Board of Supervisors

Board of Supervisors

Thursday, April 12th, 2018 @ 6:30 PM

Lynn Twp.-7911 Kings Hgwy., New Tripoli

Call to Order: The regular scheduled meeting of the Lynn Township Board of Supervisors was called to order by Chairman Justin N. Smith at 6:30 pm in the Municipal Building. Present were Chairman Justin N. Smith, Vice Chairman Steve I. Feinour, Member Brian C. Dietrich, Solicitor Marc Fisher, Engineer/Zoning Officer Chris Noll, Secretary/Treasurer Tammy M. White, Admin/Zoning office Secretary Kathy A. Hermany, Road Master Bruce Raber, and approximately 22 citizens.

Pledge of Allegiance: The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted.

Media Representation: NWP Kenny Blieler.

Public Comment: (1) Shawn Surman, Leader of Cub Scout Pack 588 was present to address the board with a project the Boy Scouts would like to do in Ontelaunee Park. Pack 588 would like to install GAGA Ball. The board informed Mr. Surman that he shall come back to them with the exact dimension of the ball area and then the board would find a location in the park suitable for the game.

Accept the Minutes and Direct the Treasurer to pay the bills: A motion was made by Brian C. Dietrich and seconded by Steve I. Feinour to accept the minutes from 03/08/18 and to direct the treasurer to pay the bills. Motion carried unanimously.

Pension: Financial Planner Justin Schmoyer, from Penn Wood Financial Group, a member of the Mass Mutual Financial Group presented the BOS with an overview of their retirement plan process regarding Lynn Township's current plan. Member/Partner Robert Pretopapa, CFP of One Financial Services also presented the BOS with their overview for Lynn Township. The BOS thanked both gentlemen for attending and that the BOS with review their information.

Fire Companies: Germansville Fire Co.: Tony Stellar, TJ Stellar and Jay Scheffler were present representing the Fire Co. Tony Stellar was asking for local support from Lynn Township for 80K towards a Ladder Truck that is estimated to cost a total of 850K. Mr. Stellar added that other Municipalities and business will also be asked to support the purchase. Jay Scheffler added that they have received a letter of support from NTFC and LPFC. Jay Scheffler also left the BOS with a portfolio for their review. LPFC No one present.. Deputy Chief, Gary Kuntz from NTFC presented the BOS with their monthly report. 70 Fire Calls as of 04/08/18; 04/16 - Active Shooter class presented by PSP; 04/30 - Mass Casualty class; 4/28-Park yard sale; 05/12-5K & 10K at Park; 05/19 & 05/20-Pow Wow at Park; 05/26-5K & 10K at Park; Guns and Cash Back - Tickets are now available for the September event; Building - Building is scheduled to start the middle of May for the new station. Mr. Kuntz turned in a Criminal Record Check. A motion was made by Brian C. Dietrich and seconded by Steve I. Feinour approving the NTFP to assist at St. Luke's Half Marathon on April 22, 2018. Motion carried unanimously. HEARING: Tax Exemption (financing) NTFC; Attorney Kevin Reid was present representing NTFC. At 7:08 pm. The hearing was advertised for action at tonight's meeting. Mr. Reid reviewed numerous questions with NTFC representative Bruce Dalrymple in front of the BOS and the audience. Mr. Reid stated that the township is not responsible for the loan debt and that the NTFC is held fully responsible to pay the loan back. John Hayes from the NTB confirmed that the loan amount would be 750K. Kevin Reid opened the hearing on the floor at 7:13pm for comments from the public. No comments were heard and the hearing was closed. A motion was made by Steve I. Feinour and seconded by Brian C. Dietrich authorizing Chairman, Justin N. Smith to sign the approval pursuant to Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended, hereby approves the Project of NTFC referenced in Resolution 2018-13 of Lynn Township. Motion carried unanimously.

Road Report: Bruce Raber, Road master, reported for the month of March: (1) Boom Mowing. (2) Filled pot holes on dirt roads twice. (3) Cleaning intersections. (4) Hung 20 sheets of 1/2" treated plywood in the second section of the salt shed and replaced some boards. (5) Made repairs to boom mowers and the 550 ford plow. (6) Cleaned up a few trees that came down from heavy wind. (7) Hauled scrap metal from recycling center = $192.00 and aluminum cans = $128.00. Anticipated work for April: (1) Start working on dirt roads. (2) Sweep roads. (3) Start on Park projects. Boom Mower: Discussion was held on the Boom Mower. Bruce Raber is having the mower fixed however it may only last 3 to 4 years out. The BOS were in agreement that Brian C. Dietrich look at the tractor that the boom mower is on to see what kind of shape it is in. The tractor itself is a 98-99 and was bought in 99 as a demo.

