
CEA- Review Sheet Unit 2Lesson 2.1 Building Design and Construction - OverviewPrefaceOver the last three thousand years, structures have provided shelter from elements such as wind, rain, sun, cold, and dust. Structures today are built using methods and techniques that have withstood the test of time.It is common to use wood framed construction for residential structures. Although the methods of wood framed construction have changed little, the materials used in the construction of walls and roofs have advanced significantly from early primitive structures. Structures today provide much better protection from harsh temperatures, wind, rain, and snow than structures in primitive times. Glazing is frequently used to allow natural light to enter a structure and create a space that is pleasing to the occupants.A roof must be designed and constructed with the natural elements in mind. Anticipated wind, rain, and snowfall will determine the size and the shape of the roof system. Engineers also consider the geographic location when designing the roof system. Trusses and beams are used to transfer the load from the space above.In this lesson students will design a basic shed. This lesson allows students to become familiar with common building practices and terminology. UnderstandingsMany residential structures are constructed with wood framing systems and are built using standard practices.A variety of roof shapes and materials are available for residential structures to address aesthetic preferences, carry design loads, and meet environmental challenges.Designers design, modify, and plan structures using 3D architectural software.Architects and engineers use a variety of views to document and detail a building project on construction drawings.Knowledge and SkillsIt is expected that students will:Identify typical components of a residential framing system.Recognize conventional residential roof designs.Model a common residential roof design and detail advantages and disadvantages of that style.Use 3D architectural software to design, model, and document a small building.Essential QuestionsWhy is wood so often used for residential buildings?What alternatives to wood frame construction are available and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each?How are trusses able to span large distances?What framing systems are used to support residential roofs?How are different roof styles and pitches related to different architectural styles?Lesson 2.1 Building Design and Construction - Key TermsKey TermDefinitionFeltA tar-impregnated paper used for water protection under roofing and siding materials.Floor JoistsHorizontal structural members used to carry the floor and ceiling loads.HeaderA horizontal structural member used to support other structural members over openings such as doors and windows.House WrapEngineered materials designed to keep out liquid water and prevent air infiltration while allowing water vapor to escape from inside the home.InsulationMaterial used to restrict the flow of heat, cold, or sound from one surface to another.SheathingA covering placed over exterior studs or rafters that serve as a base below the exterior finish materials.SidingMaterial, such as boards or shingles, used for surfacing the outside walls of a frame building.SillA horizontal wood member placed at the bottom of walls and openings in walls.Solar OrientationConsideration of the solar orientation of a building based on the relative position of the sun in order to purposely increase or decrease the amount of light or heat transferred to the building.Source ReductionReducing waste by changing patterns of production and consumption.StudThe vertical framing member in frame wall construction.SubfloorThe structural floor joined to the joists that support the finish flooring.SustainabilityMeeting the needs of society in ways that can continue indefinitely into the future without damaging or depleting natural PlateA horizontal structural member located on top of the studs used to hold the wall together.TrussAn assembly of structural members joined to form a rigid framework, usually connected to form trianglesLesson 2.2 Cost and Efficiency Analysis - OverviewPrefaceCost and quality are concerns as any structure is built. In fact customers often have a general idea of the type of structure they desire. Companies must often compete through a bid process to try to gain a job. This can be tricky for even the most experienced in the construction field. Materials and labor must be paid for and profit must be made. Winning a bid by underestimating a project could be a disaster. In such a situation, a job can only be finished at a loss. Reasonable estimates of how long a job will take are also important. Paying employee overtime is expensive, and jobs that take longer than estimated can tarnish a builder’s reputation.This lesson introduces students to some common costs of construction. Students should also consider how systems implemented into a design can affect the usability and recurring costs that a structure will incur during use. Creating smart designs may be expensive up front, but such strategies make sense for the end user in terms of comfort and cost over time.UnderstandingsThe combination of concrete and rebar, called reinforced concrete, is an important component of residential foundations.Accurately