SMI User’s Guide





SMI Administrator’s Guide to SMI Version 2.1


Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2

SMI Admin Overview 3

What is an SMI Administrator? 3

Purpose 3

SMI User Profile 4

Accessing the SMI Profile Function 4

Creating SMI User Profile 6

Updating SMI User Profile 7

Deleting an SMI User Profile 7

Maintaining Page Labels 8

Accessing the Page Label Maintenance Function 8

Updating Page Label Text 11

Maintaining Application Messages 12

Accessing the Message Maintenance Function 12

Updating Application Message Text 14

SMI Admin Overview

What is an SMI Administrator?

An SMI Administrator is someone who is responsible for maintaining specific SMI features for the SMI user. Specifically, these features include:

• SMI User Profiles

• SMI Page Label Text

• SMI Application Message Text

SMI release 2.0 includes functionality to facilitate the usage of the application globally. This implies that SMI users accessing the application can expect the information displayed by the user interface in the local language of their locale.

An SMI Administrator should be assigned within each country/region to maintain SMI User Profiles and local language text translations for their respective country/region. By default, all page label and application message text will be defined for use in the United States with the English language. Therefore, SMI Administrators identified within the United States need only be concerned with maintaining SMI User Profiles.


The intended purpose of this guide is to provide SMI Administrators with a “how to” guide to performing the tasks expected of them.

SMI User Profile

Accessing the SMI Profile Function

After logging into the SMI application, SMI Administrators will see an SMI Admin menu option near the top of the displayed web page. Clicking on the SMI Admin menu item will take the administrator to the main SMI Admin page.


From here there will be a SMI Profile menu option shown near the top of the page.


Clicking on this menu option will display the SMI User Profile maintenance page.


Creating SMI User Profile

After a person has requested access to the SMI application, the SMI Administrator must create a user profile specifically for SMI. The SMI User Profile is independent of the user profile created by an individual user when they register with 3M to use 3M applications. Note: Everyone requesting access to use the SMI application must have a 3M user profile established before a SMI User Profile can be created. This ensures that all SMI users have properly registered with 3M prior to accessing 3M applications.

To create a SMI User Profile:

1. Enter the user PIN of the person requesting access to SMI.

2. Click the Retrieve button.

3. If the user has registered with 3M, the requesting user’s name, e-mail address and phone number will be displayed on the profile page. These fields are retrieved from 3M’s Visitor Management system and were entered by the requesting user at the time of 3M application registration.

4. If the user had not registered with 3M, a message will be displayed indicating the user has not registered with 3M and an SMI User Profile cannot be created until the registration step has been completed.

5. The list of Available Suppliers will be defaulted to SMI Approved suppliers within the United States and set up for the English language. If the requesting user is from another country/region, choose the appropriate country and language combination to retrieve a list of suppliers from another locale.

6. Assign one or more suppliers from the Available Suppliers list to the requesting user’s SMI Profile by clicking on each of the supplier(s) the requesting user should be able to view. For multiple supplier selections, hold the CTRL or SHIFT keys on the keyboard while clicking on each supplier.

Selected suppliers in the Available Suppliers list can be assigned to the user’s SMI Profile by clicking the Add > button. The selected suppliers will be moved to the Selected Suppliers list. If all auppliers for the selected country/language are allowed for the requesting user, choose the “(All Suppliers)” option and click the Add > button.

7. To remove a supplier from the Selected Suppliers list, simply click on the supplier to be removed and click the < Remove button.

8. Click the Save button to save the SMI User Profile.

Note: If the requesting user will be assigned suppliers from different country and language combinations, the SMI User Profile must be saved before changing the Country and/or Language selections in the drop down lists.

Updating SMI User Profile

To update a SMI User Profile:

1. Enter the user PIN of the person requesting access to SMI.

2. Click the Retrieve button.

3. The list of Available Suppliers will be defaulted to SMI Approved suppliers within the United States and set up for the English language. If the requesting user is from another country/region, choose the appropriate country and language combination to retrieve a list of suppliers from another locale.