Stone & Bituminous Material Bids: See 2018 bid results below.

| | |

|Midland Asphalt Materials, Inc |50,000,00 Total Gallons |

|225 Columbia Mall Dr. |$1.98 Gal. |

|Suite 410 Box 58 |Total=$ 99,000.00 |

|Bloomsburg, PA 17815 | |

|Asphalt Maint. Solutions, LLC |50,000 Total Gallons |

|P.O. Box 387 |$1.83 Gal. |

|Center Valley, PA 18034 |Total=$ 91,500.00 |

Weisenberg Township did the joint bidding and accepted both the bids received at their meeting held on Monday, April 9, 2018.

A motion was made by Brian C. Dietrich and seconded by Steve I. Feinour to award Asphalt Maintenance Solutions, LLC for Lynn Township's portion of the bid, 50,000 gallons, for the 2018 Joint Oil. Motion carried unanimously.

Inter-Municipal Planning Agreement- A motion was made by Justin N. Smith and seconded by Brian C. Dietrich adopting the Intermunicipal Planning Agreement with Lynn Township's portion being $10,220.18. Steve I. Feinour was opposed. Motion carried. The total cost of the agreement is 126K with 8 entities contributing to the project cost. If a municipality were to chose not to join the agreement they would then be responsible to adopt an agreement on their own and the cost would be approximately 80K.

Ag Security: Tim Foster/Zoey Farms– 1 parcel of 15.35 acres: Solicitor, Marc Fisher opened the hearing at 7:29 pm and presented the Zoey Farms Ag Security. No public comment was received and the hearing was closed. A motion was made by Brian C. Dietrich and seconded by Steve I. Feinour to adopt Resolution 2018-14 accepting a total of 15.35 acres Pin# 5409760108027-1 into Ag Security. Motion carried unanimously.

Madison Village @ Penn's View: Sue Kandil presented the BOS with plans for Penn's View. She was requesting 2 waivers; Wavier #1 - road width from 24' to 22' with 4' sidewalks that will flow into the road but will have markings to distinguish the walking area. The BOS were in favor of keeping the road width 24' with actual curbing and sidewalks. Waiver #2 - Set infiltration facility 5' away from structure instead of the 15' that is required. The BOS were in favor of keeping it at the 15' which is required. No action was taken on the waiver requests, but the BOS did express that they were not inclined to grant either waiver. Brian C. Dietrich also had safety concerns regarding the entrance to the development. Sue Kandil stated that a 3rd row has been added for that reason and that Fire Chief, Peter Christ reviewed the plan and submitted an email stating that he was ok with the entrance. The BOS would like to see an emergency exit. Steve I. Feinour also had concerns with the bus stop being located on a busy road. The Developer was fine with the BOS asking for an extension. A motion was made by Brian C. Dietrich and seconded by Steve I. Feinour for a time extension till the end of May 2018 and to obtain a document from the NTFC (Peter Christ) that states his approval of the entrance. Motion carried unanimously.

Certificate of Approval- Shirk Tax Exemption: A motion was made by Brian C. Dietrich and seconded by Steve I. Feinour approving the Certificate of Approval for Stanley S. and Andrea G. Shirk located at 7795 Bausch Rd. New Tripoli, Lynn Township, Lehigh County, PA; not to exceed $519,200. Motion carried unanimously. A public hearing was already held on March 15th 2018 and was advertised.

Park- Yard Sale; 51 people have signed up for the Yard Sale and all is moving along as planned. Kathy Hermany also added that Ben & Sue Giralico are willing to help. New Pavilion; A motion was made by Steve I. Feinour and seconded by Brian C. Dietrich accepting the 2 bids received for the building of the new pavilion; and accepted the low bid from Dutchman Contracting. Motion carried unanimously.


Cleaning-opening-closing; A motion was made by Brian C. Dietrich and seconded by Steve I. Feinour to have Robert Acker continue to open and close after each Park rental and to clean after each function at the hourly rate of $15/hr. Motion carried unanimously.

