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|Monthly Assignment by | |The Century: America’s |A Documentary History of |Freedom: A History of US|The American Pageant |

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|September to October |Founding Documents Unit|Founding Documents Unit |Founding Documents Unit |Founding Documents Unit |Founding Documents Unit |

|October to November |12. (11 videos) |Reconstruction: The |15. The Conflict over |7: What is Freedom |Chapter 22: The Ordeal of |

| |Reconstruction |Second Civil War |Reconstruction |8: Whose Land is this? |Reconstruction, 1865-1877 |

|Reconstruction through|(1865-1877) |(part 1) from American |16. The Gilded Age | | |

|Urbanization | |Experience |17. From Frontier to | |Chapter 23: Political Paralysis in |

| |13. (15 videos) | |Factory | |the Gilded Age, 1869-1896 |

| |Westward Expansion, |Reconstruction: The | | | |

| |Industrialization & |Second Civil War | | |Chapter 24: Industry Comes of Age, |

| |Urbanization |(part 2) from American | | |1865-1900 |

| |(1870-1900) |Experience | | | |

| | | | | |Chapter 25: America Moves to the |

| | | | | |City, 1865-1900 |

|November to December |114. (8 videos) |01) The Beginning: Seeds |18. Grassroots Rebellion |9: Working for Freedom |Chapter 29: Progressivism and the |

|Progressive Era-WWi |The Progressive Era |Of Change |19. Imperial America |10. Yearning to breathe |Republican Roosevelt, 1901-1912 |

| |(1900-1917) | |20. Progressive Ferment |free | |

| | |02) 1914-1919 Shell Shock| | |Chapter 30: Wilsonian Progressivism|

| |15. (8 videos) | | | |at Home and Abroad, 1912-1916 |

| |American Imperialism | | | | |

| |(1890-1919) | | | |Chapter 31: The War to End War, |

| | | | | |1917-1918 |

|December to January |16. (10 videos) |03) 1920-1929 Boom To |21. The Great Crusade and |11. Safe for Democracy |Chapter 32: American Life in the |

|Roaring 20’s |The Roaring 20s |Bust |After (WWI) | |"Roaring Twenties," 1919-1929 |

| |(1920-1929) | | | | |

| | | | | |Chapter 33: The Politics of Boom |

| | | | | |and Bust, 1920-1932 |

|January to February |17. (6 videos) |04) 1929-1936 Stormy |22. Boom and Bust |12. Depression and War |Chapter 34: The Great Depression |

|The Great Depression |The Great Depression |Weather |23. The Roosevelt | |and the New Deal, 1933-1939 |

| |(1929-1940) |05) 1936-1941 Over the |Revolution | | |

| | |Edge | | | |

|February to March |18. (9 videos) |06) 1941-1945 Civilians |24. The End of |13. Democracy and |Chapter 35: Franklin D. Roosevelt |

|WWII |The US in World War ll |At War |Isolationism |Struggles |and the Shadow of War, 1933-1941 |

| |(1941-1945) |07) 1941-1945 Homefront | | | |

| | | | | |Chapter 36: America in World War |

| | | | | |II, 1941-1945 |

March to April

Post War America |19. (6 videos)

Post-War World (1946-1959)

20. (7 videos)

The Cold War (1950-1973)

|08) 1946-1952 Best Years

09) 1953-1960 Happy Days

10) 1960-1964 Poisoned Dreams

|25. The Cold War

26. America at Mid Century

|14. Let Freedom Ring |Chapter 37: The Cold War Begins, 1945-1952

Chapter 38: The Eisenhower Era, 1952-1960 | |April to May

The 60’s and 70’s |21. (8 videos) Protests, Activism and Civil Disobedience (1954-1973)

22. (6 videos)

The 1970s (1969-1979)

|11) 1965-1970 Unpinned

12) 1971-1975 Approaching the Apocalypse

13) 1976-1980 Starting Over

|27. From the New Frontier to the Great Society

|15. We Shall Overcome |Chapter 39: The Stormy Sixties, 1960-1968

Chapter 40: The Stalemated Seventies, 1968-1980

| |May to June

80’s and beyond

|23. (6 videos)

The Rise of Political Conservatism (1980-1992)

24. (6 videos)

Contemporary America (1992-2013)

|14) 1981-1989 A New World

15) 1990-1999 Then and Now

|31. America at the Millenium

32. The Politics of Hope

|16. Becoming Free |Chapter 41: The Resurgence of Conservatism, 1980-2000

Chapter 42: The American People Face a New Century | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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