Ms Erin Bennett

You will create a word search or a crossword puzzle for terms and phrases associated with Islam.This will be typed or created neatly. You may use an on-line puzzle creator like: , please create a word list with clues in Google Docs that you can then cut and paste into the puzzle generator. These sites are notoriously unreliable so you want to have everything in order before you enter and then print your puzzle. Share this DOC with me.You MUST use at least 25 words from Islam for your puzzle.The catch – instead of giving a list of hidden words in the puzzle, you will provide a list of definitions of those words. For example, if HAJJ is one of your hidden words, you will have a s a clue something like “pilgrimage to Mecca”.Use your notes, the text, and handouts to find your words. If you use the internet and choose a word that we have not covered in class, then the word will not count in your total.Colourfully illustrate around your puzzle, so leave room for this. Remember Muslims do not have drawings of people or animals so you need to draw flowers or geometric designs.Provide an Answer key.If you create a crossword puzzle, click on answers, and print them out too.If you create a WORDSEARCH, print out 2 copies of your puzzle and highlight or circle your hidden words.CriteriaLevel FourLevel ThreeLevel TwoLevel OneLevel RQuality and neatnessThoroughly neat and creativeNeat and CreativeSomewhat neat and creativeLimited neatness and creativityNot neatNot creativeQuality of definitionsThorough and clear definitionsAll definitions are there most are clearsome definitionssome issues with clarityFew definitionsNo clarityno definitionsAnswer keyAll words are on the answer keyMost words are on the answer keySome words are on the answer keyLimited number of words on the answer keyNo answer keyNumber of wordsOver 30 words on the listCreated a list of 25 – 29 wordsCreated a list of 20 – 25 wordsCreated a list of15 – 20 wordsLess than 15 words SpellingAll words and definitions are free from spelling errorsMost words and definitions are free from spelling errorsMany spelling errors in the words and definitions Too many spelling errors in the words and definitionsNo words or definitionsIllustrationsIllustrations are neat and well createdIn line with the Islamic belief Add to the puzzleIllustrations are neatIn line with the Islamic belief Add to the puzzleIllustrations are some what neat In line with the Islamic belief Add somewhat to the puzzleIllustrations are not neat and well createdNot in line with the Islamic belief Don’t add to the puzzleNo illustrations ................

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