For State, County or local government and non …

Email text for State, County or local government and non-governmental agencies for distribution

In Appalachian Ohio, the median household income is $34,000 per year and almost 70% of the population make less than $50,000/year which may qualify those wage earners for the Earn Income Tax Credit (EITC). The EITC is a federal tax credit designed for low wage earners and all taxpayers have to do it file their federal income taxes and take it.

The EITC -----Just Ask for It….. Campaign in Appalachian Ohio is requesting that you and your organization take part in an outreach effort to share with your employees, clients, customers and friends materials enabling them to learn about the EITC and get free tax assistance through a number of non-profit organizations throughout Appalachia.

Data shows that in many parts of southeastern and eastern Ohio, many of our friends and coworkers are not taking advantage of this tax credit which can range from a few hundred dollars to as much as $4, 824 for those families with two or more children.

Please join us by distributing the attached flyers, and by participating in educational and tax assistance efforts in your community. These are dollars available for low income families that can make a huge difference in their lives!

Please find a file attached with flyers of all types that you can produce at your facility. We urge you to distribute to your customers or include them in your W-2s or just put a short statement on your checks or company newsletters. Please let us know how you contributed towards the Campaign in Appalachian Ohio by filling out the attached form.

Feel free to customize them or add anything to this email to send it on to others. This is a campaign to involve everyone in these efforts and we welcome your suggestions for our future efforts. Anything you do will make a difference in people’s lives. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (insert your number here) or team leader, Jane Forrest Redfern, Rural Policy, ODJFS at 614-752-6386.


Insert name here.

Email text for employers

In these hard economic times, employers are working to identify any way they can to assist their employees. In Appalachian Ohio, the median household income is $34,000 per year and almost 70% of population make less than $50,000/year and which may qualify those wage earners for the Earn Income Tax Credit (EITC). The EITC is a federal tax credit designed for low wage earners and all taxpayers have to do it file their taxes and take it,.

The EITC -----Just Ask for It….. Campaign in Appalachian Ohio is requesting that you and your organization take part in an outreach effort to share with your employees, clients, customers and friends materials where they can learn about the EITC and get free tax assistance through a number of non-profit organizations throughout Appalachia.

Data shows that in many parts of southeastern and eastern Ohio, many of our friends and coworkers are not taking advantage of this tax credit which can range from a few hundred dollars to as much as $4, 824 with two or more children.

Please join us in informing your employees by distributing the attached flyer with their W-2 or in employee pay stubs or in work areas. Consider also participating in educational and tax assistance efforts in your community by contacting a EITC tax coalition in your area by going to the State of Ohio Treasure’s office at: to join in local efforts and connect with free tax assistance programs in your area.

These are dollars that just can be applied for and for low income families can make a huge difference is getting a additional dollars at these very difficult economic times.

Please find an attachment with flyers of all types that you can produce at your facility and post them as flyers, distribute to your customers or include them in your W-2s. Please let us know how you contributed towards the Campaign in Appalachian Ohio to bring in additional dollars to our friends, families and communities by filling out the form attached and give us suggestions for our future efforts. Anything you do in this effort will make a difference in families lives and bring in additional federal dollars into our communities.

This is a campaign to involve everyone in these efforts and we welcome your suggestions for our future efforts. Anything you do will make a difference in people’s lives. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (insert your number here) or team leader, Jane Forrest Redfern, Rural Policy, ODJFS at 614-752-6386.



Insert name here

Materials And Information For You To Use

IRS EITC website marketing materials---- eitc.ptoolkit/basicmaterials/

One Liners(for pay stubs or email signature-one line in a e-newsletter)

• Worked for wages? Ask for The Earned Income Tax Credit-File Now!

• If you had earnings, Ask for it-The Earned Income Tax Credit-File Now!

• You Earned It, Just Ask for It~The Earned Income Tax Credit-File Now!

One liners from IRS website:

• One in four eligible taxpayers fail to claim their EITC. Are you one of them?

• Get free help to determine your eligibility — use the EITC Assistant on , visit a volunteer site or IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center, or call 800-829-1040.

• Life’s a little easier with EITC.

• If your financial, marital or parental status changed this year, see if you qualify.

A Paragraph for Newsletters or Bulletins

"The Earned Income Tax Credit (or “EITC”) is a federal tax credit designed for low-income wage earners. Save money and time by going to a local free tax preparation site. Find a site near you by calling The Ohio Benefit Bank at 1-800-648-1176: Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA), an IRS-sponsored program at 1-800-906-9887; AARP Senior Citizen Tax Counseling call 1-888-227-7669 or simply by calling your local

2-1-1. or go to: Just the Facts EITC website at:

Websites & Fact Sheets

1. 3 EITC flyers are attached for your use

2. Just The Facts About EITC 2008 fact sheet at the State Treasurer’s website:

3. Free Tax Assistance can be located through these organizations:

Coalitions of local government and social service representatives are working to help families to see if they qualify for the EITC. To see if there is an Ohio EITC Coalition in your area, check here.

The Ohio Benefit Bank has volunteers across the state that will assist Ohioans with their

taxes and they can be reached by calling The Ohio Benefit Bank hotline number at (800) 648-1176 or locate a site near you by going to:

A Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (or “VITA”) program exists to do this. With VITA, certified volunteers prepare returns at no cost for taxpayers of low to moderate income (generally $39,000 and below).   To find a VITA site near you, call the IRS at

1-800-906-9887 or go to:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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