
Current Strategies Current Strategies to Support 1 in 5 FamiliesNext Steps…DateWho is Involved?Dress down days are donations (suggested 50p) Have a dressing up rail which children can go to on dress down days.Classes to make things in advance of dress down days (classes could maybe make masks or hats as part of exp arts lesson) The number of dress down days will be reduced and/or spread out throughout the year. (none at Christmas?)March 2018March 2018March 2018 SMTAll PTA, SMTSchool uniform from Sainsburys& Longstone New and Used Uniform Boutique.Ask parents to donate old school uniform, PE kits and shoes in Newsletter.Apply to local shops (sainsburys) for school uniform, PE kits and shoes.‘Agents for Change’ set up uniform boutique in foyer for parents to take free to a good home.ongoingsuccessfulFebruary 2018Started March 2017 (continue) Joy, SoniaAngelaJoy Snack Box Apply for funding/food donations from local companies. Already have link with Burtons Biscuits and the Army have donated fruit for snack box.Agents for Change have taken charge of setting up and refilling upper school and infant snack boxes and have spoken at assembly to raise awareness.Left over fruit from packed lunches to be used for snack box.Box for unwanted snacks in the lunchhall for pupils to put in unopened food/snacks Ongoing successfulStarted March 2017 and will be ongoingOngoing 2018Ongoing 2018Joy/SoniaJoy/Sonia/John Rutherford AllSonia/Lunchhall staff.Agents for changeGroup of pupils assembled from different pupil groups to become ‘Agents for Change’Agents for Change set up and organise snack box and keep pupils up to date and raise awareness at assembly.Agents for change to lead a whole school ‘1 in 5 Assembly’ parents invited in .Focus on ‘cost of a school day’ Set up a recycled stationary station.Ongoing since March 2017Ongoing since March 2017Before August 2018Before August 2018Joy/Sonia Joy/Sonia/John RutherfordCost of year overviewPTA have given a breakdown of the costs of PALS events in one year and we have looked at the cost of a school year (Trips,Parties, panto etc) * School fund meetingto find out how much each class asks for each year.Ongoing Updated March 2018Joy, Sonia, Carol, PTAHomework ClubSet up a homework club to support children with homework that need supplies and internet access from P1-P7.After School Focus Maths Groups. Started March 2017 and will continueMarch 2017 – completed successfully. Will evaluate starting up again looking at SIMD pupils and FSMSMT/PSA’sJoy/KirstenFruit Apply to local supermarkets for fruit donations for snack box.Continue link with Army Parent for fruit donations for snackbox.Oct 2016Ongoing since April 2017Sonia/JoyJoyP7 Leavers DanceP7 Leavers Dance now held in June. To be included in activity week and part funded by pals.Decided in August 2018P7 Class TeachersPALSSMTNo presents for staff Note to parents via newsletter. Letter explained there is no expectation to buy presents for staff – homemade card/picture is very much appreciated.School campInform parents early on of costsAsk for camp clothes donations from previous P6’sCamp now taking place in P7 – cheaper option, Dunblane.Parents now given the option of paying full amount over 2 year period Option for twins- parents pay for 1 twin.Ongoing from August 2017SMTOffice StaffP7 class TeachersSchool TripsParents now have the option to pay on SEEMIS.October 2017Office staffSMTFAST(Families and Schools Together)8 week programme for families with pupils ages 3-8.ran from October –December 2018. 18 families attended and completed programme. Was very successful.?500 received to continue Fast Works programme – coordinated by families who attended FASTOctober 2017-December 2018Joy (CT) Sonia (DHT) Yvonne (Admin)Linda High (PSA)Amy Menzies (Parent)Sumdog Lunchtime clubAccess to computers at lunchtime for pupils with limited or no access to internet at homeOngoing. Started in Feb 2018 and will be rolled out to a wider range of pupils by August 2018.Emma RobtersonMaths Recovery ProgrammeFocus SIMD and FSM – raising attainment in maths and numeracy.Programme with a focus on Seal Maths, groups taught by Joy McGovern once weekly then 2-3 follow-up sessions per week with PSA.Assessment of learning completed before the beginning of the programme and is continually monitored.Started August 2017 and is ongoingJoy McGovernAngela Pearston Sonia MassonLinda High51117386229698003871439-48197700Future StrategiesFuture Strategies to Support 1 in 5 FamiliesAction PlanDateWho is Involved?Qually Look into different options for Qually. Time of year etcLook into how we fund qually.December 2017P7 Class Teacher and SMT(*completed action) Birthday celebrated in some classesLook into a school displayChildren’s birthday recognised and celebrated in classWeekly “happy Birthday” in Gather Round with birthday hat at assembly.Aug 2017Aug 2017Aug 2017CT’s/ PSA’sCT’sSMT(*completed action)No presents for staffNote to parents to explain staff do not need presents – a homemade picture is more than enough. Aug 2017CT’s (Ongoing)Christmas parties Look into cost (can we get funds from elsewhere?)Santa presents from school fund?Nov 2016Nov 2016SMT, SMT. Open door policy to support parents to complete forms etcIntroduction to benefits training.Hold open afternoon to support parents completing FSM/school uniform request applications.Help Sheet handed out to parents in different languagesAugust 2018Aug 2018August 2018Joy to attendSMTSchool TripsMake parents aware of trip in advanceOffer parents payment plansTry to make trips as local and low cost as possibleAug 2017?Aug 2017(Completed action)CT’s/AdminSMTCT’sChristmas fair have free optionsSet up “swap stalls” (books/DVD’s) at school eventsEnsure there are free activities at school events.Dec 2017Dec 2017PTA, Joy, SoniaPTAP6 camp.?Inform parents early on of costsAsk for camp clothes donations from previous P6’sLook into change P6 campFundraisers (outside of school)Funding/Grants(Completed action)FAST(Families and Schools Together) 8 week programme for families with pupils ages 3-8.Parents, children,staff and community partners to meet once per week taking part in activities/cooking and crafts.August 2017 for 8 weeks (completed action)Joy/Sonia/Yvonne5207563290881500 ................

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