Launch of Shenzhen A shares stock quotes, information with …

Launch of Shenzhen A shares stock quotes, information with display of real-time stock quotes of related Hong Kong stocks

Indicate Shenzhen/ Shanghai share

Enter Shenzhen/ Shanghai share stock code or name

Real-time stock quotes or related HK stocks

The above information is used for illustrative purposes and does not constitute any offer, solicitation and recommendation of the above securities.

Launch of SZSE A Share Index, SZSE Component Index and component

The above information is used for illustrative purposes and does not constitute any offer, solicitation and recommendation of the above securities.

Launch of Top 20 stocks of Shenzhen A share (Gainers, Losers, Turnover, Volume)

The above information is used for illustrative purposes and does not constitute any offer, solicitation and recommendation of the above securities.

Launch of Shenzhen A share sectors (SZ A share Industry Comparison, SZSE Risk Alert Board)

The above information is used for illustrative purposes and does not constitute any offer, solicitation and recommendation of the above securities. Risk Disclosure: The prices of securities may fluctuate, sometimes dramatically. The price of a security may move up or down, and may become valueless. It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profit made as a result of buying and selling securities. The information is for reference only, it does not constitute any offer, solicitation, recommendation, comment or any guarantee to the purchase or sale of any investment product or service. Customers should not make any investment decisions based on this information alone.


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