



Originally created by Lisa Malnar

Updated 12/2011


Welcome Letter………………………………………………………..3

#1 Key- Education & Training………………………………………4

#2 Key- Get Bookings……………………………………………......5

#3 Key- Organization………………………………………………....6

Kit Breakdown……………………………………………….………7-8

Be Prepared…………………………………………………………….9

Building Stock……………………………………………………..…10


Shadowing Guidelines……………………………………..………12

Party Games……….………………………………………...…...13-21

30 Second Commercial …………………………………………….22

Party Booking Script ……………………………………………….23

Creating Your Story……………………………………………...24-25

Closing Speech ………………………………………………………26


Are you ready for this amazing adventure that will allow you to be your own boss, make unbelievable income as well as decide when you want to work? Pure Romance will give you the opportunity to make all your dreams come true while you actually have fun working! I am so excited to share this business with you and look forward to making 2012 a remarkable year.

This packet of information is a reference guide that will help you learn how to make this business a huge success. We highly encourage you read through this at the beginning of your business and then refer back to it every few months.

Pure Romance recommends that as soon as you get your ID number and password you log onto the website and take some time to see everything that it offers. Familiarize yourself with how to place orders, where to download documents to promote your business, and tracking your individual progress.

Our main advice to any new consultant is to attend meetings, shadow other consultants, show your enthusiasm and have great customer service. Remember this is YOUR business and what you put into it is exactly what you will get out of it. In order to be successful you need to take responsibility and ownership for your business, which means you cannot rely on someone else to make it for you. With that being said, Pure Romance prides itself on being a family and helping everyone achieve their dreams!

If you need any assistance with your business do not hesitate to contact your sponsor or the Pure Romance Customer Service (1800 PR PLAN or Please allow up to 48 hours to get back to you although it rarely takes that long. There are not really any emergencies in this business except needing a party covered last minute, so most everything can wait if necessary.

Pure Romance looks forward to working with you and helping you live your life by DESIGN, not by DEFAULT!

Pure Romance (Australia) Pty Ltd

1800 PR PLAN

Unit 1, Ground Floor

33-35 Alleyne St.

Chatswood, NSW 2067


#1 KEY


In order to be successful you need to learn the important aspects of your Pure Romance business. The key to this lies with your dedication to the education and training provided through Pure Romance and your upline. Below you will find a guide to help you learn how to utilize all the resources available to you.

WELCOME PACKET (Provided in your kit)

o Party Demo DVD

o Sexual Health CD-Rom

New Consultant Corner (PR Consultant Online Office)

o How to find parties

o How to become an Active Consultant

o Fast Track through Corporate

o What to bring to your party

o Opening/Closing speeches at your parties

Online Training Center (PR Website)

o Online Demo Videos

o Party Podcasts

Corporate Sponsored & Local Meetings

o Corporate Sponsored meetings will be posted on the EVENTS section of the COO)

o Contact your upline to see where & when local meetings are held

2011-2012 Corporate Rewards Book & Policy Guide

o Corporate Contests

o Pay Scales

o Updated Corporate policies & procedures

#2 KEY


While you are learning as much as you can you also need to focus on filling your calendar with bookings. With a full calendar you will find your business will become consistent and you will move towards your goals at an alarming pace. Remember that this business doesn’t just happen, you have to put in effort to make sure you get those bookings. Below you will find suggestions on how to get bookings and where to find other resources that will help you think outside the box.

• Master Your 30 Second Commercial

o Find information on how to do this in the Consultant Training Corner

• TOP 50 List

o You can find this in the Welcome Packet as well on the Consultant Training Corner

o Helps you think about people you can immediately contact to announce your new business and generate bookings

• Debut Party

o Within 2 weeks of signing you should have a Debut party- this will help you announce to all your friends and family about your new business. Talk with your Sponsor about how to create a successful Debut Party.

• 100 Ways to Get Bookings

o Found on PR Consultant Online Office: Training Center>How to Book Parties>100 Ways to Get Bookings

• Online Networking Sites

o Utilize Facebook or Myspace to announce your business – Make sure when using these that you are not going “overboard” and that your grammar and wording is proper.

