Welcome to Ms. Werner's Class


As part of the 8th grade curriculum videos and video clips from movies are used to supplement different lessons. Below is a list of videos which I might show throughout the school year. Please sign and send back the bottom of this letter informing me that your child does/does not have permission to watch the following films. If you would rather your child not watch them, an alternate assignment will be provided.

If you have any questions about any of the films, please feel free to e-mail or call me and I will explain how I will be using it in class. Please know that these videos are used to enhance, not to replace any learning in my classroom. I feel that being able to see the historical situation, even in reenactment, is complimentary to reading about it in a text and discussing it in class. Furthermore, I do use discretion as to what is too violent or inappropriate for the classroom.

The Story of US – History….NR

Diary of Anne Frank the Whole Story – Holocaust…NR

The Third Reich – Holocaust (History Channel)…NR

Flowers for Algernon – Common Core novel…NR

Tom and Huck – Adventures of Tom Sawyer/Common Core novel…PG

Speak – Common Core novel…PG-13

Brave New Voices – HBO series that goes with poetry spoken word unit…TV-MA

Not all of the films are shown from beginning to end.

Child’s Name: ______________________________

____ My child does NOT have permission to watch these films

____ My child does have permission to watch these films

Parent signature: _________________________________________ Date: ________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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