
Communicator 1.03 Release Notes v1.0


© Healthcare Software Systems 2010 Registered Office: Healthcare Software Systems, 3rd Floor i2 Mansfield, Hamilton Court, Oakham Business Park, Mansfield. NG18 5BR

General Information

This release replaces all previous major, minor and emergency releases. All changes included in a major release will also be included in a minor release. There is no downtime needed to install a release unless specifically mentioned in the Trust Implementation Issues section. All sites can be upgraded to this release of CRIS. No changes are included in a release until the change passes all tests and that change has no known issues or has caused any new known issues at the time of release. Each release of CRIS is not normally released with any known major issues unless specifically mentioned in the know issues section.

1. Contents

Communicator 1.03 Release Notes v1.0 1

Copyright 1

General Information 1

1. Contents 2

2. Issue Summaries 3

2.1 New Features 3

2.1.1 Communicator 3

2.2 Enhancements 3

2.2.1 Communicator 3

2.3 Issues Resolved 5

2.3.1 Communicator 5

2.4 House Keeping 5

2.4.1 Communicator 5

3. Trust Implementation Issues 6

3.1 Standard issues: 6

3.2 Optional, for issues by request only: 6

4. Change Details 7

4.1 Communicator 7

2. Issue Summaries

The following section summarises the changes made in this version of CRIS relative to release 1.03. Changes are divided into new features and issues resolved. Details of each change are provided later in the document in "Change Details". Navigation is best achieved by searching the document for the relevant "HSS Ref" number.

Notes on the following tables:

HSS Ref. - this relates to internal HSS change numbers.

LSP Ref. - this relates to LSP Incident, Problem or RFC reference numbers.

By Request - these changes can only be activated by HSS on a specific request by a Trust.

Trust Interest - these changes are deemed to be of significance to trusts either because they impact end users, require trust action or are desirable new features/fixes, which trusts are most likely to take advantage of.

2.1 New Features

2.1.1 Communicator

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|235743 |- |SMS validation |- |- |

|236626 |- |Licence expiry warning |- |- |

|236809 |- |Error message email limit |- |- |

|235158 |- |Patient notification testing |- |- |

|236520 |- |Listener expected activity warnings |- |- |

|235547 |- |SMS by file |Yes |- |

|231939 |- |Automatic creation of result transfer options for referrers |- |- |

|233565 |- |Result notifications for copy-to referrer |- |- |

|233965 |- |Patient demographic change listener |- |- |

|231962 |- |Easy monitoring |- |- |

|233040 |- |SFTP listener |Yes |- |

|236468 |- |Sending copies of results to people other than referrer, GP and copy to |Yes |- |

2.2 Enhancements

2.2.1 Communicator

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|235510 |- |Referrer and referral source lookups are impractical |- |- |

|236628 |- |Style update |- |- |

|234635 |- |CRIS database communication is inefficient for stats |- |- |

|235508 |- |Documentation |- |- |

|231218 |- |Results Awaiting Ack page does not filter out failed result notifications |- |- |

|234792 |- |Better selections on patient notifications |- |- |

|232078 |- |Easier configuration and multiple inbound systems |Yes |- |

|233940 |- |TLS for IMAP |Yes |- |

2.3 Issues Resolved

2.3.1 Communicator

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|237439 |- |Duplicate result and patient notifications sent |- |- |

|234521 |- |Mail checking timeouts |- |- |

|233124 |- |Duplicate result notifications being sent |- |- |

|235500 |- |SMS messages to multiple phone numbers |- |- |

|236146 |- |Refreshing lists loses the sort order |- |- |

|234267 |- |Results Awaiting Ack refresh problems |- |- |

|235985 |- |Web UI Security |- |- |

|232142 |- |Error in stats listener can cause infinite loop |- |- |

|231375 |- |Problems processing HTML result acknowledgements |- |- |

|231894 |- |Invalid date format using the results stat |- |- |

|234897 |- |Overlapping scheduled and reminder notifications |- |- |

|231380 |- |Data corruption with duplicate patient identifiers |- |- |

|231985 |- |List selection errors |- |- |

|234888 |- |Merged patients causing errors |- |- |

|235161 |- |Overwriting of records when saving |- |- |

|231961 |- |Error in patient result view |- |- |

|231363 |- |Errors in patient data view |- |- |

2.4 House Keeping

House keeping is reserved for general code tidying which may provide minor improvements in efficiency or cosmetic changes that do not relate to issues resolved nor add new functionality.