determining the cost and quantities for a construction project can ensure a successful building project providing a high quality structure with less material and financial waste.An effective residential structure should include methods for adequate heating and cooling.R-value and U-factor measurements are used to select materials that with ensure a structure is properly insulated.Knowledge and SkillsIt is expected that students will:Apply basic math skills to calculate the quantity and cost of concrete needed to pour the pad for a small building.Create a cost estimate for a small construction project, including a detailed cost break-down.Calculate the heat loss for a building envelope with given conditions appropriate for the project.Essential QuestionsWhat is the difference between R-value and U-value? When are they used?What are some leading causes of solar gain?What key areas of a building can minimize heat loss?Why is a cost estimate important to create before starting a project?Lesson 2.2 Cost and Efficiency Analysis - Key TermsTermDefinitionCompression StrengthThe maximum compressive stress a material can withstand without failure.ConcreteA solid, hard material produced by combining Portland cement, aggregates, sand, water and sometimes additional mixtures.Design Temperature DifferentialThe difference between the indoor temperature in winter and the outdoor design temperature in winter. The design temperature differential or design range is used in calculating the space heating requirements of a dwelling unit under the engineering-based methodology.FasciaThe finish board covering the edges of rafters and eaves.FootingThe lowest, widest part of the foundation that distributes the load over a broad area of the soil.FoundationThe lower part of a building, which transfers structural loads from the building to the soil.Heat LossThe energy needed to warm outside air leaking into a building through cracks around doors, windows, and other areas.Radiant HeatEnergy radiated or transmitted as rays or waves, in the form of particles.RafterMember of a roof structural frame that supports the sheathing and other roof loads.RebarSteel bar used to reinforce concrete.R-ValueThe numerical value used to indicate the resistance to the flow of heat.Sole PlateThe plate placed at the bottom of a wall.Square (Quantity of Shingles)In roofing, 100 square feet of roofing material.Tensile StrengthThe maximum stress a material subjected to a stretching load can withstand without tearing.Thermal ConductionThe process of heat transfer through a solid by transmitting kinetic energy from one molecule to the next.Thermal ConvectionHeat transmission by the circulation of a liquid or a heated gas or air.Transmission LoadHeat loss/gain resulting from the conduction of heat through the building envelope.U-FactorA measure of the heat transmission through a building part (as a wall or window) or a given thickness of a material (as insulation) with lower numbers indicating better insulating properties.Do Not let the Units throw you.Determining the R value is by material type- each material has it’s own specific R-value. Add them up to get the total R-Value for the wall. Determine the Area of the WallDetermine the Area of the Windows and The DoorsSubtract the Area of the Door and the Area of the Windows from the Area of the Wall. This is the Area used in the Wall Calculation.Determine the R- Values of the Wall, Doors and Windows.Determine the Change in Temperature.Calculate Heat Loss for the Wall, for the windows and for the doors and add them all together to get total Heat Loss.Lesson 2.3 Residential Design - OverviewPrefaceWith the exception of minor stylistic details and additional bathrooms, houses have changed very little over many years. Most of the creativity and engineering in residential design involves changes to make homes more useable, efficient, and environmentally responsible. Most times these changes may not appear obvious to the casual observer. Improved flow makes the space more enjoyable. More efficient lighting, heating, and cooling improve comfort and will save the owner money over time. Recent trends in building technology are also improving building performance and reducing the negative impact of building construction on the environment. Properly selecting building components will reduce a building’s energy consumption and lead to sustainability. Using local material or recycled components lessens the environmental impact.In order to create an efficient and cost effective building, the designer must carefully integrate building utilities and services (such as water supply, electrical, plumbing and wastewater) with the architectural and structural design of a building project. It is also important to keep the needs of the building occupants in mind when designing a building and its systems by considering the impact of each design decision on building efficiency, the convenience of use, and comfort of the occupants.During this lesson students will design an affordable home for a client using sustainable practices. Many community organizations are dedicated to providing simple and efficient housing for those in need of assistance. The guidelines for the Habitat Home, along with codes and a client survey, will serve as the constraints for the project. Students will produce a client survey, create