:

Child Advocacy

From Sandy Lindeman, Chairman

Teresa Barber, CASA Works Supervisor, will be the speaker for our January program.

The mission of CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) Works is to break the cycle of child abuse and neglect, and to advocate for safe, permanent, nurturing homes for children. Every child has the right to the safe embrace of a loving family.

For more info visit:

Christmas Family Update

From Kathy Hagler and Betty Lynch

Our club decided to help the mothers and children at Blue Monarch as our "Christmas Family" this year. Kate Cataldo (from Blue Monarch) suggested that our club designate the money we donated ($510) toward an outing to the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga. The children and their mothers went to the aquarium and then to Sticky Fingers for lunch. You can see from the pictures that everyone had a great time! Thanks to our members for helping spread some Christmas Cheer!

Birthday Bash


5 Teresa Young 30 Becky Waggoner

Meeting Madness

Bring the following items:

This month only: For CASA:

Copy Paper, Brown folders, dividers folders, white out, legal pads, tape, big maiing envelopes, and any other office supplies.

This month only: Art supplies for Tullahoma Day Care: construction paper, elmer's glue, coloring books, stickers, foam letters, washable markers, Tempera paint

Imagination Library Books Shoes for Soles4Souls Aluminum can tabs Box tops for education Spare change for scholarships

Thank you!

December Entertainment Committee

Everything was so much fun!

L-R: Vicki Barbeau and Monica Skelton

and our December Hostess

President Lisa Marty!

It was a wonderful evening!

From Coleen Sauders Arts CSP Chairman

GFWC International President Mary Ellen Brock announced "7 Grand Initiatives" for her administration, with the first one being "1,000 clubs will do a service project on Marin Luther King Day, January 21, 2019."

With that in mind, the Arts Committee invites club members to join us on January 21st, to help us take art supplies to the Tullahoma Day Care. The exact time will be announced at our club meeting. MLK coloring books (ordered by the arts committee) will also be handed out that day.

Participating in this project for the Tullahoma Day Care, this will allow our club to be counted among the 1,000 requested to participate in the Marin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service.

From Wendy Dixon ESO Co-Chairman

Happy New Year, Ladies! It's almost time for reporting! Please email your log of books read to Wendy Dixon @ mizwen@ or bring them to our January meeting. We hope you have enjoyed reading as much as we have.

January: Women's Health - Wear ribbons to raise awareness

Thyroid Awareness Month ? wear light blue Cervical Health Awareness Month - wear teal Human Trafficking Prevention Month ? wear blue - January 11 is awareness day

January 15, 2019 Deadline

From Clubs to GFWC of Tennessee

? GFWC of Tennessee Dues Deadline, pages 56-57 of State Handbook

February 1, 2019 Deadline

From Clubs to GFWC of Tennessee ? Send to GFWC TN First Vice President, Deb Allen o GFWC of Tennessee Club Statistical Form, pages 49-51 of State Handbook o GFWC of Tennessee Award Entry (narrative), page 52 of State Handbook o GFWC of Tennessee Club Rating Guide, pages 53-55 of State Handbook ? ESO Forms ? to ESO Chairman, Marge Bogert, pages 77-78 of State Handbook ? LEADS Nomination ? to GFWC TN President Elect, Vicki Bechet ? pages 67-69 of State Handbook

February 1, 2019 Deadline

From Clubs to District Arts Chairman, Dorothy A. Barber for GFWC TN Highland Rim District, pages 39-43 of State Handbook

? Arts and Crafts Contests ? Photography Contests ? GFWC Member Short Story and Poetry Contests ? Youth Short Story and Poetry Contests

Join the fun! Be sure to book your room now for the GFWC of Tennessee Spring Convention being held at the Double Tree by Hilton in Murfreesboro, TN, April 12-14, 2019. It is so close to Tullahoma, everyone should try to attend and see what happens at a state meeting and meet our sisters from across

this great state! Rooms are just $109 plus tax and reservations can be made by going on this link:

Request for Volunteers

from President Marty:

South Jackson Civic Center is looking for volunteers to help with upcoming productions of Henry Cho and The Red Velvet Cake Wars. If you have time to usher, be a greater, sell concessions or be a docent in the museum, you can see the show for free. Contact Coleen Saunders for dates and times.

Coming in April ? GFWC Centennial Yard Sale

Becky Waggoner is requesting members to please begin cleaning out your closets, attics, kitchens, basements and garages during the upcoming cold, cold days of winter! Box your items and save them for our yard sale! You'll be surprised at the items you don't use, especially in your kitchen! This is a fundraiser where everyone can be an active participant with just a little effort! Thank you!!

Volunteers in Action

Whether volunteering as a docent or touring the homes, club members had a great time on December 2, 2018 during the annual Tour of Homes supporting the Tullahoma Day Care Center. L-R: Monica Skelton, Dian Rayfield, Kathryn Hopkins, Mary Mealer and Martha Grantham

Vicki Barbeau, Lisa Marty, and Mary Anne Scott placed wreaths on veterans' graves at Oakwood Cemetery in Tullahoma as part of the Wreaths Across America day on Saturday, December 15, 2019. Thanks to all club members who donated to this effort!

Save the Date

January 19, 2019

A Night in New Orleans Gala benefitting South Jackson Civic Center Arnold Lakeside Club, Tullahoma, TN

March 30, 2019

GFWC of TN Highland Rim Spring Meeting

Appalachian Center for Craft Smithville, TN

April 12-14, 2019

GFWC of TN Spring Convention Double Tree by Hilton Murfreesboro, TN

Holiday Wishes from Beth Smith, GFWC of Tennessee President

Annual Christmas Party

Mary Jo Daigle won the first of many door prizes! Merry Christmas!

Jingle Bells, Silent Night, It Came Upon A Midnight Clear, Drummer Boy, Angels We Have Heard on High, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer...

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...

A partridge in a pear tree

Two turtle doves

Three French hens

Four calling birds

Five golden rings

Six geese a-laying Seven swans a-swimming Eight maids a-milking

Nine ladies dancing

Ten lords a-leaping

Eleven pipers piping

Twelve drummers drumming


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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