Website Renewal: A motion was made by Justin N. Smith and seconded by Brian C. Dietrich approving the Website agreement with Kessler Freedman contingent that the current website is used for updating electronic/mobile devices, for May 1, 2018 to extend through April 30, 2019 at the cost of $1,280.00. Motion carried unanimously.

White Deer Run- Chris Noll reported that he sees no Lynn Township issues or violations with Lynn's noise ordinance regarding the operating procedures at the White Deer Run facility. Brian Mohr of 5663 Long Ct. did not agree with special exception uses and would like further requirements looked into.

Miscellaneous: (1) Ambulance housing: The BOS confirmed to Bruce Raber that the Ambulance will be stationed at the NTFC when the Building project is complete. (2) Lights: A motion was made by Brian C. Dietrich and seconded by Steve I. Feinour to have Tammy M. White contact another electrician to complete the lights, (approx. 6) in the office building and to pay whomever completes the job from the remaining 3K that is owed Kocher Electric, then forward the remaining money back to Kocher Electric. Motioned carried unanimously. (3) Tax Collector: A motion was made by Brian C. Dietrich and seconded by Steve I. Feinour for Tax Collector, Mary Ann Metzger to purchase a new computer not to exceed $800 and that it is to be used for work only. Motion carried unanimously. (4) Commercial Yard Signs: The sign ordinance will be looked into for the next BOS meeting. (5) School Project: Serena Kichline and her father Earl Kichline where present for the BOS meeting as a school project for Serena. (6) Decatur Street: Chris Noll is meeting with the church and Brian C. Dietrich regarding the water runoff from the field behind the church cemetery. (7) Park Driveway: Chris Noll will file for an extension for the back entrance to the park.

Public Comment: (1) Matt Leinberger of Saw Mill Road informed Bruce Raber that the road sign for Ontelaunee Rd, and the Children at Play sign were knocked over.


(1) 11th annual Pow-wow May 18th, 19th, 20th, 2018 Ontelaunee Park Admission $7, Seniors and Veterans $5, Children under 12 free

(2) NW Lehigh Education Foundation will be holding its 5th annual 5k in Ontelaunee Park on Saturday May 26, 2018

(3) 10th Annual Car & Motorcycle Show; Sunday, July 8, 2018; 1pm till 4pm in Ontelaunee Park. $5 entrance fee for all cars, trucks and bikes; free admission for spectators. DJ.

Adjournment: A motion was made by Steve I. Feinour and seconded by Brian C. Dietrich to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.