2.4.1 Communicator

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |By Request |Trust Interest |

|235450 |- |Message handler transactions |- |- |

|231949 |- |Best hospital number function required for result notifications |- |- |

|235270 |- |Library update |- |- |

|235081 |- |Remove import/export of listeners |- |- |

|232309 |- |Record keys |- |- |

|236826 |- |Database schema and indexes |- |- |

|234268 |- |Use seam managed persistence context |- |- |

|235986 |- |Key validation |- |- |

|235082 |- |JMX Console security |- |- |

|235888 |- |Disk usage by temporary files |- |- |

|236256 |- |Server logging |- |- |

3. Trust Implementation Issues

This section details issues which must be addressed by the Trust before a release or, where they are for issues which are only by request, before a particular feature is activated.

3.1 Standard issues:

233565 - Result notifications for copy-to referrer

Required Trust Action: Add email addresses to the Communicator for any referrers/referral sources likely to be used as copy to recipients

3.2 Optional, for issues by request only:

235547 - SMS by file

Required Trust Action: Specify the required format of the file

236468 - Sending copies of results to people other than referrer, GP and copy to

Required Trust Action: Requires details of recipients and conditions

4. Change Details

This section provides further details of each change.

HEAD refers to the development and unreleased testing versions of CRIS. Changes reported in HEAD are either new features not in any previous version of CRIS or issues that have only been introduced or discovered during development or testing of the next release of CRIS. Issues reported in a particular release, HEAD or otherwise, may also be pertinent to other releases of CRIS.

4.1 Communicator

237439 - Duplicate result and patient notifications sent

Reported in: 1.02 Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: Under conditions of heavy load, it is possible for the Communicator to send out the same result or patient notification up to 100 times in the space of a few minutes.

Resolution: A check has been added to the Communicator to prevent sending of the same notification more than once.

235743 - SMS validation

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: The content and destination of an SMS message is not currently validated. This can cause a number of avoidable errors to be recorded in the error log.

Resolution: These settings have been added to validate SMS messages and recipients:

SMSPHONELENGTH - Minimum required mobile phone number length (international format including +). This will prevent sending of messages to dummy phone numbers such as 123

SMSPHONEPREFIX - Required prefix for all mobile phone numbers (international format). For virtually all UK mobile phones, this will be +447. This will prevent sending of messages to other countries.

SMSMESSAGELENGTH - Maximum allowed length of SMS message before an error is logged. The default is 160, which is the maximum allowed length of an SMS message. This does not prevent sending of the message.

Additionally, an error is logged if the SMS message contains any characters disallowed by the ETSI GSM 03.38 specification. This also does not prevent sending of the message.

236626 - Licence expiry warning

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: There is currently no warning when a licence is due to expire.

Resolution: An error is now logged when there is less then one month before the licence expires.

236809 - Error message email limit

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: There is a facility in the Communicator to email error messages as they occur to Communicator users. However there is no limit on the number of emails that can be sent.

Resolution: A system setting has been added to limit the number of error emails sent to users in one day: MAXERROREMAILS.

235450 - Message handler transactions

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: In Communicator 1.02, only the stats listeners process incoming messages in a transaction. This should also be done for HL7 and email.

Additionally, the email listener does not log the entire content of the email and error handling throughout the listeners needs improving.

Resolution: All message handlers now run in a transaction and the error logging has been improved.

231949 - Best hospital number function required for result notifications

Reported in: 1.02 Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: Patients may have several hospital assigned identifiers. A convenience method is required to find the most appropriate identifier to use in an email.

Resolution: A function has been added to the Patient class to return the first hospital number for the patient matching the given list of sites.

235510 - Referrer and referral source lookups are impractical

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: In the Communicator Web UI, referral sources are currently entered using drop down list. This can be difficult to navigate and also very slow on Communicators with a large number of referral sources.

Referrers are normally entered as free text, but this requires knowing the exact referrer code or (in some areas) part of the name.

Both of these approaches are impractical.