#3 KEY


In order to run a smooth and successful business you need to be organized, that includes your surroundings and with your time. Make sure you have a calendar set with the schedule YOU want to work, include time you are working on marketing/networking, training and all your paperwork. Having a set schedule will help keep you on track and more organized. Below you will find a few things you should do with your product and paper supplies to ensure that aspect of your business is organized as well.

• Separate your demo from stock (see spreadsheet on page:)

o Put your demo and stock in separate storage containers so you don’t get them confused

• Label everything with your information

o Stamps or labels should go on all paper material and products you give out so people know how to contact you.

• Prepare Hostess Packets & Recruit Packets

o Documents for these are located on PR Consultant Online Office: marketing>party documents>hostess packets & recruiting documents

o Ask sponsor for more details on these packets

• Set up a filing system





o BANK STATEMENT- Business Account









Below is a spreadsheet with all the products that came in your kit. It is important that you know what can be sold out of your stock due to the fact that you don’t need to open it for your customers to test. This allows you to have more stock on hand.


|Basic Instinct |Open for Demo |Open for Demo |Open one Demo/1 Stock |

|Body Bling | | |Open for Demo/1 Stock |

|Body Dew | Open for Demo |Open for Demo |Open 1 Demo/1 Stock |

|Bosom Buddy | |Open for Demo |Open 1 Demo/1 Stock |

|Between The Sheets- | |Open for Demo |Open for Demo/1 Stock |

|Come Clean 120ml |Sell Demo |Sell Demo |Sell Demo/1 Stock |

|Coochy 120ml (demo 240ml) |Get 240ml for demo |Get 240ml for Demo |Get 240ml for demo |

|Dust Me Pink- Berry | |Open for Demo |Open for Demo/1 stock |

|Ex-T-Cee- |Sell Demo |Sell Demo |Sell Demo/ 1 stock |

|Great Head 90ml | |Sell Demo |Sell Demo/1 stock |

|Just Like Me |Open for Demo |Open for Demo |One for Demo/1 Stock |

|Kiss |  |Open for Demo |Open for Demo/1 Stock |

|Hot Heart Massager |Open for Demo |Open for Demo |Open Demo/1 Stock |

|Nympho Niagra |  | |Sell Demo/One Stock |

|Pure Pleasure |  | |Open for Demo/1 Stock |

|Sensations |Open for Demo |Open for Demo |Open for Demo/1 Stock |

|Serenity |  | |Open for Demo/1 Stock |

|Whipped | |Open for Demo |Open for Demo/1 Stock |

|X-Scream | |Sell Demo |Sell demo/1 Stock |

| |  |  |  |


|7th Heaven | |Open for Demo |Open for Demo/1 Stock |

|BOB |  |  |Open for Demo/1 Stock |

|Wireless Rabbit |  |Open for Demo  |Open for Demo/1 Stock |

|Jelly C Ring Sleeve |Open & use w/ Silver Bullet |Open & use w/ 7th Heaven |Open & use w/ 7th Heaven/1 stock |

| |for demo | | |

|Silver Bullet |1 Demo/1 Stock | | |

|Super Stretch |Open for Demo |Open for Demo |One for Demo/1 Stock |

|Wireless Thumbs Up | Open for Demo | Open for Demo |One for Demo/1 Stock |


You will need to get things ready for your business; this means you will need to pick up some supplies which include but may not be limited to (keep in mind you can do all of this very inexpensively or you can chose to invest a little more- just do what you can afford and feel comfortable with):

• Totes- to carry your demo and stock. Rolling tool boxes are great because they are durable and on wheels. Plastic bins also works well especially if you need a lighter load. (If you are on a budget you can also use the boxes your kit comes in).

• Pens -you will need to have pens ready for your customers.

• Money box or money bag (If you are on a budget you can use an envelope or Ziploc bag).

