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Object role modeling (ORM)

Object Role Modeling (ORM) is a powerful method for designing and querying database models at the conceptual level, where the application is described in terms easily understood by non-technical users. In practice, ORM data models often capture more business rules, and are easier to validate and evolve than data models in other approaches.

Dr. Terry Halpin ( t.halpin@ ), Principal Scientist at LogicBlox, an innovative business analytics company headquartered in Atlanta, formalized the Object Role Modeling approach and has authored five books and over 160 technical papers. Visit the rest of this site to explore various conceptual data modeling topics discussed in his publications.

The 2nd edition of Information Modeling and Relational Databases (ISBN: 978-0-12-373568-3) was published on March 1, 2008. This major upgrade of the earlier edition runs to 970 pages and includes loads of new and updated content. Fully updated to ORM 2 and UML 2 and the latest developments in SQL and XML, this book reveals the true power of semantic data modeling (covering ORM, ER, and UML), as well as addressing business process modeling, relational databases, and other modeling topics such as the semantic web.

NORMA (Neumont ORM Architect) is a new modeling tool under development that supports the next generation of ORM (ORM 2). Implemented as an open-source plug-in to Microsoft's Visual Studio .NET, NORMA requires at least the standard version of Visual Studio (2005 or 2008). For further details on the ORM 2 graphical notation, see ORM 2 Technical Report 1. A technical preview of NORMA is available on The ORM Foundation as well as SourceForge. Here is an ORM Foundation link to NORMA, and here is a SourceForge link to NORMA.

The NORMA software is currently in the pre-beta stage, but extensive functionality enhancements and user-interface improvements are planned for the near future. Currently the tool supports entry of ORM2 schemas, verbalization of of most constraints, and code generation (for basic constraints) to a variety of DBMSs (including SQL Server, DB2, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MySQL) as well as class models and XML schema. NORMA is capable of importing ORM schemas entered in Visio for Enterpise Architects, but the diagrams need to be laid out manually. For Part 1 of the specification for automated verbalization in NORMA, see ORM 2 Technical Report 2.


Encyclopedia of Database Systems

Özsu, M. Tamer; Liu, Ling (Eds.)

Version: print+eReference (book + online access)

2009, Approx. 4000 p.

ISBN: 978-0-387-49616-0

Due: June 2009

price valid until August 31, 2009 1.499,00 €

Leading editor, Tamer Özsu, world renowned leader in the field; university research chair for database research group at Waterloo; was editor-in-chief of VLDB journal, recently retired

Targeted literature references

Each peer-reviewed entry includes: definition, key words, illustrations, applications and bibliography

First reference work on VLDB with an XML e-reference searchable version, with animation /java applets, 4 color, sound files, annual updates on new trends/terms

The Encyclopedia of Databases, a comprehensive work, provides easy access to relevant information on all aspects of very large databases. This encyclopedia features alphabetical organization of concepts covering main areas of very large databases. These 1000 entries offer convenient access to information in the field of databases with definitions and illustrations of basic terminology, concepts, methods, and algorithms, references to literature, and cross-references to other entries and journal articles. Topics for the encyclopedia were selected by a distinguished international advisory board, and written by world class experts in the field.

The Encyclopedia of Databases is designed to meet the needs of research scientists, professors and graduate-level students in computer science and engineering. This encyclopedia is also suitable for practitioners in industry.


Storage structures.- Advanced storage systems.- Data models.- Database design.- Query processing and optimization.- Transaction management.- Workflow management.- Database security.- Active databases.- Data integration systems.- Data warehouse.- Data mining.- Logics and databases.- Distributed and parallel database systems.- Web data management.- Structured and semi-structured document databases.- Peer-to-Peer data management.- Mobile and ubiquitous data management.- Sensor networks and steam data management.- Spatial and multidimensional databases.- Temporal databases.- Bioinformatics and health informatics databases.- Scientific databases and applications.- Multimedia databases.- Geographical Information Systems.

Written for:

Researcher scientists and graduate-level students in computer science and geography

ORM tools

(1) NORMA (Neumont ORM Architect) is a new modeling tool under development that supports the next generation of ORM (ORM 2). Implemented as an open-source plug-in to Microsoft's Visual Studio .NET, NORMA requires at least the standard version of Visual Studio (2005 or 2008). For further details on the ORM 2 graphical notation, see ORM 2 Technical Report 1. A technical preview of NORMA is available on The ORM Foundation as well as SourceForge. Here is an ORM Foundation link to NORMA, and here is a SourceForge link to NORMA.