4. The list of Selected Suppliers should reflect those suppliers currently assigned to the specific user’s SMI Profile.

5. Add one or more suppliers from the Available Suppliers list to the requesting user’s SMI Profile by clicking on each of the supplier(s) the requesting user should be able to view. For multiple supplier selections, hold the CTRL or SHIFT keys on the keyboard while clicking on each supplier.

Selected suppliers in the Available Suppliers list can be assigned to the user’s SMI Profile by clicking the Add > button. The selected suppliers will be moved to the Selected Suppliers list. If all auppliers for the selected country/language are allowed for the SMI user, choose the “(All Suppliers)” option and click the Add > button.

6. To remove a supplier from the Selected Suppliers list, simply click on the supplier to be removed and click the < Remove button.

7. Click the Save button to save the SMI User Profile.

Note: If the SMI user will be assigned suppliers from different country and language combinations, the SMI User Profile must be saved before changing the Country and/or Language selections in the drop down lists.

Deleting an SMI User Profile

To delete a SMI User Profile:

1. Enter the user PIN of the person requesting access to SMI.

2. Click the Retrieve button.

3. Verify the user information displayed on the SMI Profile page. Once the SMI Profile has been deleted, the only method of recovery for the SMI user’s access is to re-enter the user’s SMI Profile.

4. After verifying the user information and confirming the profile to be deleted, click the Delete button to permanently remove the SMI User Profile.

Maintaining Page Labels

Accessing the Page Label Maintenance Function

From the SMI Admin main page, click on the Page Label Maintenance menu option to display the label maintenance page.



Initially this page displays with the default country (United States) and language (English) and an initial page selection.

To view and maintain a list of labels, select the desired page from the drop down list and click the Retrieve button.


This page will display the page labels for the country, language and page selected in the drop down lists. The label text is displayed in the United States/English version as well as the selected country and language from the drop down lists. There is also a Translation Needed checkbox to the right of each element. If checked, this indicates a translation of text is needed by a local SMI Administrator.

Updating Page Label Text

To update local language text for the selected page labels, simply select the appropriate text item in the Local Language Translation Text column and key in the appropriate translation. Uncheck the Translation Needed checkbox and click the Save button. The text translations will appear on that translated page the next time the page is accessed.

When a change is made to the United States/English version of the page label text, the Translation Needed indicator will automatically be turned on to indicate the change and the need for local language translation review. Upon review of the text translations, it is a good idea to uncheck the Translation Needed checkbox even if no translation is required. An update to the United States/English version of the text may not always require a translation. The application merely flags labels that potentially may require a translation update.

Maintaining Application Messages

Accessing the Message Maintenance Function

From the SMI Admin main page, click on the Message Maintenance menu option to display the application message maintenance page.



Initially this page displays with the default country (United States) and language (English) for all SMI application messages. The messages shown in the list are those which are helpful to the end user to describe successful and exception actions resulting from application requests. These include application error messages for specific application pages.

Much like the Page Label Maintenance page, the message text is displayed in the United States/English version as well as the selected country and language from the drop down lists. There is also a Translation Needed checkbox to the right of each element. If checked, this indicates a translation of text is needed by a local SMI Administrator.

Updating Application Message Text

To update local language text for the desired messages, simply select the appropriate text item in the Local Language Translation Text column and key in the appropriate translation. Uncheck the Translation Needed checkbox and click the Save button. The text translations will appear the next time the application message is displayed.

When a change is made to the United States/English version of the message text, the Translation Needed indicator will automatically be turned on to indicate the change and the need for local language translation review. Upon review of the text translations, it is a good idea to uncheck the Translation Needed checkbox even if no translation is required. An update to the United States/English version of the text may not always require a translation. The application merely flags messages that potentially may require a translation update.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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