• Change – some people pay in cash so you need to have change in case this happens. (10- $1 coins, 5- $2 coins, 3- $5 bills, 2- $10 bills, 1-$20 bill)

• Calculator

• Stamp or labels- you want to make sure you put your information on EVERYTHING you give out! Stamp the yellow & pink copies of your order forms; pink copy goes to customer night of the party, yellow can go out with any backorders. Also use this on your catalogues and invitations. Labels can be made by purchasing labels you can print off your computer (although this can tend to cost more). Here is an example of what to put on your stamp or labels:

Pure Romance by Lisa

0444 777 888

• Batteries- This is very important otherwise your great toys won’t work- I buy my batteries from Costco. You will need AA and AAA to get you going.

• Napkins or baby wipes- so people have something to wipe off their arms after testing the wet line.


Building stock is one of the most fundamental aspects of your business. There are several reasons why you want to build your stock:

• Women are impulse buyers- the more they can take home the more they will buy.

• You will save money & time when you limit your backorders.

• You will have more return customers and referrals when you carry stock.

When you start to build stock, stock up on the things you are showing. Carry the scent and/or flavor that you show during your demo because usually you can convince your customer to take what you have in stock.

Here is a list of some of the MOST POPULAR products to stock up on:


Coochy 240ml Hot Heart Massager

Body Dew Serenity

Basic Instinct



Between the Sheets Just Like Me

Dust Me Pink Pure Pleasure


Sensations Nympho Niagra

Whipped X-Scream


Ultimate 7th Heaven Tickled Pink

Micro Bullet Thumbs Up


TOM Jelly Tool Belt

Cowboy Up


Super Stretch Lips Come Clean 240ml

Great Head or Variety Pack


It is important to be prepared at your parties with giveaways for games, bookings, bringing a friend and other incentives. Deciding on what you are giving away is crucial because you don’t want to give away too much nor too little. Below you will find some suggestions on what to give away while staying within a budget.

GAMES- (you should not give away more than $10 worth of prizes depending on size of party):

• Foil Packets (just like me, ex-t-cee, whipped or sensations)

• COUPONS (create these to use as giveaways)

o Receive a BONUS $3.00 off your order tonight

o Take 5% off your order tonight

o Take 10% off a TOY purchased tonight

BOOKINGS- Here is a list of things you can offer your guests to get them to book:

• Break up a variety pack (Mini Nights of Passion or Great Head Variety Pack) and put in an organza bag- sample set to take home with them if they book that night

• Offer a bonus % or $ amount the night of their show- 15% instead of 10% or bonus $15 in spending credit

HOSTESS GIFTS-Keep it simple:

• ‘Thank You’ Gifts- Blindfold, Scentuality, or 1 Bottle of Mini Nights of Passion or Great Head Variety Pack (these are good if you think the party will be under $300)

• Hot Heart Massager - if you do not like to boil the massager for each party we recommend opening a new one and giving it to the hostess.

• SILVER BULLET- you usually get at least one in your starter kit and can buy more at a reasonable rate.

• If you are using Corporate Hostess Brochures make sure you follow the Hostess Reward Program included in brochure.


We all want you to succeed and represent Pure Romance in a professional manner. It is important to read through these guidelines so you know what is expected of you as a shadow. If you have any questions please contact your sponsor or corporate office

Attire: Do’s

• Do wear slacks or a professional length skirt. Professional length is to the knees or below.

• Do wear a blouse or a nice sweater.

• Do wear professional and clean shoes.

• Do have your toes manicured or nicely trimmed.

• Do have your fingernails trimmed.

• Do take an extra few minutes on your hair to make sure it is under control.

• Do keep mints in your purse in case you are a smoker or coffee drinker.

Attire Don’ts

Don’t wear jeans, painter pants, or dirty pants

Don’t wear clothes that expose your midriff. It is extremely unprofessional.

• Don’t have cleavage showing. Remember we want the customers to remember Pure Romance products not your breasts.

• Don’t wear pants that show your underwear or dental floss when you bend over.

