23 OCT 2006 Dear Lawrence,


AUGUST 11, 2015

Prakash Lasrado recommends to Indian bishops the New Age yogic meditation of a fake bishop who gate-crashed a Vatican conclave and promotes sex toys

This ministry must have received over 30 emails from one Prakash Lasrado over the last 48 hours. Sample:

Subject: Michael Prabhu is like a frightened mouse when it comes to debates

Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 19:57:22 +0530

Michael Prabhu is like a frightened mouse when it comes to debates. I am like a roaring lion when it comes to debates.

A roaring lion must allow the frightened mouse to run into its hole and must not attack a weakling. The strong must allow the weak to escape.

Now Michael Prabhu will backstab me on his blog and bury his report under a pile of other reports hoping that I do not manage to unearth what is written about me. Earlier his reports about me occupied the headlines on his blog. Now he quietly buries them in his blog under a pile of other reports.

Sooner or later I am going to find out what is written about me behind my back.


The truth of my claim can be verified by the Cardinal Archbishop of Bombay, Most Rev. Oswald Gracias, and a number of other Archbishops, Bishops and priests (over 50 in all) who are on the receiving end of his unsolicited mailing list, see the email reproduced in toto below. Just about 3 minutes earlier, he had sent, as is his habit of adding on missed-out tidbits of information every few minutes (he might send off up to 5 emails in a space of less than 15 minutes, all of them on the exact same subject), another email on the same subject, see top of page 3, which was when he provided another link to the same web site on “Jesus Yoga”, also described as “Transcendental Christian Meditation”.

From: Prakash Lasrado prakash.lasrado@

Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 15:58:03

To: michaelprabhu@, frconrad@

Cc: Cardinal Oswald Gracias diocesebombay@, Agnelo Gracias , Bishop of Vasai , Percival Fernandez , Pune Diocese , Cedric Prakash , Edward M Delhi , Archbishop Madras , Robert Monteiro , "Aloysius Paul D' Souza" , Oswald Gracias , "editor@examiner.in" , "austinnorris@" , "jesuitsantosh@" , "meetfrsantosh@" , "Fr Eugene Lobo S.J." , Francis Serrao , "divineretreatcentre@" , "Fr. Augustine Vallooran VC" , "athazhath@" , Catholic Bishops conference of India , Catholic Bishops conference of India , Catholic Bishops conference of India Catholic Bishops conference of India , Archbishop Filip Neri , Pronuncio , "archbishop@" , "abpstan@" , Bishop Ferdie Fonseca , "cardinaltoppo@" , Fr Clement de Lima , "derozario@" , "mail@examiner.in" , Ryan Anthony Fernandes , "frkammattil@" , Fr Adrian , Fr Tony Mendonca , Fr Rui Comelo , "jeppuseminary@yahoo.co.in" , "thomas_macwan@yahoo.co.in" , Fr Ralph Fernandes ,

"telestoppo@" , "jerrydms@" , "Prashanth D'Souza" , John Baptist Saldanha , Fr Salu Rodrigues , "bishopckm@yahoo.co.in" , "faustinelobo@yahoo.in" , John Rumao , "cilwilvas@" , "antonygpinto@" , John Sequeira , Fr Michael Goveas , Fr Vernon , lancy_dcruz@, "holycrosschurchcordel@" , walter monteiro , Terence Monteiro , "pernelson@"

Subject: Re: Jesus yoga - Transcendental Christian meditation

Daily Meditation Practice

Guided Jesus Yoga Meditation to achieve Christ Consciousness – by Christian Yogini Dunja

VIDEO 16:42

(I reproduce the contents of the web page with all of its spelling and grammatical errors –Michael)

Practise this Transcendental Christian Meditation 2 times every day as your start into the Jesus Yoga.

The daily 20 minutes that will change your life


Sit down (best with strait spine).

Repeat the following words again and again and again:

Domine Iesu Christe miserere mei.

Do this 20 minutes or more every day.

You can split this 20 minutes in 2 times, chanting in 10 minute segments.

Here is the translation of the Latin prayer, or mantra:

Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me.

These words will later unfold many layers of meaning and the Transcendental Christian Meditation will raise your consciousness into Christ Consciousness*.

