Unit 1 Syllabus: ENGL 102-09 & 25 - Wildcat Writers

Unit 1 Syllabus: ENGL 102-09 & 25

Instructor: Aja Y. Martinez


RA = Rereading America         SG = Student’s Guide        RFW = Rules for Writers

JA = Journal Assignment


|  |  |  |

|Week & Date |Assignments and |Class Activities |

|  |Readings Due | |

|Week 1: W, 1/16 |none |-General introductions |

| | |  |

|Week 1: F, 1/18 |RA: “Learning Power: The Myth of Education and |-Questions on the syllabus |

| |Empowerment,” pg. 113-120 |  |

| | |-Share journal entries and discuss expectations |

| |JA: 1 & 2 (JA topics will be distributed in previous |  |

| |class) | |

|Week 2: M, 1/21 |NO CLASS, MLK Day |NO CLASS, MLK Day |

|Week 2: W, 1/23 |SG: “Rhetorical Analysis”, pg. 207-212 |-Introduction to rhetorical analysis, handout : |

| | |“Rhetorical Analysis: The Basics” |

| |RA: Moore, “Idiot Nation,” pg. 132-149 | |

| | |-Group activity: Analysis of Rage Against the |

| |JA: 3 & 4 |Machine’s “Take the Power Back” |

|Week 2: F, 1/25 |RA: Kozol, “Still Separate, Still Unequal,” pg. 239-255|-Requirements for Essay # 1 |

| | |  |

| | |-Briefly discuss Kozol (to be revisited) |

| |JA: 5 | |

| | |-Begin viewing film: Freedom Writers |

|Week 3: M, 1/28 |Handout: Cholla Student Writing |-Film viewing: Freedom Writers |

| | | |

| |JA: 6 | |

|Week 3: W, 1/30 |Handout: Cholla Student Writing |-Film viewing: Freedom Writers -Finish film |

| | |viewing: Freedom Writers |

| |SG: “Drafting,” pgs. 75-80 | |

| | | |

| |JA: 7 | |

|Week 3: F, 2/1 |Handout: Cholla Student Writing |-Film viewing: Freedom Writers |

| | | |

| | | |

| |JA: 8 & 9 | |

|Week 4: M, 2/4 |RA (re-read): Kozol, “Still Separate, Still Unequal,” |-Finish film viewing: Freedom Writers |

| |pg. 239-255 | |

| | |-Discussion of Kozol within the context of |

| | |Freedom Writers |

| |JA: 10 | |

| | |-Rhetorical Analysis exercise of Freedom Writers |

|Week 4: W, 2/6 |SG: Thompson, “Obama, Oprah, and Yo’ Momma: A personal | -Rhetorical Analysis exercise: MADD TV’s “Nice |

| |Essay on Rhetorical Analysis,” pg. 212-216 |White Lady” |

| | | |

| | |-Discuss readings: Logos, Ethos, Pathos, and |

| |JA: 11 |Logical Fallacies |

|Week 4: F, 2/8 |SG: “Rhetorical Analysis as Prewriting,” pgs. 223-225 |-Discussion of “Shitty First Drafts” |

| | | |

| |Handout: from Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird, “Shitty First|-Thesis Workshop: Generating and evaluating |

| |Drafts” |tentative thesis |

| | | |

| |JA: 12 |-Discuss draft requirements |

|Week 5: M, 2/11 |**Exploratory draft 1 of essay #1 due** | -Develop guidelines for responding to student |

| | |drafts. |

| |SG: “Workshop Guidelines,” pgs. 94-97 | |

| | |-Set up peer groups and explain the response |

| |-Bring paper copies of your draft to class. Bring |format and conferences |

| |enough copies for your peer group members and for the | |

| |instructor (depending on group size that is about 4 | |

| |copies of your draft). STAPLE all drafts | |

|Week 5: W, 2/13 |**Reminder** Tuesday, February 12 is the last day to |-Discuss writing as a process |

| |drop classes without a W** | |

| | |-In-class peer review conferences |

| |SG: Selections from “Writing as a Process,” pg.73-82 | |

| | | |

| |-Bring in peer reviewed essays | |

| | | |

| |-Revise and prepare your paper to hand in for a final | |

| |grade | |

| | | |

| |-Consider visiting the Writing Center for peer help or | |

| |attending office hours | |

|Week 5: F, 2/15 |SG: “Receiving and Making Sense of Comments,” pg. 98-99|-Answer questions concerning draft 2 |