Resolution: Referrers and referral sources now have an interactive lookup that is triggered by entering at least 3 characters of the name or code.

236628 - Style update

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: The Communicator Web UI needs a makeover.

Resolution: The visual appearance of the Communicator has been improved.

234635 - CRIS database communication is inefficient for stats

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: Every time the Communicator receives a result message, it will connect to CRIS to let it know if it plans to send the result. For stats messages in particular, this will be very slow as it will keep connecting, writing and disconnecting to the CRIS database hundreds of times.

Resolution: CRIS database messages are now cached and sent in one go asynchronously to the incoming message thread.

235158 - Patient notification testing

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: When testing patient notifications, it is not always practical to create test data on the CRIS system and wait for the Communicator to process and send it. A facility for easier and faster testing of such notifications is required.

Resolution: A new page (Patient Notification Type Testing) has been created to test patient notifications.

234521 - Mail checking timeouts

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: Depending on the email server and connection quality, the thread using the JavaMail API can sometimes get stuck when checking the inbox.

Resolution: Mail sending and receiving time outs of 60 seconds have been added.

235270 - Library update

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: Update the library jar files in the Communicator to:

JBoss 5.1 GA (previously unknown version)

Seam 2.2.2 (previously 2.2.0)

Richfaces 3.3.3 (previously 3.3.1)

XStream 1.3.1 (previously unknown version)

Velocity 1.7 (previously 1.4)

Apache Commons Net 3.0.1 (previously 2.0)

Postgres 9.0 (previously 8.3)

Resolution: The JBoss and Seam jars have been updated. Some unused jar files have been removed. The Communicator now requires JBoss 5.1 and Java 1.6.

235081 - Remove import/export of listeners

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: This feature is no longer required as the listener configuration is now standardised.

Resolution: It is no longer possible to use the old style import/export listener tool. The import/export HSS configuration option in System Settings can be used to move the generic configuration. The site specific configuration should now be very limited and limited to just the listener page and the listener configuration script and can be copied manually.

232309 - Record keys

Reported in: 1.02 Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: The unique identifier of several types of record in the communicator is not displayed.

Resolution: The web UI now displays the primary keys of the following records: patient, event, result, messagehandler, listener, mapping action, mapping variable, coded value, user, staff, reflink. This will make finding errors easier.

236826 - Database schema and indexes

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: The Communicator database schema can be inconsistent and is lacking useful indexes. Additionally, there is a requirement to migrate the Communicator to Postgres 9.0.

Resolution: Extra indexes have been added to improve listener and list performance.

The database schema has been recreated on Postgres 9.0. The Communicator will no longer update its own schema (which can potentially leave the database in an inconsistent state). The schema update must be performed manually as part of a software update.

With the addition of the Postgres 9.0 driver, the Communicator now functions on both Postgres 8.4 and Postgres 9.0.

233124 - Duplicate result notifications being sent

Reported in: 1.02 Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: After a period of intermittent network connectivity, it is possible for the Communicator to get into a state where it sends result notifications multiple times.

Resolution: The Communicator scheduler (which sends the result notifications) will now always exit after a period of network problems. (A new scheduler is automatically started). Previously the scheduler did not always exit after problems, which meant multiple schedulers could run at the same time.

235508 - Documentation

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: Improve the documentation on pages throughout the Communicator Web UI.

Resolution: Most pages throughout the Communicator are now better explained. Some pages and the main menu have also been reorganised.

236520 - Listener expected activity warnings

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: It would be useful if the Communicator were to log an error if a listener did not receive a message when expected.

This is particularly useful for stats driven Communicators as there may not be a noticeable warning in CRIS if a stat failed to run or the stat could not be delivered to the Communicator.

Resolution: This feature has been added. By default, the expected activity times are:

HL7 and email: Monday to Friday, 9AM to 5PM, at least once every 4 hours.

Stats: Tuesday to Saturday, 12AM to 6AM, at least once every 4 hours.

The warning can be disabled by setting the expected activity time to "none".

234268 - Use seam managed persistence context

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: The database persistence layer can behave strangely from the Web UI. This may be due to using a JPA injected persistence context rather than a Seam managed persistence context.

Resolution: All seam pages now use a seam managed persistence context instead of the JPA managed persistence context. This should make database access from Seam more reliable.

