Common Core Lesson Planning Template

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|Grade Level (circle): 3 4 |Teacher/Room: L. Schuyler Room 104 |

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|Content Area (Shared/Integrated) | |

| |Reading Writing Speaking/Listening Language Word Work |

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|Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |

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|Standard(s): |Standard(s): |Standard(s): |Standard(s): |Standard(s): |

|Standard: 1.E.1.c.  –  Discuss reactions to|Standard: 1.D.1.c.  –  Collect 12-20 new words for |Standard: 4.A.3.c.  –  Prepare the final |RI.3.7 Use information gained from |W.3.2: Write informative/explanatory texts|

|and ideas/information gained from reading |deeper study each week |product for presentation to an audience |illustrations and the words in text to |to examine a topic and convey ideas and |

|experiences with adults and peers in both |Standard: 1.D.3.d.  –  Use new vocabulary in speaking |Standard: 4.A.6.a.  –  Revise own text for |demonstrate the understanding of text |information clearly |

|formal and informal situations |and writing to gain and extend content knowledge and |word choice |RI.3.8 Describe the logical connection | |

|Standard: 3.A.4.b.  –  Identify and explain|clarify expression |Standard: 3.A.4.c.  –  Identify and explain |between particular sentences and | |

|the meaning of words, lines, and stanzas |Standard: 3.A.4.c.  –  Identify and explain sound |sound elements of poetry |paragraphs (e.g., comparison, | |

|Standard: 1.D.1.a.  –  Acquire new |elements of poetry |Standard: 1.D.3.d.  –  Use new vocabulary in |cause/effect, first/second/third in a | |

|vocabulary through listening to, | |speaking and writing to gain and extend |sequence) | |

|independently reading, and discussing a | |content knowledge and clarify expression |W.3.1: Write opinion pieces on topics or | |

|variety of literary and informational texts| | |texts, supporting a point of view with | |

| | | |reasons | |

| | | | | |

|Guiding Question: What is an acrostic? |Guiding Question: |Guiding Question: |Guiding Question: |Guiding Question: |

| | | | | |

|I CAN(s): |I CAN(s): |I CAN(s): |I CAN(s): |I CAN(s): |

|1. Learn the structure of acrostic poetry |1. Build community in the classroom by focusing on |1. Share my acrostic poem with my peers. |1. |1. |

|by viewing examples on the Internet |peers' positive character traits and applying them to |2. Listen to suggestions and try out |2. |2. |

|2. Understand and apply knowledge of |poetry  |different ideas |3. |3. |

|acrostic poetry by composing an acrostic | |3. Clean up spelling. | | |

|poem about one of their classmates | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Academic Language/Vocabulary: |Academic Language/Vocabulary: |Academic Language/Vocabulary: |Academic Language/Vocabulary: |Academic Language/Vocabulary: |


|es/lesson_images/lesson807/traits-list.pdf |ages/lesson807/traits-list.pdf |/lesson_images/lesson807/traits-list.pdf |ces/lesson_images/lesson807/traits-list.pd|ces/lesson_images/lesson807/traits-list.pd|

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|Activator/CHETL-3: |Activator/CHETL-3: |Activator/CHETL-3: |Activator/CHETL-3: |Activator/CHETL-3: |

|"By highlighting the importance of names |By highlighting the importance of names and their many | | | |

|and their many meanings and accents across |meanings and accents across cultures, languages, and | | | |

|cultures, languages, and places, we can |places, we can create a space for acknowledging the | | | |

|create a space for acknowledging the |identities children embody and move one step closer | | | |

|identities children embody and move one |toward genuinely valuing diversity in classrooms." By | | | |

|step closer toward genuinely valuing |using their own names as a starting point for writing | | | |

|diversity in classrooms." By using their |free-verse poems, children are using words that are | | | |

|own names as a starting point for writing |important to them while learning and reinforcing | | | |

|free-verse poems, children are using words |initial letter sounds." | | | |

|that are important to them while learning | | | | |

|and reinforcing initial letter sounds." | | | | |

|Mini Lesson/CHETL-1&4: |Mini Lesson/CHETL-1&4: |Mini Lesson/CHETL-1&4: |Mini Lesson/CHETL-1&4: |Mini Lesson/CHETL-1&4: |

| |Resource/Materials/Pg: |Resource/Materials/Pg: |Resource/Materials/Pg: |Resource/Materials/Pg: |

|Whole | | | | |

| |Whole |Whole |Whole |Whole |

|Guided | | | | |

| |Guided |Guided |Guided |Guided |

|Ind | | | | |

| |Ind |Ind |Ind |Ind |

|Resource/Materials/Pg: | | | | |


|website. |rostics/acrostics.html) |dhummon/acrostics/acrostics.html) |nt/dhummon/acrostics/acrostics.html) | |

|( | | | |

|t/dhummon/acrostics/acrostics.html) | | | | |

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|Differentiation(check): |Differentiation check): |Differentiation check): |Differentiation check): |Differentiation check): |