• Don’t wear a sweatshirt or any kind of logo t-shirt. Exception: A few select Pure Romance Shirts.

• Don’t wear sneakers, deck shoes, hiking boots.

****The Above Guidelines also apply to all PR events such as meetings and Corporate events. Failure to follow them could result in you being asked to leave****


• Do bring a Smile, a helpful attitude, and a bottle of water.

• Do not hand out your information, Business Cards or Catalogs.

• Do not add additional comments related to products while the consultant is doing her demo.

• Do not sit in a seat unless there are enough for the guests.

• Do not drink alcohol or take smoke breaks.



Yard Sale Game

You will need:

• Piece of paper (doodle pads)

Have your guests number their papers from 1-4 and write down their answers to the following questions:

#1 Something materialistic? (clothes, shoes, appliance, etc)

#2 How much would you sell it for?

#3 What did you originally like about it?

#4 Why do you want to sell it?

Now have them cross out #1 and put their partners (husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc) name instead if they do not have a partner have them put the last person they were with down.

Now go back and ask these new questions:

#1 Who are you trying to get rid of?

#2 For how much?

#3 What did you like about him/her?

#4 Why do you want to sell him/her?

Oral Favor/Sex Game

You will Need:

• Piece of paper

Now ladies I need you to write the numbers 1-4 down the side of your paper.

On spot number 1, write down a food that you despise/hate!

On spot number 2 write down the reason that you hate that food. Feel free to be descriptive.

On spot number 3 write down something you enjoy doing.

On spot number 4 write down the reason you enjoy number 3.

Now, have them cross off number 1- you don’t care about the food- and have them replace it with the phrase- I hate giving oral favors because.

Have them cross off the item in number 3 and have them replace it with the phrase- I love sex because.

Now, we will go around the room, tell me your name and then read you answers. So I hate giving blow jobs because and the answer you have written in spot number 2. Then I Love sex because and the answer you have written in spot number 4.

(This is a great intro game to get people loosened up- no prize needed)

How you Like it, Where you Like it

You will need:

• Just a creative mind

Okay ladies we are going to get to know each other better. We are going to go around the room and first tell us your name, then let us know HOW YOU LIKE IT & WHERE YOU LIKE IT starting with the first letter of your first name.

For instance- I’m Lisa and I like it Lickable on the loveseat

Other examples: All over anytime

Bit on the behind

Cuddled in the Car

Dangerously in the Den

Edible everywhere

Frenched in the Family Room

Jiggy in the Jacuzzi

Kinky in the Kitchen

Messy in the Master Bedroom

Slippery in the Sauna

Tickled on the tongue

Hotel Holler

You will need:

• Piece of doodle paper

• 1-2 prizes in case of a tie

Alright ladies I want you to imagine if you were staying at a hotel and were awoken by a couple getting busy next door....

I want you to write on your piece of paper 4 things you might hear coming from next door....

like... "Is that all there is"? OR "Yes big daddy..right there"!!

Give them a few minutes to write down their phrases.

Now ask them to exchange with someone else, so they don't have their own.

I want you to come up with 4 numbers and write them down next to each saying. Can be any number from 1-25, and they don't have to be consecutive, so they can be 7,21,14,2

I'm going to read off numbers and as I say your number, you are going to yell out your answer, and cross off your number. The first person with all their numbers called, yells "orgasm" (or whatever you want) and wins a prize!

Household Chore

You will Need:

• Piece of paper

Now ladies I need you to write down ONE chore you hate doing, any kind of chore doesn’t have to be sexual unless that is what you really hate doing!

Now trade your paper with someone else so you do not have your own.

Okay, now we are going to cross out the chore. We will start with SUE the hostess, you will say “I Hate Sex Because….” and the reason that is listed on the paper.

