Best Practices to

Best Practices to

Promote Social-Emotional and Character Development and

Safe and Drug-Free Schools

Best Practices consist of approaches/tools, programs, and resources, that have been reviewed as effective ways to promote

Social, Emotional, and Character Development (SECD) and to support Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug (ATOD) and

violence prevention activities in schools and communities. These best practices have been consolidated by the Rutgers Center

for Social and Character Development (), The Rutgers Developing Safe and Civil Schools (DSACS )

Project (), and the Rutgers Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities (SDFSC) Project

() at the Center for Applied Psychology at Rutgers.

Each Best Practice is listed with a description, the source where the practice has been evaluated or reviewed, and the direct

web link to the practice.


|Best Practice |Description |Source |Web Link |

|Character Education/Citizenship best |Lesson plans and project activities from New Jersey |New Jersey Department of | |

|practice awards winning New Jersey |schools recognized by the New Jersey Department of |Education | |

|Schools |Education | | |

|National Schools of Character Program: |Lesson plans and project activities from National Schools |Character Education Partnership (CEP) | |

|Promising Practices |of Character winners and from Promising Practices winners.| | |

| |New Jersey school Promising Practice award winners can | | |

| |also be found at | | |

| | | | |

|Character Education English-Language Arts|The Character Education English- |Character Education and Civic | |

|Project |Language Arts Project is a set of sample classroom lesson |Engagement Technical Assistance Center | |

| |plans that infuse character education and social-emotional| | |

| |learning into the English-Language Arts | | |

| |curriculum. | | |

|Reporting the Results of Your Study: A |To provide clear, practical advice on reporting the |Character Education and Civic |OtherResources.cfm |

|User-Friendly Guide for Evaluators of |results of an evaluation of an educational program or |Engagement Technical Assistance Center | |

|Educational Programs and Practices |practice (“intervention”). | | |

|Identifying and Implementing Educational |This Guide seeks to provide educational practitioners with|Character Education and Civic |OtherResources.cfm |

|Practices Supported by Rigorous Evidence:|user-friendly tools to distinguish practices supported by |Engagement Technical Assistance Center | |

|A User Friendly Guide |rigorous evidence from those that are not. | | |

|Helping Your Child Become a Responsible |This booklet provides information about the values and |Character Education and Civic | |

|Citizen (Available in both English and |skills that make up character and good citizenship and |Engagement Technical Assistance | |

|Spanish versions) |what you can do to help your child develop strong |Center | |

| |character. | | |

|SEL School Self-Assessment Guide |The intent of this guide is to encourage you to think |Collaborative for Academic Social | |

| |about what you are doing with respect to SEL, and to help |Emotional Learning (CASEL) | |

| |you see how broad the scope of these activities is. | | |

|SECD Coordinators Tool |Kit Contains a series of worksheets and guidelines for |Developing Safe and Civil Schools | |

| |school personnel and Leadership Teams attempting to |Project, Collaborative for Academic, | |

| |coordinate SECD efforts within their schools |Social and Emotional Learning | |


|Best Practice |Description |Source |Web Link |

|Searchable Database of the Colorado |This consolidated list (~300 programs) of evidence-based |Blueprints for Violence Prevention | |

|Blueprints Matrix of Effective Programs |practices includes all program that may be supported with | | |

| |Title IV-A funds in NJ, without the use of a waiver. A | | |

| |searchable database of these programs is available on the | | |

| |Rutgers SDFSC Project website. | | |

|(continued) | | | |

|Programs to Help Youth |The Program Tool provides you with information about | |cf_pages/programtool.cfm |

| |program designs that successfully deal with at-risk | | |

| |behaviors. You can replicate these strategies to meet your| | |

| |local needs. The Program Tool database contains risk | | |

| |factors, protective factors, and programs that have been | | |

| |evaluated and found to work. | | |

|What Works Clearinghouse |The WWC identified programs that deliberately attempt to |Character Education and Civic |

| |develop students' character by teaching core values and |Engagement Technical Assistance Center |n/topic/ |

| |that had most if not all of their lesson plans or | | |

| |prescribed activities directly related to instilling those| | |

| |values. | | |

|Safe and Sound |Safe and Sound: An Educational Leader’s Guide to |Collaborative for Academic Social | |

|An Educational Leader’s |Evidence-Based Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) |Emotional Learning (CASEL) | |

|Guide to Evidence-Based |Programs is an informative new tool for helping educators | | |

|Social and Emotional |achieve this vision for schools. Based on a detailed, | | |

|Learning (SEL) Programs |comprehensive, and timely analysis of programs that teach | | |

| |core social and emotional competencies, the guide was | | |

| |funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of | | |

| |Education Sciences (IES) and Office of Safe and Drug-Free | | |

| |Schools (OSDFS). | | |

|National Registry of Evidence-based |NREPP is a searchable database of interventions for the |Substance Abuse and Mental Health |

|Programs and Practices |prevention and treatment of mental and substance use |Services Association (SAMHSA) |a.aspx |

| |disorders. | | |

|OJJDP Model Programs Guide |The OJJDP Model Programs Guide is a user-friendly, online |Office of Juvenile Justice and | |

| |portal to scientifically tested and proven programs that |Delinquency Prevention, U.S. Department| |