235500 - SMS messages to multiple phone numbers

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: Some patients have two mobile numbers presumably separated with a comma. Communicator 1.02 currently sends the SMS message to a concatenation of the two numbers which is invalid. Instead, it should just send to the first.

Resolution: The Communicator will now send the SMS message to the first phone number in a comma separated list of numbers.

236146 - Refreshing lists loses the sort order

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: Refresh a list such as the Results Sent list causes the sort order to be lost. Also the sort order, if any, is not displayed.

Resolution: Lists are now resorted after a refresh.

The sort order is now displayed with a up/down triangle.

Added sorting to two more lists: Notifications Sent and Results Not Sent.

234267 - Results Awaiting Ack refresh problems

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: Pressing acknowledge in the Results Awaiting Ack list doesn't always appear to refresh the list and remove the result just selected. If the user clicks again they may end up acknowledging the wrong result.

Resolution: The Results Awaiting Ack list (and all other pages in the Communicator) now give a warning if it was not possible to select a result notification. A confirmation is also given after acknowledging the result notification. The result notification will then be removed from the list, but the list query will not be re-triggered.

231218 - Results Awaiting Ack page does not filter out failed result notifications

Reported in: 1.02 Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: The Results Awaiting Ack page does not show which result notifications have failed acknowledgement (i.e. reminders are no longer being sent), and does not provide a filter to ignore failed result notifications.

Resolution: A waiting ack/failed ack filter has been added.

The search fields have been tidied up.

The referral source filter now refers to the result sent destination referral source and not the event referral source. These are equivalent anyway as another change for Communicator 1.1 means that only the event referral source is able to acknowledge result notifications.

235986 - Key validation

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: Many of the Communicator record pages (e.g. Scripts) do not check if a key is blank before saving a record.

Resolution: All pages now require a key for new records.

235985 - Web UI Security

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: It is possible to bypass user security roles by loading pages directly. This only applies to users who are logged in and who do not already have all the security roles.

Resolution: Page security has been improved.

232142 - Error in stats listener can cause infinite loop

Reported in: 1.02 Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: The Communicator can fail to process CRIS stats CSV files that have been opened and saved in Microsoft Excel. This is due to the different line endings (CRLF instead of the expected LF).

Resolution: Communicator can now handle CSV files mangled by Excel.

234792 - Better selections on patient notifications

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: It would make it easier to create patient notification texts if site, modality, result status and patient type filters were on the notification page rather than having to code them into the velocity or filter script.

Resolution: Added enabled, sites, modalities, result status and outpatient to patient notification type filters.

Additionally, notifications no longer sent to deceased patients.

235547 - SMS by file

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: The NHS SMS gateway appends an unwanted disclaimer onto all outgoing SMS messages from the Communicator. One trust would like the Communicator to write SMS messages to a file and for this file to be transferred to a remote system as an alternative.

Resolution: It is now possible to write SMS messages to file and transfer these by FTP to remote systems rather than use an Email to SMS gateway.

Trust Implementation Issues: Specify the required format of the file

231375 - Problems processing HTML result acknowledgements

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: The Communicator can have problems processing result notification acknowledgements from recipients that use Microsoft Outlook.

Resolution: The Result acknowledgement script no longer relies on "text/plain" sections and can extract result acknowledgement keys from HTML sections.

231939 - Automatic creation of result transfer options for referrers

Reported in: 1.02 Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: Sites may want to provide a list of email addresses for GP practices (rather than referrers) that results should be sent to. However the referrers and result transfer options will not exist so no emails will be sent.

Resolution: There is now an option for each result type to automatically create transfer options for all referrers for that type. This means new result types can be added, or new GP practices added without having to configure the referrers or result transfer options.

231894 - Invalid date format using the results stat

Reported in: 1.02 Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: Field 19 of the results stat for 0612 is status.start_time. It may only be 3 characters, e.g. "927". This causes an error when it is appended to the event date and later parsed.

This error also affects the verified date and typed date and probably the report date.

Resolution: Even though this error should not occur in CRIS stats, the stats handler scripts have been changed to zero pad the times from the left to avoid this parse error.

233565 - Result notifications for copy-to referrer

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: The Communicator should send copies of result notifications to the copy-to referrer and referrer location identified on the CRIS event. This recipient should not be able to acknowledge the result.

