Candle Pricing Sheet - Candle Cauldron

Candle Pricing Sheet

Copyright © 1997-2000 Doneen St.John of The Candle Cauldron

You are welcome to print this page for your own personal use, but no portions of this page may be reproduced, distributed or published in any form without express permission. This includes other websites, e-mail lists, message boards, etc.  Thank You :)


Type of candle:____________________________________  Size: _____________________

MATERIALS: Enter amount you used, how much you pay for this item, and get the total cost for this candle.

Example  ~  if this candle used 10 ounces of wax, & you pay .80 cents a pound for your wax,  divide the .80 cents by

16 ounces in a pound = .05 cents per ounce, so .05 x 10 ounces = .50 cents worth of wax  this candle used.

|Wax |_______ounces/pounds |X |$_______ / pound |= |$________ |

|Vybar |_______ tspns / %  |X |$_______ / pound |= |$________ |

|Petro |_______ ounces/pounds |X |$_______ / pound |= |$________ |

|Stearic |_______ tbspns / %  |X |$_______ / pound |= |$________ |

|UV Inhibitor |_______ tsps / % |X |$_______ / pound |= |$________ |

|~~~~~~~~ |OTHER ADDITIVES |~ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |~ |~~~~~~~~ |

|________ |_______ oz / sp / %  |X |$_______ / pound |= |$________ |

|________ |_______ oz / sp / % |X |$_______ / pound |= |$________ |

|________ |_______ oz / sp / % |X |$_______ / pound |= |$________ |

|________ |_______ oz / sp / % |X |$_______ / pound |= |$________ |

|Dye |_______ approx. amt. |X |$_______ / oz/drop/chip/etc |= |$________ |

|Scent |_______ oz / % |X |$_______ / pound |= |$________ |

|_________ |*measure by weight not volume | | | | |

|Wick |Type: ______________ |X |$_______ / each |= |$________ |

|Container |(if any) _____________ |X |$_______ / each |= |$________ |

|Labels |(company, scent, caution) |X |$_______ / each |= |$________ |

|Other |(raffia, ribbon, lace, cello bags, |X |$_______ / each |= |$________ |

|Packaging |shrink wrap, boxes, tags, potpourri, etc.) | | | | |

| | | |TOTAL CANDLE COST |= |$________ |

|Wholesale |Cost x 2 = $_________ | |Your Wholesale Profit |= |$_______ |

|You Charge | | | | | |

|Retail Price |Cost x 3 (or 4) = $________ | |Your Retail Profit |= |$_______ |

|You Charge | | | | | |

This pricing sheet created by Doneen St.John & provided courtesy of The Candle Cauldron


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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