bubble diagrams and sketches, conduct site planning, identify water supply considerations, lay out electrical and plumbing systems, and complete water drainage calculations. The house will be modeled using 3D architectural design software. The students will present their work in the form of a written report and construction documents, including floor plans, elevations, a section view, and a site plan. UnderstandingsResponsible designers maximize the potential of the property, minimize impact on the environment, and incorporate universal design concepts in order to create an attractive and functional space.Responsible designers anticipate the needs and requirements of the users.Codes are created to protect the health and safety of the public, dictate the minimum requirements that must be met in a building project, and constrain the location of structures, utilities, building construction, and landscape components placed on a site.Appropriate flow rate, pressure, and water quality are necessary for effective water supply and use.When utilities are not available within a reasonable distance to be economically brought on site, substitutions must be designed and constructed.Utilities and systems must be properly sized to minimize cost and appropriately serve the project and the structure occupants.The design of electrical and plumbing systems must be carefully integrated into the architectural and structural design of a building.Careful landscape design that takes into consideration local environmental conditions can improve energy efficiency, reduce noise, reduce water usage, reduce storm water runoff, and improve the visual impact of a building project.Storm water runoff from a site often increases when the site is developed and is frequently regulated by local jurisdictions.Universal Design involves the design of products and environments to be usable by all people and includes barrier free accessibility to projects that may be required by federal regulations.Green or sustainable design reduces the negative impact of a project on the environment and human health and improves the performance of the project during its life-cycle.Knowledge and SkillsIt is expected that students will:Apply elements of good residential design to the design of a basic house to meet the needs of a client.Create a home design that complies with applicable codes and requirements.Incorporate sustainable building principles and universal design concepts into a residential design.Create bubble diagrams and sketch a floor plan.Identify residential foundation types and choose an appropriate foundation for a residential application.Calculate the head loss and estimate the water pressure for a given water supply system.Create sketches to document a preliminary plumbing and a preliminary electrical system layout for a residence that complies with applicable codes.Design an appropriate sewer lateral for wastewater management for a building that complies with applicable codes.Create a site opportunities map and sketch a project site.Choose an appropriate building location on a site based on orientation and other site-specific information.Calculate the storm water runoff from a site before and after development.Document the design of a home using 3D architectural design software and construction drawings.Essential QuestionsHow do you achieve a balance between cost-saving measures, important features, and environmental responsibility when designing a residential structure?What are the advantages and disadvantages of using 3D architectural software rather than creating hand-produced plans?Why are organizations such as LEED important?When planning a project, how does the availability of public utilities impact the design?What options are available for the management of wastewater from a building?What are the important considerations when design a plumbing system?Why should a designer know about the different types of lighting and their applications?What are the important considerations when designing an electrical system?What information is important when documenting the design of a building?Lesson 2.3 Residential Design - Key TermsTermDefinitionBermA horizontal ledge cut between the foot and top of an embankment to stabilize the slope by intercepting sliding earth.Building CodeLegal requirements designed to protect the public by providing guidelines for structural, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical areas of a structure.Building EnvelopeThe portion of a building that encloses the treated environment, including the walls, ceiling or roof, and floor.CircuitThe various conductors, connections, and devices found along the path of electric flow from the source through the components and back to the source.Circuit BreakerAn electric safety switch that automatically opens a circuit when excessive amperage occurs.CleanoutA fitting with a removable plug that is placed in plumbing drainage pipe lines to allow access for cleaning out the pipe.ConiferousCone-bearing trees with year-round leaves that are long, thin, and needle-like.Construction TypeFive broad categories of construction found in the International Building Code that are based on the fire-resistive capabilities of the materials used.DeciduousBroad-leafed trees that seasonally shed their leaves.Distribution PanelA box in which the wires from the