Introduction - 3 Think First - 4

Make the Commitment - 9 Get Ready - 12

Bring Your Dog Home - 15 Keep Your Dog Healthy - 18

Keep Your Dog Safe - 24 Be a Friend - 28

Train Your Dog - 33 Breed Responsibly - 36

Get Involved - 38 Be a Canine Ambassador - 40 Who We Are and What We Do - 44


Among companion animals, dogs are unmatched in their devotion, loyalty and friendship to humankind. Anyone who has ever loved a dog can attest to its hundred-fold return. The excitement your dog shows when you come home, the wagging tail at the sound of the leash being taken from its hook, the delight in the tossing of a tennis ball, and the head

nestled in your lap-those are only some of the rewards of being a dog owner.

Owning a dog is not just a right, it is a responsibility. These animals depend on us for, at minimum, food and shelter, and deserve much more. If you are considering taking a dog

into your life, you need to think seriously about the commitment that dog ownership entails. If you already have a dog, you need to consider if you are fulfilling all your obligations as its owner.

The AKC is committed to helping dog owners raise happy, healthy dogs. The list below is certainly not exhaustive, but it contains some of the essential ways you can be the best

dog owner you can be.

chapter one



Dog ownership is not something to be entered into lightly. Owning a dog is a longter e otional and financial co it ent. efore deciding that a certain dog is right for you, you ust a e an honest assess ent as to hether your ho e is right for any dog.


If you get a dog, he ill eco e a art of your life. ou need to a e sure that he s suited for your lifestyle. or e a le, if you are athletic, you ill ro a ly not

e ha y ith a dog that has a lo energy level. If you are e tre ely neat, you ill ro a ly ant a dog that doesn t shed uch. ll as ects of your fa ily s life ho ies, activities, ersonalities, and schedules should e evaluated efore you get a dog.


ased on your evaluation, deter ine hat ualities you ant in a dog. onsider si e, energy level, groo ing needs, traina ility and te era ent. o you ant a guard dog or a la dog Is it i ortant that your dog get along ith children If you rent your ho e, are there restrictions on height, eight or reed ns er these

uestions no once you ring a dog ho e, it can e heart rea ing to reali e that you ade the rong choice.

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nce you have ade your list of ideal characteristics, do so e research to find hich reeds fit that rofile. o to your local li rary, attend a dog sho , and visit the e site. arro your choices to the reed that see s right for you.

1. Get a Referral ou have a uch etter chance of eing satisfied if you get your dog fro a res onsi le, ethical reeder hose ri ary concern is to roduce dogs of high uality, good health and sta le te era ent. he has a reeder eferral contact for each recogni ed reed. hese individuals can ut you in contact ith reeders or rescue organi ations in your area.

2. Make Contact et in touch ith the reed contacts in your area. et the no that you are

interested in their reed. e a le to de onstrate that you have ut thought into your choice. on t e discouraged if the first reeder you tal to does not have u ies availa le right a ay. hat erson ay no another reeder in the region.

3. Ask Questions s the reeder any uestions you can thin of a out the reed. hen you find

a reeder you re co forta le ith, as to visit the ennel and vie the dogs on the reeder s re ises. In uire a out health ro le s of the reed, and hat can

e done to revent or control the . ind out hat inds of activities, including co etition, the reeder s dogs artici ate in and en oy. he reeder s dogs are a

revie of hat your dog ill e.

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4. Consider an Older Dog u ies aren t for everyone. If an older dog etter fits your lifestyle, chec the e site to find a reed arent lu and or reed rescue. hese organi ations rescue ure red dogs that have een lost, a andoned or surrendered due to the death or illness

of their o ners. ost rescue dogs have een s ayed or neutered and are screened for health and te era ent ro le s. escue is a not only a great source for ure red dogs, it s also a ay to save the life of a dog in need.

5. Expect Questions res onsi le reeder or rescue contact ill as you e tensive uestions a out the ty e

of ho e you can offer a dog. hese eo le are as co itted as you are to a ing the right atch et een you and a dog. ive honest ans ers to their uestions. e e er that, due to their e erience in the reed, they no hat issues are i ortant in lacing one of their dogs.

6. Prepare to Wait vaila ility varies. e a are that a u y or dog of the reed you ve decided on ay not e easy to find. es onsi le reeders do not reed often, and any ti es the u ies

of a lanned reeding are already s o en for. ust re e er that a good dog is orth aiting for.

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7. Skip the Holidays any eo le try to uy u ies as hrist as gifts for children or other fa ily e ers. ost reeders do not reco end this. ou should e re ared to give a ne u y your

undivided attention, and that is rarely ossi le during the usy holiday season. etter idea is to give dog related gifts toys, leashes, groo ing tools and then ring your u y ho e hen all the e cite ent has died do n.

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