Title of Project/Unit:

Title of Project: Making the Right Choice

Subject(s): Mathematics

Grade Level(s): 12th Grade


All students dream of owning their own “set of wheels” one day. However, not all students have the resources or the concept of money management to make sound decision to achieve ownership of their dream car. The students are assuming the role of a young adult getting ready to make their first big financial purchase. Students will begin by researching the new and used car market. Students will analyze the cost of ownership for a new or used car with their current monthly income and expenses by developing a “Cost of Ownership” spreadsheet. Student's income will be based on a minimum wage rate working 40 hours a week. Expenses will be determined by whole group collaboration. Students will then develop a website where they can share their information for other first-time car buyers to review. A final reflection will be given on the data collected to determine if the cost of ownership is feasible based on the buyer’s current income.

Learner Description/Context:

General Information Students Enrolled: 1446 Grades: 9-12

Title I School:


|White |Black |Hispanic |Asian |Free/Reduced Lunch |Special Education |

|57% |38% |3% |0.5% |60% |13% |

Students will work independently when researching and gathering price information on their specific dream car. Students will work in groups when developing the spreadsheet and creating the website.

Time Frame:

10 Day Assignment:

90 Minute Block Scheduling:

Standards Assessed:

Learner Objectives: MM1P5. Students will represent mathematics in multiple ways.

a. Create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas.

MM1P3. Students will communicate mathematically.

a. Organize and consolidate their mathematical thinking through communication.

b. Communicate their mathematical thinking coherently and clearly to peers, teachers, and others.

c. Analyze and evaluate the mathematical thinking and strategies of others.

d. Use the language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely.

MAMDMA3. Students will create and analyze mathematical models to make decisions related to earning, investing, spending, and borrowing money.

a. Use exponential functions to model change in a variety of financial situations.

b. Determine, represent, and analyze mathematical models for income, expenditures, and various types of loans and investments.

Students will develop an understanding of the cost of owning a vehicle based on their personally developed spreadsheet. From this information, students will be able to make sound financial decisions on whether a vehicle could be purchased given their current financial situation. This project will be measured using a rubric.

The “hook” or Introduction:

• Students will be asked to visualize themselves driving their dream car. Students will be able to share their car of choice with their classmates and explain why they selected that specific vehicle.

• The lesson will then continue by showing a short video clip of a locally advertised car dealership.

• Students will be asked how one makes the decision to buy a new or used vehicle based on their current financial situation.


• Day 1 -A guest speaker from local car dealership to speak about concepts of ownership/financing a car. The students will be introduced to the requirements of completing the project. A rubric will be given explaining the required components for the project.

• Day 2 -The students will independently research the new and used cost of owning their specific vehicle. Students will explore and discover the purpose of developing a spreadsheet using the online resources.

• Day 3 -The students will work in groups to collaborate on the necessary components needed to developed a spreadsheet that will be beneficial in making financial decisions.

• Day 4 -The students will independently work on creating their spreadsheet with integrated formulas. The students may use the follow resource to help understand the process of integrating formulas into their project.

• Day 5 -The student will integrate some type of graphical representation of the data into their website. The following website could be used as a resource explaining this process. The students will receive feedback in regards to their spreadsheet before moving onto the website development.

• Day 6 -The students will work in groups using the classroom computer to explore and discuss free website design for their project.

• Day 8 -The students will work independently to create a rough draft of their website.

• Day 9 -Students will integrate their spreadsheet information into the website and check and finalize their website. The students will receive feedback regarding their website design before finalizing their project.

• Day 10 -The students will reflect and write a summary on their information gathered and the financial decision that was made based on their research.


• The students will develop a financial spreadsheet. This spreadsheet will be used for analyzing and making sound financial decisions for purchasing an automobile. The students will make their information accessible for others to review. Students will develop a simple web page using one of the numerous free website builders for their information to be reviewed. This information will be used to give knowledge to other first-time car buyers.

• This project will give the students the information necessary in making important financial decisions.

• The technology used for this project will include the development of a financial spreadsheet with integrated mathematical formulas and graphs.

• The technology will be extended by posting the student's information to a free website.

• The assessment process will be done by using a rubric. The students will be evaluated based on accuracy of their data, correct formulas, graphics, posting to website, reflection, and a rational financial decision made based on their information.

Technology Use:

• Classroom smart-board to view introductory dealership video.

• Students will use the classroom or computer lab PCs for researching or tutorials while developing their project.

• Microsoft Office Spreadsheet software

• Google Docs for student collaboration

• Weebly for website creation

References and Supporting Material:

T. (2013). Weebly - How to tutorial to : Create a Free Website. Retrieved July 11, 2016, from

Study Guides and Strategies. (n.d.). Retrieved July 11, 2016, from

Apps Learning Center. (n.d.). Retrieved July 11, 2016, from

E. (2011). How to enter a formula into an Excel Spreadsheet. Retrieved July 11, 2016, from

F. (2011). How To Make a Bar Graph in Microsoft Excel 2010 - For Beginners. Retrieved July 11, 2016, from

What modifications have you made since you submitted your “idea” for feedback?

• Students will now work independently when researching the new and used vehicle prices. They will work in groups for collaboration on spreadsheet, website creation, and publishing.

• Students now have an established income rate and expenses to use when developing their spreadsheet.

• Social Interaction addressed by adding guest speaker from local car dealership to visit classroom.

Which indicators of Engaged Learning will be high in this lesson and Why?

Authentic/meaningful: This lesson will educate the student on how to produce, analyze, and make sound financial decisions. The final project represents a real-world scenario that will be useful for the student and others who need assistants making financial decisions.

Which indicators would you like to strengthen?

My collaborative aspect of this project seems weak. I would like some feedback on how I could develop a more socially interactive project.

What LoTI level do you think this lesson would be and Why?

LoTi Level 5 – This assignment requires the student to develop a spreadsheet using formulas and then review the information to make decisions. The information is made available beyond the classroom via a website.

What help would you like to receive from us?

Any information that will enhance this activity and raise the LoTi level to highest potential.


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