Newsletter #2

Harvest Time

Volume XXV, Number 4 News of the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Unit of the N.C. Retired School Personnel December 2009/January 2010






President’s Message

Have you been good this year? You joined the WSFCRSP to provide the resources for NCRSP to work to protect the retirement benefits of all retirees in North Carolina. That's good. You came to some or all of our luncheon meetings. That's good. You gave to the scholarship fund. That's good. You told new retirees about the RSP. That's good. You took recycled Christmas cards home to write new greetings on them for nursing home residents. That's good. You offered to be a pen pal with a fifth grader at Speas. That's very good. You completed a volunteer hours reporting form to submit to Gene Perryman. That's very good. So, if any RSP members have coal in their stockings this year, it will have to be due to a malfunction of Santa's GPS.

We will be meeting at a new location in January due to some unfortunate changes at the Quality Inn & Suites. Although we enjoyed the food, the servers, and the space, Gwen and I feel very good about the change to the Sundance and working with Latrice Jefferson. We will ask for your evaluation before we commit to a second year at the Sundance.

Our special speaker for the January meeting will be Christine Gorelick who is the VP of External Relations for the Arts Council. She will be sharing the history and the future of this awesome organization that helped us gain the designation as a City of the Arts.

Our door prizes for this meeting are: a Willard Scott book, The 1950's Most Wanted book, a red Lancôme bag, John Le Carré and Agatha Christie mysteries, 2 handmade dish cloths and a photo button, a Humane Society shopping bag, a potholder/mitt/towel, an 8 x 10 picture frame and a heart-shaped dish.

I wish for each of you Happy Holidays and look forward to seeing you in the New Year!

Reba J. Smith, President



Legislative Priorities for 2010

A meeting of the Legislative Committee was convened in Raleigh on November 20 for the purpose of establishing legislative priorities for the 2010 Session of the General Assembly, which convenes May 12, 2010. Although several members of the committee were unable to attend, we were pleased to welcome President Vera Taylor and Vice President Frances Cummings. Lobbyists Lacy Presnell and Pam Deardorff, who are non- voting members of the committee, were also present. Our guest speakers were David C. Starling and Tony Solari of the Retirement Systems Division, and Lacey P. Barnes, Deputy Executive Administrator of the State Health Plan. We are grateful to these individuals for their input to our deliberations. Their updates and status reports, as well as their insights and analysis of major issues impacting retirees, laid a good foundation for the work of the committee.

The committee has adopted the following legislative recommendations for 2010:

• Because the Consumer Price Index (rate of inflation) has been negative for most of 2009, coupled with continuing economic uncertainties, we recommend that a Cost-of-Living adjustment (COLA) not be requested for 2010.

• In view of benefit changes in the State Health Plan that became effective July 1, 2009, including deductibles, copayments, prescription drugs, and coinsurance maximums, we recommend full funding for the Plan, with no further decrease in benefits. It is our hope that the work of the Blue Ribbon Task Force will facilitate the realization of this goal, thereby ensuring the ongoing financial stability of the Plan.

• The chief variable in keeping the Retirement Trust Fund actuarially sound is the employer contribution. Although the budget approved by the General Assembly in August, 2009, set the contribution rate to the Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System at 3.57% for 2009-10 and at 4.98% for 2010-ll, according to the State actuary, full funding for 2010-11 will require a contribution rate of 6.71% of payroll. To address the unfunded liability, we recommend an increase in the State contribution rate to the level recommended by the State actuary.

It is expected that once these recommendations have been approved by the Executive Board, we shall follow the same plan that has been used for the past three years. NCRSP will consult with other members of the Retirement Roundtable, including NCAE, NCRGEA, SEANC, and NCASA, to get their input on legislative recommendations for 2010. The Roundtable will then prepare the final recommendations and forward them via a joint letter to the Retirement System Board of Trustees for their approval and transmittal to the General Assembly. Contacts with legislators will follow.