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|Content |Content |Content |Content |Content |

| | | | | |

|Process |Process |Process |Process |Process |

| | | | | |

|Product |Product |Product |Product |Product |

| | | | | |

|Description: |Description: |Description: |Description: |Description: |

| |Student will use word list to create acrostic poem. |Students will be given a word list to go over| | |

| | |and select appropriate words to describe | | |

| | |classmate. | | |

|Performance Task |Performance Task |Performance Task |Performance Task |Performance Task |

|EXPLORING ACROSTIC POETRY |Write 2nd Acrostic Poem |Vocabulary quiz |Objectives: After reading chapter 5&6 |Discuss the assignment from yesterday. |

|Lead discussion w/students about poetry and|Warm-up: Inside/Outside Circle – Student will use index|Students will work in groups to read to each |student will be able to do the following: |2. Read ch. 5 together. Student will read |

|why authors choose to write poems. Review |cards to create inside and outside circle to review |other. Poems will be traded for alternative |• Answer comprehension questions in their |ch. 6 and complete the assignment outlined|

|acrostic poems. |vocabulary |words and changes in spelling or |packet. |in the objective independently. |

|Share samples of acrostic poetry (share |Students are going to select one student from class and|comprehension. |• Create a title for ch. 5&6 in their | |

|thoughts: each line starts with letter of |write an acrostic poem about them. | |packet. | |

|word, lines are short, each line relates to| | |• Define the word reproachfully. | |

|a topic, poem does not have to rhyme) | | |• Write a prediction for chapter 6. | |

|Pass out Acrostic Poetry Web Explorer | | |• Complete the chapter 5&6 journal entry | |

|worksheet and review. | | |question in their packet. | |

|Work with students to brain storm | | |Directions: | |

|characteristic traits about themselves. | | |1. Discuss the assignment from yesterday. | |

|Model | | |2. Read ch. 5 together. Student will read | |

|Create silhouette | | |ch. 6 and complete the assignment outlined| |

| | | |in the objective independently. | |

|Assessment/CHETL 2&5: |Assessment/CHETL 2&5: |Assessment/CHETL 2&5: |Assessment/CHETL 2&5: |Assessment/CHETL 2&5: |

| | | | | |

|Summative |Summative |Summative |Summative |Summative |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Formative |Formative |Formative |Formative |Formative |

| | | | | |

|Description: |Description: |Description: |Description: |Description: |

|Use informal observation to assess whether |Use the Student Checklist to assess final copies of the| | | |

|students participate and demonstrate |poems. In addition, look at student vocabulary in the |Wordly Wise Vocabulary Test |Wordly Wise Vocabulary Test | |

|understanding of the acrostic poetry |completed poems. Did students use the reference | | | |

|format. If you collected the Acrostic |materials you provided to find original and creative | | | |

|Poetry Web Explorer worksheet, you can use |words? Are the words applied correctly? Do the poems | | | |

|this to assess student comprehension as |accurately and creatively describe the person being | | | |

|well. |written about? | | | |

|Use the Student Checklist to assess final | | | | |

|copies of the poems. In addition, look at | | | | |

|student vocabulary in the completed poems. | | | | |

|Did students use the reference materials | | | | |

|you provided to find original and creative | | | | |

|words? Are the words applied correctly? Do | | | | |

|the poems accurately and creatively | | | | |

|describe the person being written about? | | | | |

|Integration: |Integration: |Integration: |Integration: |Integration: |

| | | | | |

|Media Skills |Media Skills |Media Skills |Media Skills |Media Skills |

| | | | | |

|X |X | | | |

|Research |Research |Research |Research |Research |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Other: |Other: |Other: |Other: |Other: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Description: |Description: |Description: |Description: |Description: |

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|es/interactives/acrostic/ |ves/acrostic/ |.aspx?id=110&title= |ive.aspx?id=110&title= | |

|Use the Acrostic Poem interactive to |Use the Acrostic Poem interactive to publish your |Use the ReadWriteThink Printing |Use the ReadWriteThink Printing | |

|publish your poems. The Acrostic Poem Tool |poems. The Acrostic Poem Tool allows students to type |Press interactive to publish poems. The flyer|Press interactive to publish poems. The | |

|allows students to type in a word, create |in a word, create an Acrostic Poem, and then print out |templates will work for individual poems. |flyer templates will work for individual | |

|an Acrostic Poem, and then print out their |their writing.  |Students might use the booklet template to |poems. Students might use the booklet | |

|writing.  | |create a collection of acrostics.  |template to create a collection of | |

| | | |acrostics.  | |

|Homework: |Homework: |Homework: Go to link: Work on nouns, verbs, |Homework: Chapter 4 questions and | |

|3rd Grade – Study Vocabulary Words, Lesson |3rd Grade – Study Vocabulary Words, Lesson 1 “Wordly |adjectives and adverbs |vocabulary page. | |

|1 “Wordly Wise” book for vocabulary test |Wise” book for vocabulary test Wednesday. | | |

|Wednesday. |4th Grade – Study Vocabulary Words, Lesson 1 “Wordly |/menu.html | | |

|4th Grade – Study Vocabulary Words, Lesson |Wise” book for vocabulary test Wednesday. | | | |

|1 “Wordly Wise” book for vocabulary test | | | | |

|Wednesday. | | | | |


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