(This is a great intro game to get people loosened up- no prize needed)

Fantasy Holiday

You will need:

*Piece of paper (Doodle pad is the best for this)

Give each guest a piece of paper. Have her write the numbers 1-7on her piece of paper (leave space between the numbers). Guests should write an answer to the first question on the paper then fold the paper over again so the answer cannot be seen and pass to the right. Here are the questions:

1. Whom do you want to take with you on this fantasy holiday? Remember, ladies, this is a fantasy so leave the hubbys and boyfriends at home! (Fold paper over and pass to the right.)

2. Where do you want to go on this fantasy holiday? (Fold paper over and pass to the right.)

3. What is the first thing you are going to do to him on your fantasy holiday? (Fold paper over and pass to the right.)

4. How do you think that is going to make HIM feel? (Fold paper over and pass to the right.)

5. How is that going to make YOU feel? (Fold paper over and pass to the right.)

6. Now it is time to leave your fantasy man. What are you going to leave him to remember you by? (Fold paper over and pass to the right.)

7. Finally, what are HIS parting words to you as you are walking out the door?

(pass one more time then have them unfold their paper)


My name is Lisa.

1) I WENT WITH….Santa Claus.

2) WE WENT TO…. OfficeWorks parking lot


4) HE FELT….. red & sore

5) I FELT…. Hungry and bored.

6) YOU LEFT HIM WITH A…. a positive pregnancy test

7) HIS PARTING WORDS TO YOU WERE, “Do you take Visa?!”

(This is a great opening game, however use it only with smaller groups less than 8 people is recommended.)


ABC’S with a Twist

You will need:

• 26 cards, each card has a different letter on it (I recommend getting these laminated so you can use them longer).

• Prize (this should have one winner but have two prizes in case of a tie).

This game is the Alphabet game. I have 26 cards, each of these cards has a letter on it, I am going to shout out the letter and flip over the card. The person that can come up with a word beginning with this letter gets the card. The person with the most cards at the end wins.

Now I have 3 rules:

• I can change/add a rule whenever I want

• I take the BEST word for the letter

• If everyone shouts out at the same time I will put the letter back in the pile

Tongue Tester

You will need:

• Starburst

• Small trash bag (this can be the one you used for your q-tips)

Ladies I am going to see how talented you are all with your tongues! Each of you grab a starburst and when I say GO you will pop the starburst in your mouth and the first person to get the wrapper off the candy only using their mouth and tongue wins!

Alternative game would be to use lollipops and see who can get to the stick first without biting their sucker- this works for talkative crowds and helps keep them quiet for awhile.

(This is a great game for larger crowds or if you need to liven up the crowd)

I will Survive !!!

This is great to either sing or say after the break to move into the toy segment of your demo. No prizes are awarded.

At first I was afraid…I was petrified

When he said he had 10 inches- Hell I almost died!

But I had spent so many years waiting for a man that long

That I grew strong and knew I could take him on!

There he goes another lie… I was ready for this big mac

And all he brought was a French fry!

I should have known it was a lie just a sad pathetic dream

I should have known there was no anaconda learking in his jeans!

So I told him to go on and go… walk out the door

He can’t promise me 10 inches… and turn up with only 4!

He must of thought I was crazy and wouldn’t call him out

Don’t they know we are only joking when we say size doesn’t count!

But I will survive, I will survive-

As long as I have batteries my sex lifes gonna thrive!

I will always have good sex, with a handful of latex

I will survive!

Now it took all my self control not to laugh out loud

When I saw that little wiener standing tall and proud

But to hell with all his ego and to hell with all his need

Cause I’m saving all my lovin for a cordless multispeed!

Pass the Gift Game

You will need:

• One gift- wrapped or in something they can’t see through

You can’t keep the gift but please no tears

Give it to the one you’ve known for the longest amount of years.

Take the gift and look around,

And give it to someone with eyes of brown.

Please look around with eyes discreet

And give it to the one with the cutest shoes on their feet.

Please, take your time and don’t be harried.

Give it to the one who is longest married.

You must be proud of your married life,

But you must pass this on to the newest wife.

Being married is awfully nice,

Give it to someone who’s been married twice!

You can’t keep it, you must share,

Please pass it to the one with the longest hair.