For the beginning it is good for you to just start to repeat this words. You can do this loud or silently in your mind. You can use a rosary, chotki or mala to count how many prayers you did. And do 108 or 100. Or you use a watch to count the time.

For the beginning it is good that you just experience and start.

When you have the possebilety to learn from a teacher or a group leader then use this chance. Also use the chances to meditate in the presence of a teacher and/or the cross relic.

Later the technique will be expanded and you can learn breathing techniques and to connect the prayer to your breath, your heart and many other things that will raise your Consciousness and lead you to God. Also the prayer can be chanted.

But already this basic practice will cause an amazing spiritual growing and you will have great health benefits. And it is the start of your journey into Christ consciousness.

By doing this meditation you also become a part of the worldwide movement to raise the global consciousness which will cause peace and shift mankind into the next level of awareness and unity.

To sit and meditate in the presence of a Jesus Yoga Teacher will be very beneficial for your spiritual growing. Try to meditate as often as possible in the presence of a consecrated teacher. If no teacher is available to initiate you, we recommend that you use the meditation video on top of this page and meditate together with Jesus Yoga Teacher Dunja.

In the video, you can see the relic of the true cross in the golden monstrance on the right side. The presence of the relic is connecting you with the global network of Christ Consciousness and is enabeling you to recive the blessings.

On the left side you see a relic of Saint Paul (a bone/ex ossibus). The presence of the relic is enabeling a deep healing processes.

Yogini Dunja is a Jesus Yoga Teacher.

The guidance of Yogini Dunja will transform yourself, and enable you to progress on your path to Christ Consciousness.

Meditate daily and help to manifest the new golden era.

Your daily 20 minutes are a great start into a journey that will bring you to yourself and God.

Enter Christ Consciousness and meet God.

Those are the contents of the page of the web site on “Jesus Yoga” also described as “Transcendental Christian Meditation”, sent to the Bombay Cardinal and Indian bishops in full detail by Prakash Lasrado.

Prakash Lasrado targets Bombay archdiocese priest Fr. Conrad Saldanha as well as this ministry because we condemn the practice of Hindu yoga by Catholics on our blog and web site respectively. Lasrado of course is an advocate of yoga and inundates the recipients on his mailing list with information that seeks to prove that yoga is areligious and accepted by Muslims, Orthodox Jews, and even some “Catholics”.

The above web page on Jesus yoga - Transcendental Christian meditation which was addressed to Fr. Conrad Saldanha and me is part of Lasrado’s advocacy of yoga.

Not surprisingly, neither Cardinal Archbishop Oswald Gracias nor any of the other bishops and priests on Lasrado’s mailing list could see that Jesus yoga - Transcendental Christian meditation i) is thoroughly New Age, and ii) is promoted by a known impostor who claims to be a Catholic prelate, and rebuke Lasrado for publicizing New Age error and the web site of the fake “bishop”.

*See the Vatican Document Jesus Christ, the Bearer of the Water of Life, A Christian Reflection on the New Age, #, for an explanation of the New Age paradigm, “Christ Consciousness”.

From: Prakash Lasrado prakash.lasrado@ Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 15:54:48 +0530

Subject: Jesus yoga - Transcendental Christian meditation To: As Above CC: As Above

One can now take a look at the page that Prakash Lasrado recommends to the Cardinal and Bishops from the same web site.

(I reproduce the contents of the web page with all of its spelling and grammatical errors –Michael)


Jesus Yoga Book

In the Jesus Yoga Book you will find introductions and very detailed explanations about the practice of Jesus Yoga.

Also you will find in this book the true story and testimony of a pilgrim. This saint had amazing experiences on his pilgrimage to learn the Jesus Prayer practice.

And you will learn about the Cross Relic and the struggles to make the cross relic, all this knowledge and ancient but hidden practices of the Jesus Yoga available for mankind. And how it did come that about 2 billion viewers did see, hear or read about Bishop Ralph’s last visit in the Vatican. (We will soon meet “Bishop Ralph” –Michael)

More Information in the >>> JesusYogaShop > here books You can start now. > Become a Jesus Yoga Teacher! ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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