Course Discipline and




|Date: |10/18/11 |Prepared & Submitted by: |Alice Dufresne-Reyes/ Sarah Alvarez/ Luciana |

| | | |Fuentes |

|Department: |Non-Credit |Course Discipline and Number: |Allied Health 743 |

|1. |Anticipated first term of offering: Fall Spring Summer Year: 2011-2012 |

|2. Suggested discipline, number, title, units, lecture and/or lab hours: |

|AH |743 |      |Healthier Living Through Tobacco Cessation |0 |2 |0 |      |

|Discipline |Course Number |TOP Code |Course Title |Units |Lecture |Lab hours |Recommended |

| | | | | |hours per |per week |LEH Factor |

| | | | | |week | | |

Course Numbering System:

0-99 Transfer & Degree Appropriate 99, 199, 299 Emergency, One Term, Special Topics Course

100-198 Degree Appropriate & Potential Transfer 300s Non Degree, Non Transfer Occupational

200-298 Associate Degree Appropriate & Non Transfer 400s Developmental courses

500s Special Populations (see College Catalog for complete descriptions) 600s Adult Education

700s Non Credit

3. Course Catalog Description:

This course is designed to provide the opportunity to obtain valuable education, support, and build the skills necessary to quit tobacco and live a healthier lifestyle. This course will also serve as a preventative measure for those who are considering smoking or using other tobacco related products. Discussion will focus on developing healthy coping skills, learning healthy lifestyle alternatives to smoking, and learning strategies such as Behavioral Modification Techniques and the use of Nicotine Replacement Therapy to help stop smoking. The physiological effects of tobacco on the human body will also be discussed. The course will be offered both in English and Spanish.

4. Justification of recommendation for new course: (e.g. requirement for major’s sequence, general

education, trends in field or scholarship, etc. List agencies, groups, resources consulted to determine need, i.e.,

State Boards, advisory committees, surveys, other colleges’ offerings, etc.)

As of July 1, 2011, Gavilan College is a Tobacco Free Community. This non-credit class was recommended in an effort to provide ongoing support and education for those who wish to quit tobacco and to prevent others from smoking. Education and skill building is necessary to help smokers quit and live healthier. This class will be offered in English and Spanish in an effort to make this service more accessible to the Hispanic population in the Gavilan Service Area.

5. Proposed Grading System:

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6. Will course be Repeatable?

Additional skills that will be acquired by repeating this course must be included in the course outline.

a. Credit course - Yes No If yes, how many times? 1 2 3

b. Non credit course - Yes No If yes, how many times? 1 2 3 Unlimited (Non credit only)

7. Is this a stand alone course?

Yes (Course is NOT included in a degree or certificate program)

No (Course is included in a degree or certificate program)

8. Course Requisites:

List all prerequisites separated by AND/OR, as needed. Also fill out and submit the Prerequisite/Advisory form.


Co-requisite: n/a


9. Does this course focus on basic skills in English, ESL or Math?


Yes If yes,

Proposed 6 Digit TOP code      

Prior to College Code (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, Y)      

10. Will this course be offered via Distance Education? Yes No

If yes, fill out and submit form D - "Distance Education."


Course development software, such as Moodle



Video conference



11. Does course meet cultural diversity requirement? Yes No

See Area F under General Education Learning Outcomes for criteria meeting cultural diversity requirements.

12. What resources will be needed in order to offer this class at Gavilan?

a. Staffing: 2 Instructors English/Spanish or 1 Bilingual Instructor

b. Facility Usage: Classroom

c. Supplies and equipment (include cost estimates): $20 for copies of handouts and journal

d. Tutoring Center resources, if applicable: n/a

e. Can existing library resources at Gavilan accommodate student needs for this class?

Yes No Verified by: Will contact D. Young (Verbal verification of Librarian is adequate.)

If no, list additional resources necessary & budget estimate.


f. Can existing computer software, hardware, and other technological resources at

Gavilan accommodate student’s needs for this class? Yes No N/A

If no, list additional resources necessary & budget estimate.      

13. If degree applicable, is a similar course offered at community colleges or 4 year colleges & universities? Yes No

| | | |Upper or |Units |

| | | |Lower Dir |Sem/Qtr |

|      |      |      | U L |      |

|Discipline & No |Title |College or Univ. | | |

|      |      |      | U L |      |

|Discipline & No |Title |College or Univ. | | |

|      |      |      | U L |      |

|Discipline & No |Title |College or Univ. | | |

14. If degree applicable, please complete the following information on articulation recommendations. See College Articulation Officer for assistance.