Bob Severs, Chair, NCRSP Legislative Committee



OCTOBER 1, 2009 – NOVEMBER 30, 2009

Checkbook Balance 9/30/09 $ 4,598.57

Membership Dues (Cash Pay) 1,273.00

Membership Dues (Payroll Deduction) 350.11

Membership Meeting Reservations 1,013.00

3 R Grant Expense Reimbursement 100.00

Total $7,334.68


Membership Meeting – 11/11/09 934.19

NEA-R/NCAE Membership Dues 570.00

NCRSP Membership Dues 420.00

District #5 Membership Dues 53.00

Postage/Mailings 141.92

Donations 100.00

Supplies 16.04

Supplies (3 R Grant Expense) 17.90

Total $2,253.05 -$2,253.05

Checking Account Balance –11/30/09 $5,081.63

Scholarship Fund Balance 9/30/09 $1,462.77

Interest Earned .29

Deposit (Donations) 120.00

Scholarship Fund Balance 9/30/09 1,583.06

Total of All Funds through 11/30/09 $6,664.69

Retirees wait to be introduced to their pen pals.

Pen Pals

If you don't have a Pen Pal, you are really missing out.  It is fun to get something in the mail beside junk.  I think mine has asked me everything except what kind of toothpaste I use.  I didn't get to go to the meet-and-greet that I planned because of jury duty, but Sister Peggy gathered up mine and any others that didn't have someone there.  She entertained them with the story of hatching snake eggs in her classroom.  I went the next week and met my Joshua, and we have been back one time to take them lunch.  I appreciate that the teachers are so kind to let us come anytime, because I know you retired so you can do lots of things and our scheduled events don't always come together.  We will be having a holiday party with them on December 11th, and they are very excited about it.

Thanks to all those who agreed to take on this project.  Rita Taylor

Hospitality Report

Our next WSFCRSP membership meeting will be on Wednesday, January 13, 2010, at Sundance Plaza Hotel and Conference Center, 3050 University Pkwy., in Winston-Salem. It is across from the Joel Coliseum. Please check your calendar and mail your reservation now along with a check for $12.00 per person by Thursday, Jan. 7th, 2010, so that I may receive it by Saturday, Jan. 9th, 2010. I must commit to a definite head count on Monday morning. If it becomes necessary for you to cancel, a refund or credit will be given only if notification is received by Sunday, Jan. 10th.

PLEASE NOTE: If you make a "Pay at Registration Reservation" and do not attend, you will be billed for that amount. We have to pay for the number of reservations to which we commit.

You may still arrive as early as 11:15 a.m. to complete all business before the meeting starts at 12:00 p.m., giving you time with your friends. The buffet will be ready at 11:40 a.m. I look forward to seeing you on January 13, 2010.

You are always welcome to attend the meeting without having lunch. Please let me know if you wish to do this so that I can arrange seating.

Remember that our meetings will be cancelled for inclement weather only when the WS/FC schools are closed for the day. School delays are not included.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Gwendolyn D. Andrews - (336) 924-8772

Hospitality Chairperson

Veterans from the “Flight of Honor” speak to our group.


“Thank You” for your donations that make it possible for us to support future educators. Donations have been made as follows:

In Memory of the following family and friends:

Aline Dyson Keller

By: Debbie Keller

Barbara Mann

By: Kathryn Mansfield

To the General Scholarship Fund:

By: Julia Johnson

Dorothy Vernon (Cookbook Sales)

Florence Wiley

Scholarship Committee Chairperson

Community Participation

Be sure to bring the volunteer reporting forms to the January meeting or mail it to Gene Perryman at 595 Ocala Drive, Winston-Salem, NC 27127 by January 9th to allow time for the hours to be totaled and sent to the district chair by January 29th. Thank you for maintaining your hours.

Gene Perryman

Community Participation Chair

Minutes of November 11th RSP Meeting

The Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Retired School Personnel met Wednesday, November 11, 2009, at Quality Inn & Suites at noon. President Reba Smith called the meeting to order and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Rev. Juanita Tatum, Chaplain, gave the invocation.

The Veteran’s Day program was given by Guy Maffett, Retired US Navy, and Thomas Skowronski, Air Force WWII Veteran. They shared stories about the “Flight of Honor” trip to Washington, DC. They also encouraged all WWII Veterans to apply to go on one of the 2010 “Flight of Honor” trips. We can make donations to: Triad Flight of Honor, PO Box 4613, Greensboro, NC 27404. The veterans fly free, but $ 500 goes for the activities that they do during the day of the flight.

President Smith presented the L. Eugene Johnston Award to JoAnne Goetz, Past President of NCRSP – District V.

Hospitality Chairman, Gwen Andrews, reported that we had 85 reservations for the meeting and 85 people had registered. Several new or potential members were present. Mrs. Andrews announced that the cost for the January meeting/meal would be $ 12.00 and that we can pay her today.

