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Name_______________________________________AP HG 3.1Date______________POPULATION & MIGRATIONWhy do people migrate?5024120144145If you could live anywhere in the United States, where would you go?Would you ever consider living in a foreign country? Why or why not? Why do people move?MIGRATIONAs we become linked together, our ability to move across the surface of Earth is increasingly more accessibly for more people. _______________________ is the process of permanently moving from your home region and crossing an administrative border or boundary, such as between counties, states or countries. ________________ refers to migration from a location and ________________ refers to migration to a location. If the number of immigrants exceeds the emigrants, the net migration is positive, and the region has ___________________________.If the number of emigrants exceeds the immigrants, than the net migration is negative, and the region has ____________________________.The decision to migrate is often based on thoughtful consideration by the people choosing to make the journey. Often, migration decisions are based on a combination of PUSH and PULL factors. 228600200025Induces people to… Induces people to… ECONOMIC push and pull factors:Most people migrate for economic reasonsEmigrate from countries…Immigrate to countries..CULTURAL push and pull factors:Forced international migration has historically occurred for two main cultural reasons:Push factor:Pull factor:ENVIRONMENTAL push and pull factors:INTERVENING OBSTACLE: An environmental or cultural feature that ________________________.Transportation technology diminishes environmental obstacles (____________________________________________)New migrants face government and politics (__________________) 5263606-74023Directions: Label each situation or scenario below by the type of push or pull factor. ECONOMIC—CULTURAL —ENVIRONMENTAL I. Theoretical ExamplesAn area that has valuable natural resources, such as petroleum or uranium, may attract miners and engineers. _____________________Regions with warmer weather attract migrants from harsher climates. _____________________A new industry lures factory workers, technicians and scientists_____________________Refugees are forced to migrate because of home conditions, especially wars. _____________________Too much water (flooding) or too little water (drought) has a huge impact on migration. ______________People are attracted to democratic countries that encourage freedom. _____________________II. Real Life Examples Many Europeans immigrants who came to America in the 19th century looking for jobs truly expected to find streets paved with gold. _____________________The southern coast of England, the Mediterranean coast of France, and the coasts of Florida attract migrants, especially retirees, who enjoy swimming and lying on the beach. _____________________Discovery of petroleum in North Sea off the coast of Scotland has lured thousands of people to jobs in drilling or refining businesses. _____________________In the 1930s, portions of Oklahoma became known as the Dust Bowl, following years of limited rainfall. The plight of thousands of families to California was portrayed in The Grapes of Wrath. _______________A quarter-century civil war in Afghanistan, that started with the Soviet invasion, of the country in 1979, has resulted in a larger number of Afghan refugees. _____________________Millions of slaves were shipped from Africa to the Western Hemisphere during the 18th and early 19th centuries. _____________________Those with bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, and allergies have been pulled to Arizona by the dry desert climate. _____________________People who live in floodplains – an area subject to flooding – are often forced to move by water-related disasters. _____________________Today, many people from Asia and Latin America come to the United States and Canada in search of jobs. _____________________Europe has seen a massive amount of refugees fleeing the civil war in Syria. _____________________In Colombia, government battles with drug lords and with guerrillas promoting land and social reform have resulted in 3 million refugees. _____________________Proximity to the Rocky Mountains lures Americans to the state of Colorado, and the Alps pull French people to eastern France. _____________________Hundreds of thousands have been forced to move from the Sahel region of Northern Africa because of drought conditions. _____________________III. Be creative and come up with a list of your own push and pull factors.Directions: Under each heading, come up with a hypothetical/broad example of a push and pull factor. Then come up with a real life example (can be either push or pull). ECONOMICPush factor: _____________________________________________Pull factor: ______________________________________________Example: ______________________________________________________________________________CULTURALPush factor: _____________________________________________Pull factor: ______________________________________________Example: ______________________________________________________________________________ENVIRONMENTALPush factor: _____________________________________________Pull factor: ______________________________________________Example:_______________________________________________________________________________Intervening obstacle: ____________________________________________________________________-5080-1423670TYPES OF MIGRATIONImmigration is migration to a location; emigration is migration from a location. The difference between the number of immigrants and the number of emigrants is the net migration. Internal Migration is movement within a country, as opposed to international (or external) migration, which is movement outside a country. Interregional Migration is moving from one region in the country to another region in the country.Intraregional Migration is moving within a region, such as from a city to a suburb. Voluntary migration implies that the migrant has chosen to move for economic improvement, whereas forced migration means that the migrant has been compelled to move by cultural or environmental factors. Chain Migration occurs when people migrate to be with other people who migrated before them and with who they feel some linkage, whether it is familial, religious, ethnic, cultural, or some other type of connection. Most often because of kinship links (types of push or pull factors that influence a migrant's decision to go where family or friends have already found success) Step migration: migration to a distant destination that occurs in stages, for example, from farm to nearby village and later to a town and cityShort-Term Local Movements refers to people’s daily movements that are not classified as migration. The area in which you travel on a daily basis is known as your activity space. There are various classifications of this shorter-term, impermanent migration.Cyclic movement occurs during your daily routine from your home and back. Commuting from one’s home to work and back is a form of cyclic movement.Seasonal movement is a form of cyclic movement that involves leaving your home region for a short time in response to a change of season.Periodic movement involves longer periods of stay, such as serving in the military or attending college. Transhumance is a seasonal periodic movement of pastoralists and their livestock between highland and lowlandForced VoluntaryChainStep Seasonal Cyclic Periodic________________ During Andrew Jackson’s presidency, the Cherokee Indians were relocated to the Midwest in an infamous experience known as the “Trail of Tears”_______________ My neighbor moved here from El Salvador to be closer to relatives who moved here last year _______________ When moving to San Francisco, a college graduate first buys a condo in the suburbs before waiting to buy an apartment in the inner-city. _______________ Thousands have been lured to Scotland and Ireland for new job opportunities in the oil businesses________________ Every year, my grandparents spend the winters in sunny Florida rather than in the cold of Michigan_______________ Everyone in this class participates in this kind of movement when they wake up every morning and go to school_______________ A US Army Colonel is deployed to South Korea with his family for 9 monthsInternational_______ New York City to SeafordIntraregional_______ Detroit to QuebecInterregional_______ leaving Boston, MAImmigration _______ going to Dallas, TXEmigration_______ West Coast to Midwest Provide a real-life example for each of the following.Internal Migration: _____________________________________________________________Periodic Movement: ____________________________________________________________Interregional: _________________________________________________________________Intraregional: _________________________________________________________________Voluntary: ____________________________________________________________________Forced: ______________________________________________________________________ ................

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