As of April 30, 2018

|Account |Balance |

|General Fund |244,014.00 |

|Capital Reserve |5,396.11 |

|CD's |1,122,480.54 |

|Zoning/Subdivision |67,675.52 |

|HLLW COG |62,174.09 |

|State Road |328,217.19 |

|Equipment |85,845.16 |

|Street Light |1,038.43 |

|Park |46,213.35 |

|Recreation |12,615.45 |

|Total |1,975,669.84 |

| | | |

| | |301 · Real Property Taxes | |

| | | |301.23 · 515 Rollback - prior years |73.00 |

| | | |301.40 · Delinquent RE Tax-Tax Claim |61.43 |

| | |Total 301 · Real Property Taxes |134.43 |

| | |310 · Local Tax Enabling Act | |

| | | |310.10 · Real Estate Transfer Tax |6,761.51 |

| | | |310.20 · Earned Income Tax | |

| | | | |310.21 · Earned Income Tax-Current |29,106.92 |

| | | |Total 310.20 · Earned Income Tax |29,106.92 |

| | |Total 310 · Local Tax Enabling Act |35,868.43 |

| | |331 · Fines | | | |

| | | |331.10 · Court - Magistrate |22.47 |

| | |Total 331 · Fines |22.47 |

| | |341 · Interest | | |

| | | |341.01 · Interest on Checking |109.17 |

| | |Total 341 · Interest |109.17 |

| | |360 · Gen. Govt. Charges for Services | |

| | | |361 · General Government | |

| | | | |361.87 · Sale of Maps & Publications |3.00 |

| | | | |361.94 · Misc. Billing |50.00 |

| | | | |361.97 · Zoning Board Appeal Fee |500.00 |

| | | |Total 361 · General Government |553.00 |

| | | |362 · Public Safety | |

| | | | |362.40 · Protective Inspection Fees | |

| | | | | |362.41 · Building Permit | |

| | | | | | |362.41B · |

| | | | | | |BLDG/Alter/Rep|

| | | | | | |air Permit |

| | | | |Total 362.40 · Protective Inspection Fees |1,106.50 |

| | | | |362.47 · State fees for Permits |9.00 |

| | | | |362.98 · Sign Permit |50.00 |

| | | |Total 362 · Public Safety |1,165.50 |

| | | |364 · Sanitation | |

| | | | |364.30 · Solid Waste Collection/Disposal |1,782.00 |

| | | |Total 364 · Sanitation |1,782.00 |

| | |Total 360 · Gen. Govt. Charges for Services |3,500.50 |

| | |392 · Interfund Operating Transfer | |

| | | |392.01 · Transfer from LFF |2,532.84 |

| | |Total 392 · Interfund Operating Transfer |2,532.84 |

|  |Total Income |  |  |42,167.84 |

| |Expense | | | | |

| | |400 · General Government | |

| | | |400.00 · Legislative (Governing) Body | |

| | | | |400.05 · Supervisor Salaries |275.86 |

| | | |Total 400.00 · Legislative (Governing) Body |275.86 |

| | | |403 · Tax Collection | |

| | | | |403.21 · Office Supplies |720.78 |

| | | |Total 403 · Tax Collection |720.78 |

| | | |404 · Solicitor/Legal Services |686.47 |

| | | |405 · Secretary/Clerk | |

| | | | |405.12 · Salary Township Secretary |2,659.96 |

| | | |Total 405 · Secretary/Clerk |2,659.96 |

| | | |406 · Other General Govt. Admin | |

| | | | |406.12 · Salary Full Time Staff |2,404.79 |

| | | | |406.21 · Office Supplies |1,142.01 |

| | | | |406.23 · Postage |319.79 |

| | | | |406.32 · Communication - Phone/Wireless |774.58 |

| | | | |406.38 · Rentals |215.80 |

| | | | |406.42 · Membership/Dues |3,162.05 |

| | | | |406.46 · Mtg., Conf.,Cont.Ed. |-25.00 |

| | | | |406.48 · Internet Fees/Web Design |1,280.00 |

| | | | |406.99 · Payroll |4,078.83 |

| | | |Total 406 · Other General Govt. Admin |13,352.85 |

| | | |409 · General Government Bldg&Plants | |

| | | | |409.36 · Public Utility Services (TWP) |2,897.70 |

| | | | |409.37 · Repairs and Maint. |3,683.20 |

| | | | |409.44 · Laundry/Other Sanitary Services |122.21 |

| | | | |409.99 · Heating - Oil/Propane |30.09 |

| | | |Total 409 · General Government Bldg&Plants |6,733.20 |

| | |Total 400 · General Government |24,429.12 |

| | |410 · Public Safety | |

| | | |411 · Fire | | |

| | | | |411.99 · Fire Company - Miscellaneous |1,625.71 |

| | | |Total 411 · Fire |1,625.71 |

| | | |413 · Code Enforcement | |

| | | | |413.31 · Code enforcement pro. service |4,431.00 |

| | | |Total 413 · Code Enforcement |4,431.00 |

| | | |414 · Planning & Zoning | |

| | | | |414.98 · Zoning Recording/Transcription |185.00 |

| | | |Total 414 · Planning & Zoning |185.00 |

| | | |419 · Other Public Safety | |

| | | | |419.99 · PA One Call |7.20 |

| | | |Total 419 · Other Public Safety |7.20 |

| | |Total 410 · Public Safety |6,248.91 |

| | |420 · Health and Human Services | |

| | | |426 · Gen Gov Recycling Col & Dis | |

| | | | |426.15 · Transfer/Recycle Salaries |494.39 |

| | | | |426.44 · Sanitation Services |2,000.00 |

| | | |Total 426 · Gen Gov Recycling Col & Dis |2,494.39 |

