
IWLP German PlacementYou have declared that you have some prior knowledge of the language that you wish to study. As a result you need to complete this placement test which is made up of 3 parts:- General information including Linguistic Background- Self assessment of language knowledge- Knowledge testGeneral InformationFamily NameFirst NameName (as known in UK)Student number/Staff numberUniversity e-mailOther emailNationalityCountry of Residence:Country of OriginLinguistic background. Indicate your ability in the languages below:Mother tongueLanguage of EducationProficientIntermediate/ IndependentBasicMother tongueLanguage of EducationProficientIntermediate/ IndependentBasicMother tongueLanguage of EducationProficientIntermediate/ IndependentBasicArabic ItalianPolish CantoneseJapanesePortugueseCzechLatvian Romanian EnglishLithuanianRussianFrenchMacedonian SerbianGermanMalaySlovak GreekMandarinSpanishHokianOther:Language study. In respect of the language you have applied for please complete the following information:Previous qualifications gained in the chosen language and grade: GCSE gradeAS level gradeA level gradeAny other qualification and grade:Informal or independent attempts at learning the language if no formal qualification, please include on-line and unaccredited courses:Self assessment. With reference to the language you have chosen to study, please tick those that apply:I have some prior knowledge or experience either formal or informal, in any of the four skills: reading, listening, writing or speaking. I have a close relationship (eg. parent, grand-parent, boyfriend/girlfriend, etc.) with somebody with whom I can speak in the language I have chosen to learnI have lived in a country where this language is spoken for 4 consecutive weeks or longerI have had some tuition in the languagePlease tick ONE DESCRIPTION in each category that describes you best: Expressing myselfProficient (C1)I can express myself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. I can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.Independent (B2)I can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.Independent (B1)I can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. I can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest.Basic (A2)I can describe in simple terms aspects of my background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.Basic (A1)I can introduce myself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where I live, people I know and things I have.Pre-entryMy ability is below Basic (A1)Communicating with othersProficient (C1)I can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.Independent (B2)I can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party.Independent (B1)I can deal with most situations likely to arise while travelling in an area where the language is spoken.Basic (A2)I can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.Basic (A1)I can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.Pre-entryMy ability is below Basic (A1)UnderstandingProficient (C1)I can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognize implicit meaning.Independent (B2)I can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in my field of specialization.Independent (B1)I can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.Basic (A2)I can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).Basic (A1)I can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type.Pre-entryMy ability is below Basic (A1) Test (Placement Test)Remember: this is not an academic test. Do not use dictionaries or grammars, nor seek any help in doing this – we want a snapshot of what level you have reached so far, so that we can place you in the class most appropriate for your ability. Please complete the test as soon as possible to enable us to complete registration and place you in the correct group.The sections are of progressive difficulty; complete as many sections as you are able to with your present knowledge of German.Please note that, in order to assist us in placing you at the right level, you may be contacted by the Co-ordinator to arrange a short conversation in your chosen language in addition to this test.ONCE YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE PLACEMENT TEST, PLEASE HAND IT IN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO THE REGISTRATION DESK OR TO THE IWLP ADMINISTRATOR (BOTH IN THE EDITH MORLEY BUILDING -previously known as HumSS-, Room 224). YOU CAN ALSO EMAIL A COMPLETED TEST TO iwlp@reading.ac.uk. REGISTRATION IS COMPLETED ONLY WHEN YOU HAVE DONE THIS. For any query contact iwlp@reading.ac.ukTHANK YOUIWLP Placement Test – GermanThere are two parts to the diagnostic exercise – altogether you should not spend more than an hour on it. The sections consist of short exercises and at the end of each section there is a free writing exercise. The exercises are of progressive difficulty and students should attempt as much as they can.SECTION ONEFor each sentence, choose the correct word from the list and write it in the gap. gesehen - muss – zum - Leid - m?chte – ohne - weh - Geburtstag - nach – linksI would like a mixed salad. Ich ___________ einen gemischten Salat.Did you go to Berlin?Bist du _________ Berlin gefahren?I’m sorry!Es tut mir ____________ !My leg hurts.Mein Bein tut _________.I have to work now.Ich __________ jetzt arbeiten.I’ll have a coffee without sugar. Ich nehme einen Kaffee _________ Zucker.Take the third street on the left.Nehmen Sie die dritte Stra?e ______.I’m going to the station.Ich gehe _______ Bahnhof.My birthday is on the first of June. Ich habe am ersten Juni _______________.Have you seen Johann?Hast du Johann ___________ ?Choose the correct verb from those given and write it in the gap.Ich ___________ (hei?en / hei?e / hei?t) Johann.Woher _________ (kommst / kommt / kommen) du?Ingrid __________ (wohnen / wohnt / wohnst) in Hamburg.Wie alt __________ (bist / sein / sind) Sie?Ich __________ (ist / bin / sein) zwanzig Jahre alt.Wir __________ (spielen / spiele / spielst) sehr gern Fu?ball.Johann und Ingrid __________ (gehen / geht / gehe ) gern ins Kino.Ich ___________ ( k?nne / kannst / kann) nicht essen.Heute Abend ____________ (mussen / musste / müssen) wir studieren.