14A. Transfer: Would you recommend that this be a course that transfers to:

State Universities and Colleges Yes No

University of California Yes No

Will the course satisfy a major requirement at CSU or UC?

If so, complete the following:

|      |at |      |Required for |      |

|Course Title & No. | | CSUC or UC Campus | |Program or Major |

|      |at |      |Required for |      |

|Course Title & No. | | CSUC or UC Campus | |Program or Major |

|      |at |      |Required for |      |

|Course Title & No. | | CSUC or UC Campus | |Program or Major |

14B. General Education: Would you recommend that this be a course that satisfies the GE requirement in the following:

| |Natural |Social |Humanities/Art |Lifelong |Commun |Math/ |American |Cultural |

| |Science |Science | |Learning | |Quantitative |Institutions |Diversity |

|AA/AS/GE Degree | | | | | | | | |

|CSU G.E. | | | | | | | | |

|UC Transfer/GE | | | | | | | | |

|IGETC | | | | | | | | |

(Note that definitions of areas that can be counted in UC or CSU vary. Be sure to ask for assistance if needed.)

15. Second Reading - Routing/Recommendation for Approval:

| |Signatures | | |

|Dept. Approval (Chair sign) | | | |

| | |Date | |

|Area Dean | | | |

| | |Date | |

|Curriculum Committee Chair | | | |

| | |Date | |

|Head Librarian (if applicable) | | | |

| | |Date | |

|Distance Education Coordinator (if | | | |

|applicable) | |Date | |

16. Approval:

|Vice President of Instruction | | | |

| | |Date | |

|President | | | |

| | |Date | |

|CCC Chancellor’s Office | | | |

|(if applicable) | |Date | |



|COURSE OUTLINE |Course Discipline and #AH 743 |


| |(Name and Number) | | |

|COURSE TITLE: |Healthier Living Through Tobacco Cessation |

(Maximum of 60 spaces)

|ABBREVIATED TITLE: |Tobacco Cessation |

(Maximum of 30 spaces)


|Classification: |Non Credit Category: |Occupational Code (SAM): |

|TOP Code: 0000.00 |LEH Factor:       |FTE Load:       |


This course is designed to provide the opportunity to obtain valuable education, support, and build the skills necessary to quit tobacco and live a healthier lifestyle. This course will also serve as a preventative measure for those who are considering smoking or using other tobacco related products. Discussion will focus on developing healthy coping skills, learning healthy lifestyle alternatives to smoking, and learning strategies such as Behavioral Modification Techniques and the use of Nicotine Replacement Therapy to help stop smoking. The physiological effects of tobacco on the human body will also be discussed. The course will be offered both in English and Spanish.


(List all prerequisites and advisories separated by AND/OR, as needed. Attach Validation Form.)


Co-requisite: n/a



[pic] [pic]

[pic] [pic]

STAND ALONE: Yes (Course is NOT included in a degree or certificate program)

No (Course is included in a degree or certificate program)


(Note: Course Outline must include additional skills that will be acquired by repeating this course.)

Credit Course Yes No If yes, how many times? 1 2 3

Non Credit Course Yes No If yes, how many times? 1 2 3 Unlimited

(Noncredit only)


The main method of instruction will be lecture with class participation involving the following: journal writing, completing handouts, and small and large group discussions.


(The following information must be provided: Author, Title, Publisher, Year of Publication, Reading level and Reading level verification)

Required: Recommended: n/a

Author:       Title:       Publisher:       Year of Publication:      

or other appropriate college level text.

ISBN:       (if available)

Reading level of text, Grade:       Verified by:      

Other textbooks or materials to be purchased by the student:      


1. Complete this section in a manner that demonstrates student’s use of critical thinking and reasoning skills. These include the ability to formulate and analyze problems and to employ rational processes to achieve increased understanding. Reference Bloom's Taxonomy of action verbs.

2. List the Type of Measures that will be used to measure the student learning outcomes, such as written exam, oral exam, oral report, role playing, project, performance, demonstration, etc.

3. Identify which Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) apply to this course. List them by number in order of emphasis.

4. Identify which Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO) apply to this course. List them, by number in order of emphasis. For example: "2, 1" would indicate Cognition and Communication.

(1) Communication, (2) Cognition, (3) Information Competency, (4) Social Interaction, (5) Aesthetic Responsiveness, (6) Personal Development & Responsibility, (7) Content Specific.

