10th Grade Literature and Composition 2nd/3rd Block- Fall


Study Skills - Fall 2014

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|Teacher |Elizabeth Cooling |Blog | |

| | | |for makeup work and other information |

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|Location |Room 938 |E-mail |Elizabeth.Cooling@ |

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|Conference Hours |Afternoons by appointment |

Course Description

Study Skills is a course that supports students with their current class load. Each day is customized to meet the needs of the current students. Students may receive re-teaching or re-exposure of difficult content learned in an earlier class, or they may receive assistance with assignments, homework, tests, projects, writing, or organization. There will also be time to complete writing and other assignments related to Study Skills, such as Current Event assignments, journal entries, and various research projects and presentations. We will focus on organization skills and making sure students have the skills and tools necessary to be successful in all classes throughout high school.


1- All necessary binders/folders/dividers for your other 3 classes

2- Pens and pencils

3- Some type of agenda or calendar

4- Self-selected reading material - 1 item (magazine or book)

Class Expectations

1. Be respectful of self, others, and all property.

2. Be prepared and punctual.

3. Bathroom/locker/vending machine visits will be limited to three passes per semester.

4. Give 100% of yourself each day in the class.

5. You will receive a daily participation grade of 0-25 points per week. Score will be based on classroom behavior and time on task during our 90 minutes each day.

6. You will update your agenda or calendar sheet at the beginning of class each day and share your “to do” list with the teacher. Your “to do” list will be initialed by your teachers once assignments are turned in.

7. You should bring self-selected reading material to class each day. It may be left in the room.

***All rules and consequences in the Campbell High School handbook apply in this class.


a. First offense- Verbal warning

b. Second offense- Daily points affected

c. Third offense- Detention/Parent Call

d. Fourth offense- Detention/Parent Call and/or Administrative Referral

*Any extreme offenses (violence, threatening a student or teacher, cursing, etc.) will be directly referred to administrator and/or campus police officer.

Late to Class

To avoid being counted tardy, students must be in the room when the bell rings.

CCSD Grading Scale

90-100 A 80-89 B 74-79 C 70-73 D 69 and Below F

Weighted Grade Allotments

Class Assignments/Participation 60%

Organization Checks 30%

Final Exam 10%

* Please check Synergy regularly for your grades. Bring any concerns you have to my attention.

Please complete and return to Ms. Cooling by August 12, 2014:

Student, Parent(s), Guardian(s): Acknowledgment/Contract for Syllabus and Expectations

I have read and I understand the syllabus for my Study Skills class. I agree to comply with all expectations and procedures in the syllabus. If I have any questions or concerns I will immediately contact my teacher.

Student Name: ______________________________________

Parent Name: _______________________________________

Student Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ___________

Parent Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ___________

Contact information to be completed by parent(s) or guardian(s)

Home Phone Number: ____________________________________________

Mother/Legal Guardian Name: ______________________________________

Contact Number (Cell or Work): _____________________________________

Email Address: _____________________________________________________

Preferred Contact Method: (circle one) phone email

Father/ Legal Guardian Name: ________________________________________

Contact Number (Cell or Work): ______________________________________

Email Address: ______________________________________________________

Preferred Contact Method: (circle one) phone email

Any information either parent or guardian would like us to know about your student: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I look forward to working with your child. With your student’s effort, your support, and my commitment we can work together to produce an organized, goal-accomplished, academically-successful student by the end of the semester! Feel free to contact me at any time via email.

~Elizabeth Cooling


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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