meter are connected to individual circuit breakers, which are connected to separate circuits for distribution to various locations throughout the building.DrainAny pipe that carries wastewater or water-borne wastes in a building drainage system.DrainageRemoval of groundwater or surface water, or of water from structures, by gravity or pumping.Drainage Fixture UnitA measure of the probable discharge into the drainage system by various types of plumbing fixtures. Drainage SystemPiping within a building that conveys sewage, rainwater, or other liquid wastes to a point of disposal.DuctsPipes, typically made of sheet metal, used to conduct hot or cold air in the HVAC system.EasementA limited right to make use of a property owned by another.EgressExits or a way out.Electric MeterAn instrument used to measure electric power.Elevation ViewDrawing view that shows an orthographic projection of a building and indicates vertical dimensions, materials, architectural design, and construction details not apparent on the floor plan.Exit DischargeThat portion of the means-of-egress system between the termination of the exit and a public way.Floor PlanA sectional view that shows a floor from a point four feet above the finished floor level.GradingThe moving of soil to affect the elevation of land at a construction site.GroundAn electrical connection to the earth.Hot WaterWater at a temperature greater than or equal to 110 ? F (43? C).Individual Sewage Disposal SystemA system for disposal of domestic sewage by means of a septic tank cesspool mechanical treatment to serve a single establishment or building.IngressEntrances or a means to enter.Invert ElevationThe elevation of the bottom of the inside of the pipe wall.LavatoryA fixture that is designed for washing hands and face, usually found in a bathroom.MainThe principal pipe artery to which branches are connected.Nonpotable WaterWater not safe for drinking, personal, or culinary utilization.OutletAn electrical connection used to plug in devices. A duplex outlet, with two outlets, is the typical wall plug.Potable WaterWater free from impurities present in amounts sufficient to cause disease or harmful physiological effects and conforming to the regulations of the public health authority having jurisdiction.Plumbing FixtureA device that is connected to the water distribution system and demands a supply of water; discharges wastewater, liquid-borne waste material, or sewage to the drainage system; or requires both a water supply connection and a discharge to the drainage system.Pressure HeadThe pressure of water at a given point in a pipe arising from the pressure in it.Prevailing WindsDirection from which the wind most frequently blows in a given area of the country.Rainfall IntensityThe rate of precipitation, expressed in inches per hour. Also known as precipitation intensity or storm intensity.Return PeriodAverage length of time between occurrences of a storm of a given magnitude or greater. Also known as recurrence interval.RiserA water supply pipe that extends vertically one story or more to carry water to fixtures.Sanitary SewerA sewer that conveys sewage but excludes storm, surface, and ground water.Section ViewA drawing view created from a cutting plane passed through an object or building to show internal structure or components.SetbackMinimum distance that the zoning ordinance requires must be maintained between a structure and property lines or between two structures.SewageAny liquid waste containing animal or vegetable matter in suspension or solution, including liquids containing chemicals in solution.SewerA pipe, normally underground, that carries wastewater and refuse.Soil PipeA pipe that conveys sewage containing fecal matter to the building drain or building sewer.StackAny vertical line of soil, waste, vent, or inside conductor piping that extends through at least one story.Static HeadPressure of a fluid due to the head of fluid above some reference point.Storm DurationLength of time that rain falls during a single storm.Switch LegThe electrical conductor from a switch to the electrical device being controlled.Time of ConcentrationThe time for storm water runoff to travel from the hydraulically most remote point in a drainage sub-basin to the point of investigation.TrapA fitting or device that provides a liquid seal to prevent the emission of sewer gases without materially affecting the flow of sewage or wastewater through the trap.Universal DesignA user-friendly approach to design in the living environment where people of any culture, age, size, weight, race, gender, and ability can experience an environment that promotes their health, safety, and welfare today and in the future.ValveA fitting that is used to control the flow of fluid or gas.VarianceA legal request by a property owner to allow a modification from a standard or a requirement in the zoning code.Vent PipeA vertical pipe installed to provide circulation of air to and from any part of the drainage system.Water ClosetA water-flushing plumbing fixture, such as a toilet, that is designed to receive and discharge human excrement.Water Distributing PipeA pipe that carries water from the service to the point of use.Water HeaterAny heating appliance or equipment that heats potable water and supplies such water to the potable hot water distribution system.Water MeterA device