5. For GE courses, enter the GE Learning Outcomes for this course. For example "A1, A2". GE Learning Outcomes are listed below.

6. Indicate when the course was last assessed.

As a reference, copy and paste your existing Program Learning Outcomes and number them.


Student Learning Outcomes:

Indicate by number which Program Learning Outcomes, Institutional Learning Outcomes and GE Learning Outcomes are supported by each of the Student Learning Outcomes.

|1. |Recognize common vocabulary within Tobacco Cessation. |

| |Measure: Oral Report, |PLO:       |ILO: 1,7,6,4 |GE-LO:       |Year Assessed:       |

| |Pre-Post Test | | | | |

|2. |Identify the revelance of the theories that serve as the foundation for Quit Smoking Programs and apply those theories to help quit unhealthy |

| |addictions. |

| |Measure: Oral Report, |PLO:       |ILO: 6,7,2 |GE-LO:       |Year Assessed:       |

| |Pre-Post Test | | | | |

|3. |Discover the benefits of quitting smoking and discuss how it leads to a healthier lifestyle. |

| |Measure: Oral Report, |PLO:       |ILO: 6,7,4 |GE-LO:       |Year Assessed:       |

| |Pre-Post Test | | | | |

|4. |Recall the different methods available for quitting tobacco. |

| |Measure: Oral Report, |PLO:       |ILO: 6,7,4 |GE-LO:       |Year Assessed:       |

| |Pre-Post Test | | | | |

|5. |Discover associated health hazards from tobacco use. |

| |Measure: Oral Report, |PLO:       |ILO: 7,6,4,2 |GE-LO:       |Year Assessed:       |

| |Pre-Post Test | | | | |

|6. |Explore the importance of alternatives such as exercise, meditation, and nutrition on their road to a healthier lifestyle. |

| |Measure: Oral Report, |PLO:       |ILO: 6,2,4 |GE-LO:       |Year Assessed:       |

| |Pre-Post Test | | | | |

|7. |      |

| |Measure:       |PLO:       |ILO:       |GE-LO:       |Year Assessed:       |

|8. |      |

| |Measure:       |PLO:       |ILO:       |GE-LO:       |Year Assessed:       |

|9. |      |

| |Measure:       |PLO:       |ILO:       |GE-LO:       |Year Assessed:       |

|10. |      |

| |Measure:       |PLO:       |ILO:       |GE-LO:       |Year Assessed:       |


AREA A Communications in the English Language

After completing courses in Area A, students will be able to do the following:

1. Receive, analyze, and effectively respond to verbal communication.

2. Formulate, organize and logically present verbal information.

3. Write clear and effective prose using forms, methods, modes and conventions of English grammar that best achieve the writing’s purpose.

4. Advocate effectively for a position using persuasive strategies, argumentative support, and logical reasoning.

5. Employ the methods of research to find information, analyze its content, and appropriately incorporate it into written work.

6. Read college course texts and summarize the information presented.

7. Analyze the ideas presented in college course materials and be able to discuss them or present them in writing.

8. Communicate conclusions based on sound inferences drawn from unambiguous statements of knowledge and belief.

9. Explain and apply elementary inductive and deductive processes, describe formal and informal fallacies of language and thought, and compare effectively matters of fact and issues of judgment and opinion.

AREA B Physical Universe and its Life Forms

After completing courses in Area B, students will be able to do the following:

1. Explain concepts and theories related to physical and biological phenomena.

2. Identify structures of selected living organisms and relate structure to biological function.

3. Recognize and utilize appropriate mathematical techniques to solve both abstract and practical problems.

4. Utilize safe and effectives laboratory techniques to investigate scientific problems.

5. Discuss the use and limitations of the scientific process in the solution of problems.

6. Make critical judgments about the validity of scientific evidence and the applicability of scientific theories.

7. Utilize appropriate technology for scientific and mathematical investigations and recognize the advantages and disadvantages of that technology.

8. Work collaboratively with others on labs, projects, and presentations.

9. Describe the influence of scientific knowledge on the development of world’s civilizations as recorded in the past as well as in present times.

AREA C Arts, Foreign Language, Literature and Philosophy

After completing courses in Area C, students will be able to do the following:

1. Demonstrate knowledge of the language and content of one or more artistic forms: visual arts, music, theater, film/television, writing, digital arts.

2. Analyze an artistic work on both its emotional and intellectual levels.

3. Demonstrate awareness of the thinking, practices and unique perspectives offered by a culture or cultures other than one’s own.