Resolution: The copy-to referrer and referral source will now receive copies of the result notification. This of course requires an email address to be configured for that referrer, referral source or referrer link.

This feature requires CRIS 2.09.10g or later.

This feature requires the Communicator to be using a HL7 interface.

Trust Implementation Issues: Add email addresses to the Communicator for any referrers/referral sources likely to be used as copy to recipients

233965 - Patient demographic change listener

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: The Communicator does not currently listener for demographic changes messages. For example, if an appointment is made, and later the patients mobile phone number is amended, the SMS message will still be sent to the old phone number.

Resolution: A patient demographic change listener has been added. This is mainly useful for Communicators that send patient notifications.

Please note that changes to the patient consent to receive notifications only will not be sent by CRIS and thus cannot be updated in the Communicator.

232078 - Easier configuration and multiple inbound systems

Reported in: 1.02 Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: The communicator is too hard to configure. It should be possible to set up a new inbound system without changing any scripts, message handlers, mapping actions or mapping variables.

Resolution: It is now relatively simple to configure multiple inbound CRIS systems onto the same Communicator.

Changes made:

1. All listeners now require a partition and event type. Previously a default partition and event type were used, and it was virtually impossible to configure multiple partitions and event types.

2. The partition and event type need to be correctly configured. Previously these were not validated and lookup data could become corrupted.

3. All listeners now require a script to provide any trust/site specific configuration for the listener, such as patient communication preference, and inbound message filters. Previously this was done by editing the message handlers directly, making it virtually impossible to share message handlers between multiple trusts.

4. A result script is needed to determine the result type of incoming results. This can also determine whether to send results to the patients GP or to any other interested parties. Previously this was done by editing the message handlers and scripts directly, and depended on the specific type of listener, making this difficult to configure.

5. The message handlers, mapping actions and most of the scripts are now standard. Previously they could be changed for each trust/site and could grow to be difficult to configure and maintain.

231962 - Easy monitoring

Reported in: 1.02 Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: It would be useful if some statistics regarding the operation of the Communicator were displayed on the home page.

Resolution: These statistics have been added to the home page:

Number of messages received today for each listener. Check the Inbound Message Log for further details.

Number of successful and failed login attempts since the last restart. Specific attempts are recorded in the server log.

Number of emails sent today and failed to send today (since the last restart). Check Results Sent, Notifications Sent and the Error Log for further details.

Number of messages sent to CRIS today (since last restart). This includes result accepted, result notification sent, result reminder sent, result acknowledged, and appointment cancel messages. Requires CRIS 2.09.10e or later.

Number of errors today. Check the Error Log for further details.

The start time of the application server, the scheduler monitor and the scheduler. Usually these will be equal.

Scheduler restarts. Usually this will be 0.

Scheduler Action - Usually this will be sleep, though it may occasionally display something else. If the time period exceeds 30 minutes, the scheduler will be automatically restarted.

Memory Max - Maximum amount of memory that the Communicator can use. Should be greater than 1000 MiB.

Memory Used - Amount of memory currently used. This can change rapidly but should generally not persistently exceed more than half to two thirds of the max memory.

Disk Size, Disk Free - Amount of disk space available to the Communicator. The server logs are the only thing to consume a significant amount of disk space. If the free space drops below 1GB, the Communicator may begin to behave erratically.

Java Name, Java Version, JBoss Version, Database, Database Driver - General system information.

234897 - Overlapping scheduled and reminder notifications

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: A site may be configured to send scheduled messages a number days after the booked date and reminder messages a number days before the due date. However if an appointment is made for less than the sum of these days after the booked date, the reminder will arrive before the scheduled notification.

Resolution: It is now possible to specify the minimum time after status change for a reminder to be sent and the minimum time before due date for a schedule notification to be sent. This can be tested in the Patient Notification Test page.

233040 - SFTP listener

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: The Communicator currently has an FTP listener for retrieving CSV files from remote systems. Some sites would prefer an encrypted connection.

Resolution: A SFTP (SSH) listener type has been added, and a FTPS option added to the FTP listener type.

233940 - TLS for IMAP

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: At the moment TLS (encryption) can be enabled for SMTP servers (outgoing email).

