How to Create an Online Income Generator in One Hour

How to Create an Online Income

Generator in One Hour

By Tom Antion


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Copyright ? 2016 Tom Antion

All rights Reserved


It's neither legal nor ethical for me to predict how much income you could make with this idea. I've made lots of money, but you may crash and burn so violently with this idea that your entire neighborhood catches on fire and all the homes within 20 miles of you melt like the Wicked Witch of the West. Actually there's very little to no financial risk with this idea. If you have a computer and Internet connection the entire idea can be done for free other than the small amount of time you spend. However, if you do something stupid like promote some assassination or how to make improvised explosives product and someone gets shot or blown up, then you are on your own. Myself, Tom Antion and any of my companies, take no responsibility for your dumbness. All that being said, let's get to the idea.


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Table of Contents

Introduction The Idea Step 1 - Find an affiliate product Step 2 - Purchase the product and learn how to use it. Step 3 - Make a screen capture video Step 4 - Post that video on YouTube Step 5 - Drive traffic to that video Step 6 ? Collect Your Commissions How Much Money Can You Make? Other Ways to Make Money with This Idea How to Use this Idea to Build a List + Money How Long Will it Take to Get Up and Running? Miscellaneous Tips About the Author


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Hi Folks. Many of you know I never preach get rich quick stuff so you may be wondering how I can justify a product that claims you can make an income generator within an hour. Also, many of you that know me know that I'm not a BS'r so you can be sure I'll show you how to do it in this report. Once you have the basic method down, you can literally sit down anytime you want and create another income generator in an hour or less. Another thing I'll admit is that this idea is not new. I've been teaching it for at least 15 years, yet I see precious few people actually doing it. That's why I thought I would highlight the idea and give it to you in a bite size chunk to help you get some money rolling in online.

The Idea: (Don't worry. I'll be explaining each part of the idea

thoroughly in this report)

You Will:

? STEP 1 - Find an affiliate product that someone else has produced that can be demonstrated on your computer screen.

? STEP 2 - Purchase the product and learn how to use it.

? STEP 3 - Make a screen capture video to show others how to use it.

? STEP 4 - Post that video on YouTube


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? STEP 5 - Drive traffic to that video. ? STEP 6 - When people buy it, you earn an affiliate commission.


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Affiliate Products

The first thing to make sure you understand is what an affiliate program is. Basically someone else has created a product. When you promote the product and someone buys it, you get a commission.

Sounds simple, right? Well, there's a little more to it. One thing you want to make sure of is that the product is good quality and has good customer support. If you promote a product, and it's no good and/or you can't get help making it work, the people you referred it to will not be happy with you for recommending it.

The next thing you want to think about is if the product sells or not. It might be a great product, but if the creator of the product doesn't have good sales material, then you can send all kinds of visitors but very few will buy.

Usually good affiliate products will come with sales materials like sample emails, banners etc., to help you promote the product. That won't be as important for you because of the method I'm going teach you in this report, but seeing a product that has good sales materials is one indicator of a product creator that knows what he/she is doing.

What Kind of Affiliate Products Do You Want to Promote?

I recommend for the purposes of this method that you target software or online services. The reason I say this is because I want you to be able to demonstrate the software or service via screen capture video (which I'll explain later).


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Where Do You Find Such Products?

The first place to look is in your own computer. What software do you use? Does the software have an affiliate program? How do you find out if it does?

To find out if the software or service has an affiliate program visit their website. Look at the edges of the site for evidence that they do have an affiliate program. Here are some examples:

Some websites make it easier to find their affiliate signup than others and some don't have an affiliate program at all. Keep in mind that normally it doesn't cost you anything to become an affiliate. Products sellers usually want you be an affiliate because to them you are part of an unpaid army of people promoting them. You're only paid if you get someone to buy their product, so most really want you to sign up and they make it easy.

Some product owners make you request permission to promote their product because they want to be sure you aren't going to spam people which causes a bad reputation for their product. Some will ask you to tell them how you plan to promote their product. By the end of this report you'll know how to answer that question.


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The next picture is an example of a signup form to become an affiliate.


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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