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Read the three translations of the text below + decide which is best. Explain why.

En mi tiempo libre me encanta practicar deporte. Me gusta mucho nadar y voy a la piscina muy a menudo para entrenarme, pero mi deporte favorito es el fútbol. Soy miembro de un equipo juvenil y juego como delantero así que lo tomo muy en serio. No obstante, también me encanta jugar al fútbol con mis amigos en el parque en verano cuando hace buen tiempo. Es un deporte muy social y barato.

1. In my free time I love to practise sport. I like a lot to swim and I go to the pool very often to train myself, but my sport favourite is the football. I am member of a juvenile team and I play as forward so it I take very in serious. Nevertheless, also I love to play football with my friends in the park in summer when it does good weather. It is a sport very social and cheap.




2. In my free time I love doing sport. I like swimming a lot and I go to the pool very often, but my favourite sport is football. I am member of a team and I take very seriously. Nevertheless, also I love playing football with my mates in the park when the weather is good. It’s a very social and cheap sport.




3. In my free time I love doing sport. I really like swimming and I go to the pool very often to train, but my favourite sport is football. I am member of a youth team and I play as a forward so I really take it seriously. Nevertheless, I also love to play football with my friends in the park in the summer when the weather is good. It’s a very social and cheap sport.





Read the text below and then but the translation into the correct order.

¿Qué no me gusta? Odio jugar con videojuegos. Creo que son muy aburridos e incluso una mala influencia. Muchos videojuegos son violentos o sexistas. También detesto navegar por internet. No me interesa. Prefiero hablar con mis amigos por el móvil o ir de paseo.

El fin de semana próximo me gustaría salir a cantar karaoke con mis amigos. ¡Me encanta! Es muy divertido y gracioso porque cantamos mal. ¡Es una pasada!

| |Wrong order |Correct order |

|1 |with my friends. | |

|2 |do I not like? | |

|3 |playing | |

|4 |I prefer to talk | |

|5 |I think they are | |

|6 |a bad influence. | |

|7 |What | |

|8 |for a walk | |

|9 |computer games. | |

|10 |I also hate | |

|11 |or to go | |

|12 |I hate | |

|13 |very boring and even | |

|14 |It doesn’t interest me. | |

|15 |Many computer games | |

|16 |with my friends on the mobile | |

|17 |Next weekend | |

|18 |violent and sexist. | |

|19 |to sing karaoke | |

|20 |surfing the internet. | |

|21 |I love it! | |

|22 |are | |

|23 |It is fun and funny | |

|24 |I would like to go out | |

|25 |It’s amazing! | |

|26 |Because we sing badly | |


Translate the text below into Spanish.

In my free time, I love doing sport. I really like swimming and I go to the pool very often to train, but my favourite sport is football. I am member of a youth team and I play as a forward so I really take it seriously. Nevertheless, I also love to play football with my friends in the park in the summer when the weather is good. It’s a very social and cheap sport.















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