(Nehmst / nimmst / nimmt) __________ du einen Kaffee?Read the following short passage. Then read the statements and tick the four correct statements.Um sechs Uhr klingelt der Wecker. Sara Becker steht nicht gern auf. Sie bleibt noch einen Moment im Bett liegen – fünf, sechs Minuten – und h?rt Radio. Sie steht langsam auf. Es ist Viertel nach sechs. Zuerst duscht sie, dann holt sie die Zeitung und macht das Frühstück. Sie isst Eier, trinkt Kaffee und liest die ZeitungUm Viertel nach sieben rennt sie zur U-Bahn, die genau um 7 Uhr 30 abf?hrt. Heute ist die U-Bahn voll, und Sara findet keinen Platz. Wenn Sara im Stadtzentrum ankommt, steigt sie aus und geht zu Fu? weiter.Sara gets up at 6 o’clock.She listens to the radio in bed.She has a shower after breakfast.The newspaper is delivered to her door.She has eggs for breakfast.At a quarter to 7 she goes to the underground station.There are no free seats on the underground train today.The train takes her to the town centre.4. Complete the following sentences by putting the verb into the perfect tense e.g. Ich ___________ Radio _________ (h?ren)Ich habe Radio geh?rt.Ich _________ Fu?ball ____________ (spielen).Mein Freund _________ die Suppe _________ (kochen)._________ du deine Hausaufgaben ___________ (machen)?Miriam und Annette __________ jeden Abend __________ (tanzen).Ich _________ ins Kino _____________ (gehen).Wir __________ Bier ____________ (trinken).Sabine __________ nach Amerika ____________ (fahren).Ich _________ einen Apfel ____________ (essen)._________ du Deutsch _____________? (studieren)Ich ________ heute um neun Uhr ________________ (aufstehen).Write a short description of yourself, your family and/or friends e.g. age, appearance, where you live, what you/they like doing in your/their free time.SECTION TWOThe following sentences describe a scene with a family on a beach. Complete the sentences by putting the article (der,die,das) into the correct case. You will be using the following vocabulary.Masculine nouns Feminine nouns Neuter nounsStrand - beach Frau - womanKind - childJunge - boy Eis – ice-creamBall - ball Meer - seaFu? - foota) D-_________ Frau liegt auf d-________ Strand.b) D-_________ Junge steht neben d-______ Frau.c) D-_________ Ball ist neben sein-________Fu?.d) D-_________ kleine Kind isst d-______ Eis.e) D-_________ zwei Kinder schwimmen in d-______blauen Meer.7. Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentence. Circle the alternative you have chosen. a) Was gibst du deinen Freunden? Ich gebe ____________ Schokolade.i) ihnenii) ihr iii) ihmIch habe einen ___________ Hund.i) gro?eii) gro?en iii) gro?erDas ist ein ____________ Haus!i) sch?nes ii) sch?ne iii) sch?nenEr hat das Geld ________________.i) genehmen ii) genehmt iii) genommenWir sind um zwei Uhr am Bahnhof ________________.i) angekommt ii) geankommt iii) angekommenHier sind die Kinder, ________ Michael und Tina hei?en.i) die ii) der iii) dasHier ist die Frau, ________ ich das Buch gegeben habe.i) die ii) der iii) denEr kommt durch __________ Tür.i) des ii) die iii) demHast du den Mann gesehen?? Ja, ich habe __________ gestern gesehen.i) er ii) ihm iii) ihnIch gehe einkaufen, ___________________________.i) wenn ich habe Geld ii) wenn habe ich Geld iii) wenn ich Geld habe8. Read the following narrative, which is written in the present tense. Then fill in the gaps in the second version of the narrative by putting all the verbs into the simple past (imperfect) tense e.g.Present tense: Peter h?rt Musik und schreibt einen Brief.Simple past (imperfect): Peter h?rte Musik und schrieb einen Brief.Mein Gro?vater wohnt in Bayern. Er arbeitet in einer kleinen Stadt, wo er viele Freunde hat. Um sechs Uhr kommt er nach Hause. Er liest gern die Zeitung und trinkt eine Tasse Tee, bevor er das Abendessen kocht. Seine Frau ist oft krank, also muss er das Essen vorbereiten. Am Ende des Tages geht mein Gro?vater um zehn Uhr ins Bett.Mein Gro?vater _____________ in Bayern. Er ________________ in einer kleinen Stadt, wo er viele Freunde ____________. Um sechs Uhr ___________ er nach Hause. Er _________ gern die Zeitung und _____________ eine Tasse Tee, bevor er das Abendessen _________________. Seine Frau __________ oft krank, also ____________ er das Essen vorbereiten. Am Ende des Tages _________ mein Gro?vater um zehn Uhr ins Bett.9. Write a description of what you did last summer. Describe where you went and what you did, and whether you enjoyed your work or holiday.DeclarationI confirm that the information above is true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that failure to disclose any relevant previous exposure to and/or experience or knowledge of the language to be studied will be considered a case of Academic Misconduct. ( ) Signed: __________________________Dated: ___________________________ ONCE YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE PLACEMENT TEST PLEASE HAND IT IN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO THE REGISTRATION DESK OR TO THE IWLP ADMINISTRATOR (BOTH IN THE EDITH MORLEY BUILDING -previously known as HumSS-, Room 224). YOU CAN ALSO EMAIL A COMPLETED TEST TO iwlp@reading.ac.uk. REGISTRATION IS COMPLETED ONLY WHEN YOU HAVE DONE THIS. For any query contact iwlp@reading.ac.ukThank you for submitting your placement test, one of the course tutors will review your results and place you in the most appropriate class. Please note that on occasion you may be called for an interview. Once you have been allocated to a class you will receive a confirmation e-mail and the module details will appear in your on-line timetable. ................

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