Some of you walked, some came in a car

The gift goes to the one who came from afar.

We’re still going to pass it, it’s not going to linger

So pass it on to the one with the most rings on their fingers.

You still have a chance so have no fear

If you are the one with a birthday near.

Now don’t get cross and please don’t fight,

Pass it to the person who is the fifth on your right.

We should stop now, don’t you agree? The gift is yours to open and see.


Tic Tac Toe

You will need:

• Piece of paper (I use the back of the catalog)

• 2-5 prizes

Okay ladies, now that we are done with our demo we are going to play one last game. If you can flip over your catalogs to the back and draw a big tic tac toe. Once you have this drawn you now can start making your wish list and fill in all 9 squares of the tic tac toe with different product names. Once you are all done filling this out we will start the actual game.

Now I am going to call off products if you have them on your tic tac toe you will cross it out, once you get 3 down, across or diagonal you yell out “Tic Tac Toe give me a prize you Dirty Ho!

What’s in my Purse?

You will need:

• Piece of paper (either back of order form, catalog or doodle pad)

• Prize

Have each lady get her purse and then ask her the following questions. The person who has more Yes tallies wins. (You can make more up as you go along or take some away.)

1. Do you have a tissue in your purse?

2. Do you have a Visa card in your purse?

3. Do you have a $50 &/or $100 in your purse?

4. Do you have your party invitation with you?

5. Do you have a receipt?

6.. Do you have my business card in your purse?

7. Do you have a Pure Romance product in your purse?

8. Do you have a tampon or pad in your purse?

9. Do you have a picture of your friends/family/pets/etc in your purse?

10. Do you have a condom in your purse?

11. Do you have keys in your purse?

12. Do you have a tube of lipstick in your purse?

13. Do you have a nail file in your purse?

14. Do you have a mobile in your purse?

15. Do you have a dairy in your purse?

Night with Mr. Right

You will need:

• 3-5 prizes (depends on how many people)- recommended that the prizes are either wrapped or in bags so they can’t see what it is.

Have everyone get into a circle and spread out the prizes among the guests making sure they do not open them. Then you will read the story below and instruct them to pass their prize to the RIGHT or LEFT whenever you say either word. Those with the prizes in their hands at the end of the story wins.

My special night had arrived- the big date with Mr. RIGHT! I was almost ready, putting my shoes on was the only thing I had LEFT to do. As I slipped my heel on my RIGHT foot, the doorbell rang. I was so excited- Mr. RIGHT was RIGHT on time, however to my surprise it was my Mail person. Now I was even more excited because it was my Pure Romance order I placed with _____________ the other day on the phone. Now I could put Basic Instinct on before the date! I dabbed it on my RIGHT wrist, then on my LEFT and just for fun a little in the cleavage! Now I am sure to attract Mr. RIGHT!

As I finished putting my LEFT earring in, the doorbell rang again. I realized that Mr. RIGHT was running late. We hurried out the door to make our reservations, however Mr. RIGHT turned LEFT instead of RIGHT and we got stuck RIGHT in a traffic jam.

Luckily the maitre’d got us RIGHT in. When we were done MR. RIGHT said he LEFT his wallet at home, after I paid for the meal we LEFT and I asked him to take me home because I realized I LEFT my flat iron on. Mr. RIGHT got me home and I told him I had a nice evening and extended my RIGHT hand to say goodnight. But before I knew it Mr. RIGHT kissed me RIGHT on the lips. I turned around and quickly LEFT.

I realized there is no such thing as MR. RIGHT, that is why I am so glad that I also got the COWBOY UP with my order today. I knew that he would be my MR. RIGHT!



Your 30-second commercial is a brief, informative, professional, and easy way to share with others exactly what your business is and what you do. Your 30-second commercial tells your customers who you are, what you do, what you sell, and gives them your offer. Use this easy 4-step formula to create your 30-second commercial.