used to measure the amount of water that goes through the water service.Water ServiceThe pipe from the water main or other supply to the water-distributing pipes.WattA unit of measure of power. Know Energy StarThe dashed lines [click] are switch legs which represent the wiring between a switch and the electrical component that it controls. In this design all of the lights are controlled by switches. Outlets or other hard-wired equipment can also be controlled by a switch.In the winter south facing windows (a southern exposure) bring in welcome solar gain.In the summer this solar gain is a drain on the cost of cooling and should be minimized.Foliage of well-placed deciduous trees will block solar gain in the summer only if the foliage is close enough to the structure. Deciduous trees lose their leaves in the winter, and so will allow the sun to reach the structure in the winter.Around the summer solstice, the sun is at a high angle in the sky. If the overhangs are designed properly, the sun does not penetrate the house. Even if the trees do not shade the house directly, they have a cooling effect upon the area around the house. Deciduous trees lose their leaves in winter. This allows the sun to penetrate through the windows and strike the walls and floors of the house, producing welcome solar gain.Around the winter solstice, the sun is at a lower angle in the sky, which allows more sun to enter through the windows.The term prevailing winds refers to the direction from which the wind usually blows for a given part of the country. Strategic placement of the garage can result as a buffer between conditioned spaces and the prevailing wind.Adjacent properties, roads, and facilities can produce unwanted noise that can make a site less inhabitable. Fences, evergreens, walls, or berms are sometimes used as sound barriers.If a site is chosen due to an appealing view, the structure should be designed and oriented appropriately.Plants that are native to the region will withstand the weather conditions, require less water to maintain, and are often resistant to local diseases and pests.Placement of the vegetation can block wind in the winter and can have a dramatic cooling effect on driveways, decks, the air conditioning unit, or the house itself.A building line is established to delineate the buildable area. The building line is established by the property lines, set back and buffer requirements, and easements. Note that the water (W) and sewer (S) lines are also indicated on this site plan view.See Plumbing System PPT 2.3.9 in the LMS.Wastewater:Most wastewater from a building is considered to be sanitary wastewater and can include human waste, cleaning solutions, oil and grease from cooking, food particles, and soil from cleaning clothes and floors. Commercial establishments may also discharge metals, acids and bases, and small particles of plastic, glass, stone, etc.What happens to the wastewater that is discharged from a building through the DWV system? Wastewater is not safe to drink, and discharging this water directly into the environment (onto the ground or into a water body) can pose health and safety problems. After all, this water is part of the water cycle and will eventually make its way into a source for our water supply. The wastewater must be properly managed to protect human and environmental health and safety.Most of the wastewater generated within a residential or light commercial building is graywater and can be reused for non-drinking purposes such as landscaping or flushing toilets. The water can be stored until neededClosed-loop systems are often used by car wash facilities to reuse the large quantity of wastewater generated.An example of wastewater reclamation would be using water treated by a municipal wastewater treatment facility to irrigate public property (e.g., public golf course or park) rather than be discharged into a water body.Because wastewater flow is typically dependent on gravity, the waste pipes must slope down in the direction of flow in order for the wastewater to be transported to the sewer main.Copy this sketch into your notes. Invert (Inv.) elevation refers to the elevation of the inside bottom of the pipe.Crown Elevation refers to the elevation of the top of the pipe.OD stands for outside diameter.The wastewater is discharged from the septic tank [click] to the distribution box [click].The distribution box disperses the liquid to the drainfield [click].The drainfield is made up of perforated pipes on a bed of gravel which are buried underground.The wastewater infiltrates the soil [click] surrounding the drainfield.The intent is that the soil filters (treats) the wastewater before it enters the groundwater or a nearby body of water.Soil test is called a Perc test. One example of a soil evaluation method that may be required is the percolation test. A perc test is one method to estimate the rate of water infiltration into the soil. There are many different ways to perform a percolation test – the local building department may identify a specific testing method. A perc test basically consists of digging several holes in the proposed location of the drainfield, filling the holes with water, and timing the drop of the water level to determine the rate of infiltration in each hole. ................

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