4. Recognize the universality of the human experience in its various manifestations across cultures.

5. Express objective and subjective responses to experiences and describe the integrity of emotional and intellectual response.

6. Analyze and explain the interrelationship between self, the creative arts, and the humanities, and be exposed to both non-Western and Western cultures.

7. Contextually describe the contributions and perspectives of women and of ethnic and other minorities.

AREA D Social, Political, and Economic Institutions

After completing courses in Area D, students will be able to do the following:

1. Identify and analyze key concepts and theories about human and/or societal development.

2. Critique generalizations and popular opinion about human behavior and society, distinguishing opinion and values from scientific observation and study.

3. Demonstrate an understanding of the use of research and scientific methodologies in the study of human behavior and societal change.

4. Analyze different cultures and their influence on human development or society, including how issues relate to race, class and gender.

5. Describe and analyze cultural and social organizations, including similarities and differences between various societies.

AREA E Lifelong Understanding and Self-Development

After completing courses in Area E, students will be able to do the following:

1. Demonstrate an awareness of the importance of personal development.

2. Examine the integration of one’s self as a psychological, social, and physiological being.

3. Analyze human behavior, perception, and physiology and their interrelationships including sexuality, nutrition, health, stress, the social and physical environment, and the implications of death and dying.

AREA F Cultural Diversity

After completing courses in Area F, students will be able to do the following:

1. Connect knowledge of self and society to larger cultural contexts.

2. Articulate the differences and similarities between and within cultures.

|HOURS |Content, Student Performance Objectives, and Out-of-Class Assignments |

| |Hours - Total number of hours should be based on an 18 week term, even though we are on a 16 week calendar. For example, a 3 |

| |unit course should have 54 hours, less 2 for the final. |

| |Out of Class Assignments: essays, library research, problems, projects required outside of class on a 2 to 1 basis for Lecture |

| |units granted. |

|2 Hours |Content: Introduction and overview of course. Pre-test administered. What is addiction and tobacco as an addiction are |

| |discussed. Different types of tobacco use including secondhand smoke are introduced (hookah, cigarettes, cigars, chewing |

| |tobacco). Tobacco's components are identified. Assignment: Write|

| |in unhealthy addiction diary. |

| |Student Performance Objectives (SPO): Explain what Tobacco addiction is. Identify different types of tobacco use. Identify a |

| |few of the toxic components in tobacco. Discuss secondhand smoke and how it is relevant when discussing tobacco use and it's |

| |effects. |

| |Out-of-Class Assignments:       |

|2 Hours |Content: Introduction to basic Anatomy of the human body focusing on lungs. Effects of Tobacco on the human body are identified|

| |and discussed such as Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Disease. The benefits of quitting are introduced (Physiological and |

| |Economical benefits). Assignment: Write in unhealthy addiction diary. |

| |Student Performance Objectives (SPO): Explain the major effects of tobacco on the human body. Identify benefits of quitting |

| |tobacco. |

| |Out-of-Class Assignments:       |

|2 Hours |Content: The different methods of quitting are identified and discussed along with their pros and cons. The different methods |

| |of quitting include: -product centered (Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Non-Nicotine products: Chantix), -classes, -self-help |

| |programs, -individual therapies, -residential. Assignment: Write in unhealthy addiction diary. |

| |Student Performance Objectives (SPO): Identify and explain different methods of quitting tobacco. Identify at least one pro and|

| |one con of each method. |

| |Out-of-Class Assignments:       |

|2 Hours |Content: The different theories that serve as the foundation for quit smoking programs are identified and their relevance to |

| |the success of quitting smoking are discussed. The theories that will be discussed include: -The Health Belief Model, -The |

| |Social Learning Theory, -The Learned Drive Theory, -The Parallel Fear Model, -The Prochaska-DiClemente Stages of Change, and |

| |-The Behavior Modification Model. Assignment: Write in unhealthy addiction diary. |

| |Student Performance Objectives (SPO): Explain the relevance of each of the theories discussed to the success of quitting |

| |smoking. |

| |Out-of-Class Assignments:       |

|2 Hours |Content: The Prochaska-DiClemnte Stages of Change are applied to Tobacco Cessation in detail. The "Contemplation" and |

| |"Preparation" phases are explored. Identifying your reasons to quit, keeping a Smoking record, identifying triggers and trigger|

| |situations, and the importance of developing a support system is discussed and supplemented with handouts. Assignment: Write in|

| |unhealthy addiction diary. |

| |Student Performance Objectives (SPO): Identify and explain the importance of the "Contemplation" and "Preparation" phases of |