An option is required to also use TLS for IMAP and POP3 (incoming email).

Resolution: TLS can now be enabled for incoming as well as outgoing email with this system setting: INEMAILSERVERUSETLS (Y or N).

236468 - Sending copies of results to people other than referrer, GP and copy to

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: There is a requirement to be able to send copies of result notifications to potentially anyone. In Communicator 1.02 this is possible by creating a new result type and setting the monitoring user of that type to a Communicator user representing the recipient.

However, this is difficult to configure, as it requires creating and selecting a new result type, and only one person can be set as a monitoring user.

Resolution: In the new result script for event types, it is now possible to write a bean shell script to examine the Event and Result object and include any number of communicator users or referrers+referral sources as copy to extra recipients. These recipients will be recorded on the event and will not be able to acknowledge the result if the result requires acknowledgement.

Trust Implementation Issues: Requires details of recipients and conditions

235082 - JMX Console security

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: It should not be possible to access this page on the Communicator server without authorisation.

Resolution: Security has been added to this page.

235888 - Disk usage by temporary files

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: The JBoss startup script does not clear out the temporary files directory. This causes Communicator servers to gradually run out of disk space.

Resolution: The temp directory is now cleaned out as part of JBoss startup.

236256 - Server logging

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: The Communicator logs a lot of messages at DEBUG level and higher. However, by default, JBoss only logs INFO messages and higher. The JBoss startup script currently overrides this and sets the log level to DEBUG, but this causes lots of uninteresting log messages from other libraries to appear, such as Hibernate, deployment, HTML parsing, etc.

Resolution: All log messages in the Communicator now use log level INFO or higher. The JBoss startup script has been changed to only log INFO messages or higher. The only further amendment is to reduce the logging for the JBoss interceptors package to ERROR.

231380 - Data corruption with duplicate patient identifiers

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: Events for patients with duplicate identifiers (NHS no, Hosp no, CHI no, etc) are likely to be attached to the wrong patient.

Resolution: The Communicator now attaches events for patients with ambiguous patient identifiers to the correct patient. This requires the the partition to be configured with a patient identifier type that is known to be unique. For CRIS systems, this will be the CRIS number.

231985 - List selection errors

Reported in: 1.02 Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: When several people use the Communicator lists at the same time, it is possible for users to pick up the list filter selections made by other users.

Resolution: All pages except the home page are now stateful and the state remains for the duration of the users login session. This will reduce problems when several people are using the communicator at the same time.

234888 - Merged patients causing errors

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: An error can be thrown by a listener if a message is received for a patient that has been merged.

Resolution: Merged patients no longer cause errors in the Communicator.

235161 - Overwriting of records when saving

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: When editing records in the Communicator, such as scripts, sometimes the wrong record will be overwritten upon saving. This is more likely to occur after several minutes of inactivity. Also sometimes records appear to save, but actually do not persist after logout and login.

Resolution: Communicator Web UI login sessions now last for 30 minutes and work reliably up to this time. After this time the user will be prompted to log in again.

The selection and saving of records has been made more reliable. In the event that a record could not be selected or saved, a warning is displayed to the user. This can be resolved by logging out and in again.

It is still possible to cause errors in the Web UI by deleting records that are in use, for example an examination code that is used by several events. This has not been fixed as there is virtually no reason for users to do this.

231961 - Error in patient result view

Reported in: Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: An error can ocour in the Patient page when viewing the result due to having a blank staff type set on the result type of the result.

Resolution: The staff lookup in the patient view is now based on the type of the staff member of the staff action rather than from the result type. The staff type options have been removed from the result type and moved to the event type. Listener will now throw an error on receiving a message if the staff type of the listener is not set.

231363 - Errors in patient data view

Reported in: 1.02 Fixed in: 1.03 Resolved by: aslack (Alexander Slack)

Description: It is possible for an error to be displayed if the back button is used when selecting patients from a search in the Patients page.

Resolution: The patient data view no longer gives an error after using the back button. Also, report urgency, report copies to, copy to location, event referral location, event referral source name, event referrer name, result copies to extra, patient sex, patient GP name, and patient practice name have been added.

Additionally, patients are always reloaded after clearing and searching. Previously the patient would be cached in memory and changes made by incoming messages would not be visible until logout/login.


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