The NORMA software is currently in the pre-beta stage, but extensive functionality enhancements and user-interface improvements are planned for the near future. Currently the tool supports entry of ORM2 schemas, verbalization of of most constraints, and code generation (for basic constraints) to a variety of DBMSs (including SQL Server, DB2, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MySQL) as well as class models and XML schema. NORMA is capable of importing ORM schemas entered in Visio for Enterpise Architects, but the diagrams need to be laid out manually.

A Visio stencil and template for drawing ORM 2 schemas, as well as a sample schema, are accessible in the following zipped folder. This stencil requires Visio standard edition (or higher), and is for drawing only, not code generation. It is completely separate from the NORMA tool.

(2) Microsoft includes a powerful ORM and logical database modeling solution within its Visio for Enterprise Architects (VEA) product. The 2005 release of of VEA includes some minor upgrades (e.g. a driver for SQL Server 2005 is now included). Visio for Enterprise Architects appears to be included in MSDN Premium subscriptions. The least expensive way to get an MSDN Premium subscription appears to be through a purchase of "Visual Studio Professional Edition with MSDN Premium Subscription." Click here for MSDN subscription information and purchase details.

Details on a COM API to the database modeling engine for this tool are accessible at websites maintained by John Miller (see below), and a free add-on that uses this API to expose data model details in the form of an XML document has been released by Scot Becker (see below).

The first eight of a series of articles on how to use the database modeling solution within Visio for Enterprise Architects were first published in the Journal of Conceptual Modeling (see InConcept entry below). Here are slightly revised versions of these articles:

Microsoft's new database modeling tool: Part 1 (598K)

Microsoft's new database modeling tool: Part 2 (447K)

Microsoft's new database modeling tool: Part 3 (231K)

Microsoft's new database modeling tool: Part 4 (252K)

Microsoft's new database modeling tool: Part 5 (255K)

Microsoft's new database modeling tool: Part 6 (228K)

Microsoft's new database modeling tool: Part 7 (290K)

Microsoft's new database modeling tool: Part 8 (505K)

Microsoft has also published revised versions of five of these articles on its MSDN website: Visio-Based Database Modeling in Visual Studio .NET Enterprise Architect: Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5.

A free Visio Viewer to enable users who have not purchased Visio to view Visio files is now available for download.

(3) The former ORM tool known as VisioModeler is freely available as an unsupported product from Microsoft Corporation (as a 25 MB download). Models developed in VisioModeler may be exported to Microsoft's current and future ORM solutions. To obtain the free VisioModeler download, go to , search by selecting Keyword Search, enter the keyword "VisioModeler", select your operating system (e.g. Windows XP -- Note: VisioModeler does NOT work under Windows Vista), change the setting for "Show Results for" to "All Downloads", and hit the "Find It!" button. This should bring up a download page that includes the title "VisioModeler (Unsupported Product Edition)". Clicking on this will take you to the link for the download file MSVM31.exe. Click on this to do the download. The 25 MB file takes just over 2 hours to download on a 28.8 k modem. Here is the general download page. VisioModeler includes an online manual to explain its use. In addition, you may download this basic tutorial on how to use VisioModeler (312k).

(4) A modeling tool caled CaseTalk based on the ORM-dialect known as Fully Communication Oriented Information Modeling (FCO-IM) is available from Bommeljé Crompvoets en partners b.v., headquartered in Utrecht, The Netherlands. To find out more about this tool, click this CaseTalk news page.

(5) A freeware ORM tool known as Infagon is now available from Mattic software. Infagon is based on the same dialect as CaseTalk. To download or obtain more details about this tool, click the Infagon home page.









Lielākā daļa no datorsistēmu modeļiem pamatojas uz diagrammām, kuras sastāv no grafiskiem elementiem un to aprakstiem. Eksistē vairākas notācijas datorsistēmu modeļu izveidošanai, kuras sauc par modelēšanas valodām. Modelēšanas valodas sintakse definē simbolus (parasti grafiskus) un to sadalīšanu diagrammās. Modelēšanas procesā priekšrocība tiek dota tieši noteiktas modelēšanas valodas izmantošanai.