| |the Prochaska-DiClemente Stages of Change. Identify components in each phase such as: Identifying triggers, identify reasons to|

| |quit, develop a support system. |

| |Out-of-Class Assignments:       |

|2 Hours |Content: The "Action" and "Maintenance" phases are explored. The importance of identifying rewards for yourself, recognizing |

| |signs of healing, knowing what to say and do during urges, thinking positively, and list of 101 things to do instead of smoking|

| |are learned and supplemented through handouts. Assignment: Write in unhealthy addiction diary. |

| |Student Performance Objectives (SPO): Identify and explain the importance of the "Action" and "Maintenance" phases of the |

| |Prochaska-DiClemente Stages of Change. Identify components in each phase such as: Identifying rewards, recognize signs of |

| |healing, thinking positively. |

| |Out-of-Class Assignments:       |

|2 Hours |Content: The "Maintenance" phase is further explored and "Relapse" phase explored as well. The importance of a balanced |

| |Nutrition, and Exercise are explored. Healthier nutrition options are discussed along with the benefits of nutrition and |

| |exercise on the body. Handouts will be given for determining individualized daily calorie intake and ideas for an exercise |

| |plan. Assignment: Write in unhealthy addiction diary. |

| |Student Performance Objectives (SPO): Identify and explain the importance of the "Maintenance" and "Relapse" phases of the |

| |Prochaska-DiClemente Stages of Change. Identify components in each phase such as: Balanced Nutrition and Exercise. Determine |

| |personal daily calorie intake. Discuss healthy nutrition and exercise options. |

| |Out-of-Class Assignments:       |

|2 Hours |Content: Stress management techniques such as meditation and breathing exercises are explored and how they contribute to the |

| |"Maintenance" and "Relapse" phases of Tobacco Cessation are discussed. Students will learn ways to prepare for social |

| |situations through the use of assertive communication. Assignment: Write in unhealthy addiction diary. Administer Post-test. |

| |Class discussion will end with how students plan to incorporate what they have learned into their daily lives. |

| |Student Performance Objectives (SPO): Identify more components to "Maintenance" and "Relapse" phases such as: Meditation, |

| |Breathing exercises, Assertive Communication. Explain the process for meditation and breathing exercises. Identify and give |

| |examples of assertive communication. Discuss how to incorporate what they have learned into their daily lives. |

| |Out-of-Class Assignments:       |

|      Hours |Content:       |

| |Student Performance Objectives (SPO):       |

| |Out-of-Class Assignments:       |

|      Hours |Content:       |

| |Student Performance Objectives (SPO):       |

| |Out-of-Class Assignments:       |

|      Hours |Content:       |

| |Student Performance Objectives (SPO):       |

| |Out-of-Class Assignments:       |

|      Hours |Content:       |

| |Student Performance Objectives (SPO):       |

| |Out-of-Class Assignments:       |

|      Hours |Content:       |

| |Student Performance Objectives (SPO):       |

| |Out-of-Class Assignments:       |

|      Hours |Content:       |

| |Student Performance Objectives (SPO):       |

| |Out-of-Class Assignments:       |

|      Hours |Content:       |

| |Student Performance Objectives (SPO):       |

| |Out-of-Class Assignments:       |

|      Hours |Content:       |

| |Student Performance Objectives (SPO):       |

| |Out-of-Class Assignments:       |

|      Hours |Final |

| |


|CATEGORY 1 - The types of writing assignments required: |

|Percent range of total grade:       % to       % |

| Written Homework |

| Reading Reports |

| Lab Reports |

| Essay Exams |

| Term or Other Papers |

| Other:       |

|If this is a degree applicable course, but substantial writing assignments are NOT appropriate, indicate reason: |

| Course is primarily computational |

| Course primarily involves skill demonstration or problem solving |

|CATEGORY 2 - The problem-solving assignments required: |

|Percent range of total grade:       % to       % |

| Homework Problems |

| Field Work |

| Lab Reports |

| Quizzes |

| Exams |

| Other:       |

|CATEGORY 3 - The types of skill demonstrations required: |

|Percent range of total grade:       % to       % |

| Class Performance/s |

| Field Work |

| Performance Exams |

|CATEGORY 4 - The types of objective examinations used in the course: |

|Percent range of total grade:       % to       % |

| Multiple Choice |

| True/False |

| Matching Items |

| Completion |

| Other:       |

|CATEGORY 5 - Any other methods of evaluation:       |

|Percent range of total grade:       % to       % |


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