Example: “I am a Pure Romance consultant. I provide women with fun and private in-home parties similar to Pampered Chef only I sell lotions, lingerie, and bedroom accessories. The best part about hosting a free in home show with me, is you can earn up to $100 in free product!”












When you get to YOUR OFFER, create two to three different ways to share the information about the Pure Romance business opportunity. (Remember that whole numbers sound better than percentages. $100 VS 10%.)







Remember that you want your statements to roll off your tongue. It will begin to sound like part of your normal every-day conversations as you practice. Practice the core of your statement so you are prepared and ready to share your information to anyone and everyone. Stand in front of the mirror and practice your commercial. Practice with your spouse, your friends and family! Be ready to share your 30-second commercial with me on our next call.

Party Booking Scripts

Before you start calling to book parties make sure you have at least 3 dates ready to offer your prospective hostess. Make sure you have decided on what the hostess incentive will be based on what you are trying to achieve.

Hint: Do not ask “is now a good time?” Instead say “Is this a bad time?” (They are already geared to tell you "no," so the second phrase works in your favor.)

(This script is good as an introduction for your family and friends)

Hi . This is . I just started my very own Pure Romance business. Is now a bad time? Great! I am so excited to share it with you. Have you heard about Pure Romance yet? I sell lotions, lubricants, massage oils, bath aids, lingerie, & novelties at an in home party environment. I am calling because I wanted to see if you could help me get my business started and at the same time get a shopping spree on me! When you hold a Pure Romance party with me, you can get an average of over $70 in free product plus a free gift especially from me. Pure Romance is on a mission to entertain and educate you and your friends about their bodies. And my goal is to make sure you and your friends feel more confident about being a woman. Doesn’t that sound (exciting, dope, awesome, great)?! I have date and date available, which of those works best for you? GREAT!

(This script is good for past customers/hostesses to book and see the new product line)

Hi . This is with Pure Romance. I am giving you a quick call today because I want all of my preferred customers to see my outstanding Pure Romance collection. Naturally as one of my hostesses, you are entitled to our lucrative hostess program. I’m calling because I’d love for you to be one of my first hostesses for the new season. I have date and date available. Which one works best for you to earn free product?

(This script is good for filling up specific dates in your calendar that you really want to work. You can use it to call past customers, hostesses, or family & friends)

Hi . This is with Pure Romance. I am giving you a quick call today because I am currently booking parties in the month of . I have a few select bonus dates available for my preferred customers and when I sat down to make my list; your name was one of the first ones to pop in my mind. I knew you wouldn’t want to miss out on (offer special booking bonus incentive here.) So I wanted to give you first shot at date or date to earn the bonus. Which date works best for you to host your Pure Romance party?

Make sure once you have the party scheduled you explain that you will be sending her hostess packet and to over invite, more girls there = more free product. And let her know you will be contacting her two or three times before the date of her party. And ALWAYS Thank her!



Use this outline to help write your story. Your story is an important way to help your customers relate to you and should be told in some way at each of your parties. This document is meant to help guide you in the writing of your story. Once completed, send to your sponsor.













Take your answers from the interview questions and put them all together to create your Story.




This script can help you work in how to explain the shipping and handling fees that each customer is asked to pay with their order and what to expect in the ordering room.

I would really like to take this time to thank my hostess, for having such a fabulous and fun party with me tonight. Before we begin shopping, I would like to collect everyone’s completed Customer Connection Cards and to go over a few quick details for placing your orders. Remember that tonight’s special bonuses and sales are .

Now if you look at the bottom right hand side of the order from, there is a $6 shipping and handling fee that I pay UPS to have the products ready for you tonight. You will pay the same one time charge for this shipping and handling convenience no matter what you purchase tonight. The forms of payment that I accept are cash, check, Visa, and all major credit cards. If you plan on paying with a debit card but you have your checkbook I would prefer a check- f you write a check, you will make that check out to me. You can find my name on the back of your catalog and you will also be receiving my business card in the shopping room.

I will now take you one at a time in the Shopping Room. When you come into the “O” room I take one at a time because I get confused easily and do not want to mess up on your order!


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