Treasurer, Gwen Andrews, gave the financial report. The checking account balance is $3135.26 and the Scholarship Fund balance is $1463.06. Scholarship donations are tax deductible and there are envelopes for us to use when we make donations. She asks that we give our names and addresses when we make donations for our record keeping. Mrs. Andrews’ full financial report is in this newsletter.

Mrs. Andrews also gave the Membership report. We have 300 members on our roster from the state, as of September 22. The number is higher, but they haven’t sent her an update yet. Mrs. Andrews’ count is 356 members.

Legislative Chairman, Bob Severs, gave his report. His full report is also in this newsletter.

Necrology Chairman, Donna Staley, reported that there have been no member deaths since September, 2009. She does ask that we all help her to be aware of any deaths.

Scholarship Chairman, Florence Wiley, reported that scholarship information will go to the schools in January.

Pen Pal Chairman, Rita Taylor, reported that she needs one more Pen Pal so that all Speas 5th graders will have a Pen Pal. The Christmas social activity will probably be the week before the Christmas break. Mrs. Taylor will fix gift bags for the entire 5th grade Pen Pals so that everyone will have similar gifts. We will hear from her or our Pen Pals when the social will be.

President Smith reported that the tabled motion to move money from the CD to the scholarship fund is not an option. We learned that we cannot do this because we cannot use membership dues for scholarships or we would lose our non-profit status.

The NCRSP State Convention will be in Winston-Salem March 17-18, 2010 at the Marriott/Embassy Suites. We need donations of goodies/freebies to put in goodie bags for those attending the convention. Bring any items that you get to the January meeting.

President Smith reminded us to turn in our Christmas cards to be given to the nursing homes. She also reminded us to turn in our volunteer hours/report to Eugene Perryman at the January 11 meeting….or before then if you wish. At the January meeting, she will have the sign-up list for those wishing to be a delegate to the state convention. The number of delegates is based on the number of members that we have. Any member can be a delegate.

If you would like to sign up to get your newsletter by e-mail, let Reba Smith know and put your e-mail address on the list. Dot Vernon has cookbooks for sale. Remember that this money goes to our scholarship fund.

Door Prizes were given out and the winners were Harvey Rorie, Peggy Hawkins, Walt Wiley, Carolyn Tilley, Chris Kendrick, Donna Staley, Geraldine Rorie, Shirley Chambers, Elizabeth Martin, Jane Timmerman, Coretta Blanchette, and Ann Councilman. The meeting was adjourned after President Smith thanked everyone for coming. She wished us all a Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas.

Mary Jo Brewer

Merry Christmas from the RSP Officers


Committee Leaders


President Reba J. Smith


Vice-President Jo Anne Goetz


Past President Dr. Nelson L. Shearouse


Secretary Mary Jo Brewer


Treasurer Gwendolyn Andrews


Assistant Treasurer Stephen Danner


Historian/Parliamentarian Walter R. Wiley, Jr.


Please consider making the WSFCRSP Scholarship Fund your choice as a memorial gift in your final wishes. We need additional resources to continue to support our high school seniors who commit to teaching as a career.


Budget & Finance Gwendolyn Andrews

Stephen Danner


Legislative Robert Severs


Membership Ann K. Councilman


Necrology Donna L. Staley

Retirement Planning/Photography John Shore


Public Relations and

Community Participation A. Eugene Perryman


Newsletter Dr. Lee Beall


Hospitality Gwendolyn Andrews

Nominating Julia L. Johnson

Scholarship Florence G. Wiley


Pen Pal Coordinator Rita Taylor


Website Evan Herreid

Visit our web at or go to state web () and click on Winston-Salem/Forsyth County.

  Reservations for January 13, 2010 Meeting

To register, complete and cut out the form below and mail with your check for $12, payable to WSRCRSP by January 9, 2010. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend. Remember the meeting will be at the Sundance Plaza Hotel and Conference Center.

Yes, I _________________________ would like to


make reservations for ________, on Jan. 13th, 2010

(# of people)

I have enclosed a check for $______, which is

$12.00 per person. Make check payable to WSFCRSP and mail to: Gwendolyn Andrews

3550 Stimpson Drive

Pfafftown, NC 27040-8609

Make checks payable to: WSFCRSP


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