| | |Total 420 · Health and Human Services |2,494.39 |

| | |430 · Public Works Hwy,Rds,Streets | |

| | | |437 · Repair of Tools & Machinery | |

| | | | |437.99 · Truck Repair |800.85 |

| | | |Total 437 · Repair of Tools & Machinery |800.85 |

| | | |438 · Road/Bridge Maint. and Repair | |

| | | | |438.14 · Salaries for Road Maint |10,046.00 |

| | | | |438.15 · PT Salaries for Road Crew |116.92 |

| | | | |438.25 · Repairs & Maint Supplies |623.75 |

| | | | |438.99 · Truck Fuel |2,588.58 |

| | | |Total 438 · Road/Bridge Maint. and Repair |13,375.25 |

| | |Total 430 · Public Works Hwy,Rds,Streets |14,176.10 |

| | |450 · Cultlure-Recreation | |

| | | |454 · GF Parks | |

| | | | |454.15 · Parks part time staff (GF) |444.26 |

| | | | |454.25 · Repairs & Maint Supplies |20.98 |

| | | |Total 454 · GF Parks |465.24 |

| | |Total 450 · Cultlure-Recreation |465.24 |

| | |480 · Misc. Expense | |

| | | |481 · Employer paid Taxes | |

| | | | |481.10 · Employer paid FICA |1,386.80 |

| | | | |481.20 · Employer paid Medicare |324.34 |

| | | | |481.30 · Employer paid Unemployment Comp |24.33 |

| | | | |483.30 · Non-Uniform Pension Contr. |760.00 |

| | | | |483.49 · 457 Pension contribution |650.00 |

| | | |Total 481 · Employer paid Taxes |3,145.47 |

| | | |486 · Insurance | |

| | | | |486.10 · Insurance - Liability |17,144.00 |

| | | |Total 486 · Insurance |17,144.00 |

| | | |487 · Other Group Insurance Benefits | |

| | | | |487.01 · Health Insurance |12,038.56 |

| | | | |487.02 · Life Insurance |48.20 |

| | | | |487.03 · Workmans Compensation |2,216.50 |

| | | |Total 487 · Other Group Insurance Benefits |14,303.26 |

| | |Total 480 · Misc. Expense |34,592.73 |

| | |490 · Other Financing Uses-exp | |

| | | |492 · Interfund Operating Transfer | |

| | | | |492.97 · Transfer to LFF |7,942.84 |

| | | |Total 492 · Interfund Operating Transfer |7,942.84 |

| | |Total 490 · Other Financing Uses-exp |7,942.84 |

|  |Total Expense |  |  |90,349.33 |

|Net Income | | | |-48,181.49 |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Other Income | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Net Income |1.37 |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |341.01 · Interest on Checking |138.01 |

| | | | | |392 · Interfund Operating Transfers | |

| | | | | | |392.01 · |

| | | | | | |Transfer from |

| | | | | | |General Fund |

| | | |  |Total Income |8,080.85 |

| | | | |Expense | |

| | | | | |430 · LFF Public Works | |

| | | | | | |432 · Winter |

| | | | | | |Maintenance |

| | | | | |492 · Interfund Operating Transfer | |

| | | | | | |492.01 · |

| | | | | | |Transfer to |

| | | | | | |the GFMM |

| | | |  |Total Expense |16,203.55 |

| | | |Net Income |-8,122.70 |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | |341.02 · |

| | | | | | |Interest on |

| | | | | | |Savings |

| | | | |Net Income |11.75 |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | |341.01 · |

| | | | | | |Interest on |

| | | | | | |Checking |

| | | | |Net Income |1.07 |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |341.000 · Interest Earnings | |

| | | | | | |341.01 · |

| | | | | | |Interest on |

| | | | | | |Checking |

| | | |  |Total Income |12.37 |

| | | | |Expense |0.00 |

| | | |Net Income |12.37 |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |341.01 · Interest on Checking |3.89 |

| | | | | |342.59 · Rental of Park Facilities |1,235.00 |

| | | |  |Total Income |1,238.89 |

| | | | |Expense | |

| | | | | |454 · Parks | |

| | | | | | |454.36 · |

| | | | | | |Public |

| | | | | | |Utilities |

| | | |  |Total Expense |225.86 |

| | | |Net Income |1,013.03 |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | |341.02 |

| | | | | | |Interest on |

| | | | | | |Equip Fund |

| | | | |Net Income |32.80 |

| | |Total Income (all accounts) |51,546.94 |

| | |Total Expense (all accounts) |106,778.74 |

| | Net Income(all accounts) |-55,231.80 |

| | | | | | | | | Respectfully Submitted,

Tammy M. White




Construction of the new pavilion and demolition of the old pavilion will not take place till after a wedding that is being held June 16th 2018. Kathy Hermany will contact Ed Snyder regarding the demo and Tammy White will contact Dutchman Contracting.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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