VISIO P&ID Process Designer - Intelligent P&ID …

[Pages:120]AUGUST 18, 2016

VISIO P&ID Process Designer


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Date: August 2016 Visio P&ID Process Designer

Author: Arnab Ghosh

Copyright ? ITandFactory GmbH 2016. All rights reserved.

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This document may not be duplicated either in full or in part in any form whatsoever without the prior written consent of ITandFactory GmbH. Duplication is fundamentally subject to a fee. V-P&ID Process Designer is a registered trademark of ITandFactory GmbH.

V-P&ID Process Designer 2016



Using this tutorial ...................................................................................................................................... 3

1 Getting Started with Visio-Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Process Designer......................................................................................................................................................... 4

1.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................................5 1.2 Understanding the User Interface .....................................................................................................................7

2 Managing Projects and Documents ........................................................................................... 10

2.1 Working with Projects.........................................................................................................................................11 2.2 Working with Documents .................................................................................................................................. 14

3 Working with Drawings ................................................................................................................. 18

3.1 Creating and Editing Title Blocks....................................................................................................................19 3.2 Managing Drawings .............................................................................................................................................. 21 3.3 Customizing Visio User Interface....................................................................................................................24

4 Working with Tree and Object Manager .................................................................................. 26

4.1 The VP&ID Tree......................................................................................................................................................27 4.2 The Object Manager..............................................................................................................................................33 4.3 Adding Media and Pipe Specifications .......................................................................................................... 39

5 Working with Shapes ..................................................................................................................... 46

5.1 Organising Shapes ................................................................................................................................................. 47 5.2 Handling Shapes in a Drawing ......................................................................................................................... 51 5.3 Inserting Components in a Drawing .............................................................................................................. 55

6 Creating Pipelines and Inserting Valves.................................................................................. 65

6.1 Creating Pipelines..................................................................................................................................................66 6.2 Working with valves.............................................................................................................................................76

7 Analyzing and Modifying P&ID Objects ................................................................................... 81

7.1 Using the Designation Functions.....................................................................................................................82 7.2 Checking Pipeline Consistency.........................................................................................................................85 7.3 Working with Measurement and Control....................................................................................................86 7.4 Deleting and Editing Objects.............................................................................................................................90

8 Working with the Database .......................................................................................................... 93

8.1 Creating a Database .............................................................................................................................................. 94 8.2 Editing Properties of Objects ............................................................................................................................ 96

9 Finalizing the drawing ................................................................................................................... 98

9.1 Managing Designations ....................................................................................................................................... 99 9.2 Managing Documents ....................................................................................................................................... 100

10 Performing Administration Tasks.......................................................................................... 101

10.1 New User Shapes ................................................................................................................................................ 102 10.2 Modifying Title block and Border using New User Shapes ............................................................... 108


V-P&ID Process Designer 2016

Using this tutorial

The content of this tutorial contains step-wise tasks which will help you to use a command successfully. You can use a command by replaying the steps in exact same manner. The objective of this tutorial is to familiarize you with all the commands of V-P&ID Process Designer, so that you can reuse the knowledge in your respective projects.

The following conventions are used in this tutorial:

Bold Text Italics Numerical list Alphabetical list [Type] Balloons

denote a command name denote an item on the V-P&ID Process Designer tree or Menu present sequential steps, for e.g. steps in exercise present non-sequential bullet points buttons to be pressed on the keyboard entries that need to be typed indicate the location of the step in an image

The additional information is given in notes:

Note: The text in this section is to additional options, or cross-references to other

parts of the text. This section may also contain some warnings.

V-P&ID Process Designer 2016



Getting Started with Visio-Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Process Designer

In this lesson you will learn how to start the VP&ID Process Designer and get familiar with the User Interface. You will also learn how to create a P&ID Project Structure.

Topics to be covered:

Introduction Understanding the User-Interface


V-P&ID Process Designer 2016

1.1 Introduction

About Visio P&ID Process Designer (V-P&ID)

V-P&ID Process Designer is a low cost offering from IT and Factory GmbH that assists in planning and design of the Process -flow, and Piping & Instrumentation diagrams your plant design. It utilizes the graphic of MS-Visio and uses the object library of V-P&ID.

Following are the advantages of using Visio-Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Process Designer:

Easy to learn tool that facilitates quick productivity Allows comprehensible and visual change management Ensures high planning security with rule-based work Maintains the uniqueness of numbering system Automatic structure and hierarchy formation according to standard (e.g. drive is subordinate to


About Database

V-P&ID uses an object-oriented database supported System. These objects are self-contained and can be related with other objects. Hence, the object information is entered only once in the system and are available to the user in all modules.

V-P&ID Process Designer being a database supported system has a multiuser and multiple-use capability. This allows multiple users to access the same project database and perform different tasks.

Starting V-P&ID Process Designer

Use the following steps to start the V-P&ID Process Designer:

1. Double-click the Visio P&ID Process Designer icon on the desktop. Alternatively you can select Start > Visio P&ID Process Designer.

2. In the Login dialog box, enter the User Name and Password and click Login. The Project and Document Management dialog box appears on the screen.

V-P&ID Process Designer 2016


3. Click Login. The Project and Document Management dialog box appears in the screen with the existing database and projects in its domain.

If, there are no projects in the current database domain, you need to create a project structure to start a new drawing.


It is advisable not to start V-P&ID Designer by double-clicking the file or using the menu Last opened documents in the Window Start menu

Opening a Drawing

You can open a drawing in V-P&ID Process Designer only from the Project and Document Management dialog box. A drawing appears in V-P&ID Process Designer after it is opened. After closing the drawing, V-


V-P&ID Process Designer 2016

P&ID Process Designer automatically opens the Project and Document Management dialog box. Use the following steps to open a drawing:

1 In the Project and Document Management dialog box, click the [+] icon in tree to open the Project Structure and reach the drawing.

2 Right-click the drawing icon, select Open Drawing from the contextual menu. Alternatively, you can click the Open icon.

1.2 Understanding the User Interface

The user-interface of V-P&ID appears after you open a drawing in the Project and Document Management dialog box.

V-P&ID Process Designer 2016



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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