| |address a range of issues across the juvenile justice |of Justice | |

| |spectrum | | |

| | | | |

|(continued) | | | |

|Exemplary & Promising |This publication provides descriptions of the 9 exemplary |United States Department of Education |admins/lead/safety/exemplary01/exemplary01.p|

|Safe, Disciplined and |and 33 promising programs selected by the Expert Panel in | |df |

|Drug-Free Schools |2001. | | |

|2001 programs | | | |

|Data Base of Effective Social- Emotional |84 programs are evaluated using a Consumer Reports format,|Collaborative for Academic, | |

|Learning Programs |including detailed information about populations and |Social, and Emotional Learning | |

| |impact on behavior and academics | | |

|Program Provider Directory |Information on more than 125 programs, publishers, |Center for Social and Character | |

| |presenters, consultants and evaluation resources are |Development @ Rutgers University | |

| |listed (including self-reported evaluations) in a common | | |

| |format, but without quality review. | | |


|Best Practice |Description |Source |Web Link |

|Mobilizing for Evidence- |This evaluation guide is presented as a resource primarily|Character Education and |OtherResources.cfm |

|Based Character Education |for project directors who are federal grantees embarking |Civic Engagement | |

| |on an evaluation of a character education intervention, |Technical Assistance | |

| |although it contains useful information that can benefit |Center | |

| |other education administrators who also are providing | | |

| |these interventions. It offers strategies for working with| | |

| |external evaluators and key stakeholders in planning and | | |

| |implementing a scientifically sound evaluation. | | |

|The Positive Impact of SEL for K-8th |The purpose of this report is to summarize the primary |Collaborative for Academic Social | |

|Grade Students |findings and implications of three large-scale reviews of |Emotional Learning | |

| |research evaluating the impact of SEL programs for school |(CASEL) | |

| |children in kindergarten through eighth grade. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|(continued) | | | |

|Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and |This brief shares the latest research on the effects of |Collaborative for Academic Social | |

|Student Benefits: |social and emotional learning (SEL) on students and |Emotional Learning | |

|Implications for the |includes strategies for implementing SEL. It explains how |(CASEL) | |

|Safe Schools/Healthy |SEL works, elaborates on how SEL can be an integrative | | |

|Students Core Elements |prevention framework that addresses the Safe | | |

| |Schools/Healthy Students (SS/HS) core elements, and spells| | |

| |out implications of the research for SS/HS grantees. | | |

|Partnerships in Character |This report summarizes the results of the projects as |United States Department of Education | |

|Education State Pilot Projects, l995-2001|reported to the U.S.Department of Education by the | | |

|Lessons Learned |grantees through a variety of sources. | | |

|Resource Manual for |The Department of Education has a broadbased, statewide |New Jersey Department | |

|Intervention and Referral |initiative to address the problem of violence and |of Education | |

|Services (I & RS) |disruption in New Jersey’s public schools. The initiative | | |

| |is geared toward assisting local school district officials| | |

| |and parents deal with a range of issues, such as bullying| | |

| |and drugs. | | |

|Model Policy and |This model and guidance are designed to assist school |New Jersey Department | |

|Guidance for Prohibiting |districts in developing the required policies and |of Education | |

|Harassment, Intimidation |procedures pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:37-13 et seq. and | | |

|and Bullying on School |N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.9, Intimidation, harassment, and | | |

|Property, at School-Sponsored Functions |bullying) prohibiting harassment, intimidation and | | |

|and on School Buses |bullying on school property, at school sponsored | | |

| |functions and on school buses for grades kindergarten | | |

| |through 12. | | |

|Commissioner’s Annual |The Commissioner of Education’s Report on Violence, |New Jersey Department of Education | |

|Report to the Education |Vandalism and Substance Abuse in New Jersey Public | | |

|Committees of the Senate and General |Schools, submitted annually to the education committees of| | |

|Assembly On Violence, Vandalism and |the Senate and Assembly, provides the Legislature with | | |

|Substance Abuse |data in four broad incident categories: violence, | | |

| |vandalism, weapons, and substance abuse. The report also | | |

| |summarizes initiatives implemented by the New | | |

| |Jersey Department of Education to assist schools in | | |

| |addressing problems of school violence, safety and | | |

| |climate, student conduct, and the use of substances. | | |

|National Schools of |Describes the SECD efforts of schools who were winners or |Character Education | |

|Character Award Books |semifinalists of the National Schools of Character Awards |Partnership | |

| |and Promising Practices Awards | | |

|Journal of Research in |Leading peer-reviewed journal with research and |Center for Character and Citizenship, |

|Character Education |descriptive studies of SECD efforts |University of Missouri |rnal.htm |

The following sources (sorted alphabetically) have been utilized in building this best practice list:

• Blueprints for Violence Prevention (University of Colorado)

• Character Education and Civic Engagement Technical Assistance Center (CETAC)

• Character Education Partnership (CEP)

• Collaborative for Academic Social Emotional Learning (CASEL)

• NJ Department of Education

• NJ Department of State (NJDOS)

• Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, U.S. Department of Justice ojjdp.index.html

• Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Association (SAMHSA)

• United States Department of Education (USDE)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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