Spanish 3 Syllabus

Spanish 3 Honors Syllabus

Teacher: Passaglia

Room #: 2210

Email Address: passagliaa@


Book Information:

Book Title: Descubre 2

Publisher: Vista Higher Learning

Workbook: Cuaderno de Práctica

Course Description: In Spanish Three, students will be fine-tuning the Spanish skills they acquired in both Spanish One as well as Spanish Two. In addition, this course is rich in new vocabulary points and more in-depth opportunities to strengthen reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.

Course Expectations: As this is an upper level Spanish class, I will expect students to be active participants in furthering their knowledge of the Spanish language and its culture. Students will be expected to converse in Spanish with the teacher as well as with other classmates. All students have ELECTED to be in this class and, thus, will be expected to put their best foot forward.

Lost/damaged book policy: Students are financially responsible for all books issued by Alpharetta High School. Textbooks may not be left in classrooms, and teachers are not responsible for students’ books once books have been issued to the student. The copy issued to the student must be turned in at the end of the course. Students will not receive credit for turning in another student’s book, and students may not turn in replacement books. The cost of replacement will be assigned to any student that fails to turn in the exact book she/he was issued and/or to any student that turns in a damaged book. If a student is issued a damaged book (i.e. broken binding, torn pages, water damage, writing, etc…), then the book must be brought to room 1330 for a replacement book or to document the damage. There is a two week grace period for students to document damage before the student will be held accountable.

Academic Honesty

In an effort to encourage good study habits, fair competition, and positive development in the area of academics, the Alpharetta faculty supports a strong policy for academic honesty. Students should read and understand the school’s Academic Honesty Policy as published in the Handbook for Students and Parents (pages 56-60). Students are responsible for adhering to these policies at all times and on all assignments, assessments, projects, or tasks.

In order to reinforce Alpharetta High School’s commitment to academic honesty and the ideals of being a RICH Raider, students will be expected to write or sign an Academic Honesty pledge prior to completing an individual assignment.

The AHS Academic Honesty pledge states: As a RICH Raider, I, __ (student name)___, pledge that I have neither given nor received assistance on this assignment.

**PLEASE NOTE: The use of any kind of translation assistance or device, such as Google Translate, will be considered a violation of the Academic Honesty Policy.

AHS Recovery / RISE Re-teaching/Instructional Support and Enrichment Policy

R.I.S.E. stands for Re-teaching/Instructional Support and Enrichment. It is dedicated time made by each teacher on a weekly basis for students to receive additional support to help build to content mastery. The AHS Recovery Policy involves opportunities designed to allow students to recover from a low or failing cumulative average will be allowed when all work required to date has been completed and the student has demonstrated a legitimate effort to meet all course requirements including attendance. Students should read and understand the R.I.S.E. and Recovery Policies as published in the Handbook for Students and Parents, pages 72-73.


|SCHOOL YEAR |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|2017-2018 |Math |Social Studies |Electives |Lang Arts |Science |

Grading Scale: Letter grades will be assigned according to Fulton County’s approved grading scale, which is as follows: A—100-90, B—89-80, C—79-70, F—69-0. Honors points are added by the county at the end of each semester. Additional information can be found in the Handbook for Students and Parents, pages 64-65.

Performance Based Assessments – 20% (4 PBAs per semester: 3 spoken/1 written)

Tests/Major Projects/Essays – 30%

Quizzes – 25%

Homework – 10%

Final Exam – 15%

Make up Policy: Following an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to contact his/her teachers to arrange for make-up work.  The contact must be made within one school day of returning.  If the teacher is absent, contact should be made upon the first day of the teacher’s return.

Students are given the same number of days to complete make-up work as the absence, not including the day of return.  For instance, if a student is absent two consecutive days, he/she has two days (not including the day of return) to complete the assignments. The teacher will establish a reasonable schedule for completing tests, labs, etc. that cannot be done independently by the student. The policy above applies to excused absences. Students with an excused absence are eligible to make-up work for full credit. While students are allowed to make up work due to unexcused absences, the make-up work for students with unexcused absences may be penalized up to 10% of the maximum value of the graded assignment.

Assignments made prior to the absence, including tests/quizzes scheduled for the day of return, are generally due upon the student’s return.  Students who are present for any portion of the school day are expected to turn in all assignments due on that day in order to receive full credit.

Failure to complete make-up work within the designated time frame may result in a grade reduction or loss of credit for the assignment. 

Assignments missed due to pre-approved absences are due upon the student’s return unless the teacher has approved other arrangements in advance.

Passaglia Make Up/Extra Help Times:

-Tuesdays – Before School from 7:40 a.m. to 8:20 a.m.

-Tuesdays – At Lunch A or B (by appointment)

Late Work: Work assigned to a student for a certain due date must be handed in on that date. Failure to do this will result in penalties. If turned in to the teacher one day late, the assignment in question will receive a deduction of 50% credit for the assignment. Worked handed in any later than this will result in a grade of 0. Please make all the best efforts to get work done in a timely manner so penalties are not incurred.


Alpharetta High School has a program called Home Access Center that allows you to view your child’s academic progress and attendance on-line. You may contact Carolyn Vezeau at 470-254-7640 X47646 or email her at vezeauc@ for more information. All parents must come in to the school and show picture identification in order to obtain login information and a password to your account. Additional information can be found in the Handbook for Students and Parents, page 39.


Final exams will not be administered early; thus, students should make every effort to be present on the dates of the final exams.

Teacher Expectations:

1. Be on time. Students should be in their seats when the bell rings.

2. Come prepared to speak Spanish! You will receive a grade based on how much you use Spanish in the classroom.

3. Come prepared to class with homework, textbook, pen, and paper. You will not be allowed to go to your locker to get them. Failure to come prepared for class will lower your homework/participation grade.

4. No food or drinks in class. Students may have water in class.

5. No personal grooming in class.

6. Respect your teacher and your peers. Students are not permitted to talk while the teacher is speaking or while fellow classmates are participating in class. If students have a question, they must raise their hands and wait to be given the opportunity to address their inquiries by the teacher. Equally important is the utilization of proper language toward each other. To achieve this important objective, students must be polite and sensitive to the feelings and needs of others.

Teacher to Parent Letter

Spanish 3 Honors– Ashley Passaglia

Student’s Name (Please PRINT): _____________________________________

Course: _____________________

Period: _______

Dear Parent or Guardian:

I am your child’s Spanish teacher this year. I am asking for your assistance in your child’s success. Please take a few moments to read through the course syllabus to become familiar with the class content and my expectations. Please feel free to contact me with any specific questions. Please sign below and have your child sign indicating that you both have read the Spanish 3 syllabus.


(Parent’s or Guardian’s signature - required)


(Student’s signature – required)

Due to limited access to a telephone during the day, the best way for me to keep in contact with you is by email. If you have an e-mail address and feel comfortable sharing it, please include it below. Print please!


(Parent/Guardian e-mail address)


(Parent/Guardian e-mail address)

If you have no access to e-mail, then please leave a daytime phone number: __________________________

Thank you and I look forward to working with your student this year.

Ashley Passaglia

Spanish Teacher

Alpharetta High School



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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