Modelēšanas valodu iedalījums

UML (Unified Modeling Language) ir grafisko valodu kopa, kas ļauj modelēt visdažādākus biznesa un programmatūras izstrādes aspektus. UML – jaudīga modelēšanas valoda, kura orientēta uz sistēmas arhitektūru un projektēšanu. UML ir uz metamodelēšanu balstīta valoda, kas nozīmē, ka katrs modelējamais apgabals tiek aprakstīts vairākos abstrakcijas līmeņos. UML valoda atbalsta diagrammu zīmēšanu. Tās atvieglo sistēmas projektēšanu, taču ne vienmēr zīmē visas diagrammas.

IDEF ir cēlies no diviem saīsinājumiem - Air Force program for Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing (ICAM), kas izstrādāja ICAM definēšanas valodu - ICAM Definition jeb IDEF. IDEF ir vairāku valodu grupa (IDEF 0,1,3,4,5), kas apraksta dažādus modelēšanas aspektus. Biežāk tiek izmantotas IDEF 0 un IDEF 3, kur IDEF 0 ir UML lietojumu gadījumu (Use Case) diagrammu analogs, bet IDEF 3 ir UML aktivitāšu diagrammas analogs.

ORM (Object-Role Modeling) ir alternatīva UML klašu diagrammai. ORM ir spēcīga valoda, lai modelētu datu bāzes modeļus konceptuālajā līmenī. ORM datu modeļi parasti satur biznesa likumus un tos ir vieglāk apstiprināt un attīstīt nekā datu modeļus citās pieejās.

BPML, BPMN (Business Process Modeling Language) ir alternatīva UML aktivitāšu diagrammai. BPML faktiski ir modelēšanas valodas definīcija (XML shēma), kas apraksta biznesa procesu. Praktiskai biznesu procesu modelēšanai ir izstrādāta BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation) valoda.

XPDL ir uz XML bāzēta modelēšanas valoda. Tā tiek izmantota sistēmās, kuru izstrāde ir sākusies ar klasisko darba plūsmas pārvaldību (bezpapīra dokumentu apstrāde).

GRAPES-BM ir biznesa modelēšanas valoda, ko izstrādāja Latvijas Universitātes Matemātikas un informātikas institūts. Valoda tika izstrādāta laikā, kad pastāvēja UML 1.3, kurā biznesa procesu aprakstīšanai izmantoja stāvokļu automātu , kura modelēšanas un izpildes iespējas bija nepietiekošas. GRAPES-BM ir tagadējās UML 2.0 aktivitāšu diagrammas analogs.

MOLA (MOdel transformation LAnguage) arī ir izstrādāta Latvijas Universitātes Matemātikas un informātikas institūtā, bet tā nav tieši domāta modelēšanai, bet gan modeļu transformācijai.

2. Object-Role Modeling

Object-Role Modeling (ORM, latv.: Objektu lomu modelēšana), jeb fact-oriented modeling – ir alternatīva UML klašu diagrammai. ORM ir spēcīga valoda, lai modelētu datu bāzes modeļus konceptuālajā līmenī. ORM datu modeļi parasti satur biznesa likumus un tos ir vieglāk apstiprināt un attīstīt nekā datu modeļus citās pieejās.

Populārākie ORM rīki:

• Microsoft Visio for Enterprise Architects;

• CaseTalk ();

• CogNIAM, ();

• FCO-IM Casetool un Infagon ();

• Dogma Modeler


• NORMA (), tas ir „open-source plug-in” priekš Microsoft Visual Studio.


2.1. att. Objektu lomu modelēšana


2.2. att. „CaseTalk” rīks


2.3. att. „Infagon” rīks (1)


2.4. att. „Infagon” rīks (2)


2.5. att. „Dogma Modeler” rīks

3. ORM/ORM2 notācijas







4. ORM modelēšanas piemēri

1. piemērs


4.1. att. „ORM piemērs priekš grāmatas publicēšanas”

2. piemērs


4.2. att. „ORM piemērs priekš universitātes darbinieka definēšanas”

3. piemērs


4.3. att. „ORM piemērs priekš universitātes darbinieka un departamenta”

4. piemērs


4.4. att. „Saites definēšana priekš 3. piemēra”



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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