Ol' King Cole's Castle

Use Microsoft Word Notebook Layout to organize your poems as followed:

Tab 1 - Cover Page

Name, date, picture, title for the whole portfolio

Tab 2 – Checklist (copy and past the table below)

| | | | |Poem Topics | | | |

| | |EQ 1 |EQ 2 |

|Organization |*still unsure of poem structure |*followed almost all of the rules |*followed the rules of the poems |

|Poems | |of the poem | |

|Ideas |*does not have a good understanding|*has a good understanding of the |*has a thorough understand of the |

| |of the essential questions |essential questions |essential questions |

| |*poems hastily put together or |*poems written with some thought |*poems thoughtfully written with |

|Poems |written with very little/no |with some references to the Middle |clear references to the Middle Ages|

|Connections |references to the Middle Ages |Ages | |

|Word Choice |*very little thought given to word |*most words were well chosen, clear|*words well chosen, clear, visual, |

| |choice |and accurate |and accurate |

|Poems |*used the same words over and over |*used tired out clichés or phrases |*words and phrases so vivid the |

| |again | |reader won’t soon forget them |

|Conventions |*little evidence of editing for |*some evidence of editing for |*thorough editing for spelling, |

| |spelling, capitalization, |spelling, capitalization, |capitalization, punctuation |

|Connections |punctuation |punctuation | |

Tails of a Goat Boy


by Perkin Goatboy

Humanities Period 3

March 15, 1291

| | | | |Poem Topics | | | |

| | |EQ 1 |EQ 2 |

|Organization |*still unsure of poem structure |*followed almost all of the rules |*followed the rules of the poems |

|Poems | |of the poem | |

|Ideas |*does not have a good understanding|*has a good understanding of the |*has a thorough understand of the |

| |of the essential questions |essential questions |essential questions |

| |*poems hastily put together or |*poems written with some thought |*poems thoughtfully written with |

|Poems |written with very little/no |with some references to the Middle |clear references to the Middle Ages|

|Connections |references to the Middle Ages |Ages | |

|Word Choice |*very little thought given to word |*most words were well chosen, clear|*words well chosen, clear, visual, |

| |choice |and accurate |and accurate |

|Poems |*used the same words over and over |*used tired out clichés or phrases |*words and phrases so vivid the |

| |again | |reader won’t soon forget them |

|Conventions |*little evidence of editing for |*some evidence of editing for |*thorough editing for spelling, |

| |spelling, capitalization, |spelling, capitalization, |capitalization, punctuation |

|Connections |punctuation |punctuation | |

I will write my general comments here.


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