| | | |

| |-Revise and prepare your paper to hand in for a final |-Preparing your paper for 2nd draft submission |

| |grade | |

| | | |

| |-Consider visiting the Writing Center for peer help or | |

| |attending office hours | |

|Week 6: M, 2/18 | **Exploratory draft 2 of essay #1 due** |-1-on-1 in-class Peer Revision Workshop |

| | | |

| |SG: “Strategies for Global and Local Revision,” pg. | |

| |89-94 | |

| | | |

| |-Revise and prepare your paper to hand in for a final | |

| |grade | |

| | | |

| |-Consider visiting the Writing Center for peer help or | |

| |attending office hours | |

|Week 6: W, 2/20 |SG: “Re-Envisioning Your Writing Situation,” pg. 87-89 |- Examine the polished paper from the Student’s |

| | |Guide and relate it to grading criteria; refine |

| | |criteria for evaluation |

| | | |

| | |- Setting goals for your revision |

| | | |

| | |-Discuss MLA Editing questions |

| | | |

| | |- Specifications for final draft submission |

|Week 6: F, 2/22 |**Final draft of essay #1 is due at the beginning of |-In-class writing to self-evaluate and to reflect|

| |class |on the unit that we’ve just finished |

| | |  |

| | |-Introduction to Unit 2  |

Unit 2 Syllabus: ENGL 102-09 & 25

Instructor: Aja Y. Martinez


RA = Rereading America         SG = Student’s Guide        RFW = Rules for Writers

JA = Journal Assignment


|  |  |  |

|Week & Date |Assignments and |Class Activities |

|  |Readings Due | |

|Week 7: M, 2/25 |**Final draft of Unit 1 essay due in II parts |-Introduction to Unit 2 |

| | | |

| | |-Colorblind Racism and In-class writing activity |

|Week 7: W, 2/27 |RA: Paul L. Wachtel “Talking About Racism: How Our |-Continue Colorblind Racism handout |

| |Dialogue Gets Short-Circuited,” pg. 541-554 | |

| | |-Discuss reading and journal assignment |

| |JA: 13 | |

|Week 7: F, 2/29 |Handout: Eduardo Bonilla-Silva “Color-Blind Racism” |-Discuss reading and journal assignment |

| | | |

| |JA: 14 |-Discuss initial field trip arrangements |

|Week 8: M, 3/3 |Handout: Beverly Daniel Tatum “Defining Racism: ‘Can |-Research Proposals: Introduction to research |

| |We Talk?’” | |

| | |-Discuss readings |

| |SG: “The Research Proposal,” pg. 233-234 | |

| | | |

| |JA: 15 & 16 | |

|Week 8: W, 3/5 |SG: “The Annotated Bibliography,” pg. 234-237 |-Requirements for Annotated Bibliography and |

| | |Discovery Argument Assignments |

| |JA: 17 |  |

| | |-Begin viewing film clips: What’s Race Got To Do |

| | |With It? |

|Week 8: F, 3/7 |SG: “Choosing a Research Topic,” pg. 133-135 |-Finish viewing film clips: What’s Race Got To Do|

| | |With It? |

| |JA: 18 | |

| | |-Discuss and Brainstorm Possible Research Topics |

|Week 9: M, 3/10 |SG: “Finding Sources-,” pg. 135-137 |-Discuss finalized field trip arrangements |

| |AND | |

| |“Evaluating Sources,” pg. 137-140 |-Discuss submission requirements for Annotated |

| | |Bibliography assignments |

| |JA: 19 | |

|Week 9: W, 3/12 |SG: “Engaging With and Keeping Track of Sources,” pg. |-No formal class, Service Learning Partnership |

| |140-145 |Field Trip to Cholla High School |

| | | |

| |JA: 19 (submitted by email) | |

|Week 9: Th, 3/13 |Service Learning Partnership Field Trip to Cholla High |Service Learning Partnership Field Trip to Cholla|

| |School |High School |

|Week 9: F, 3/14 |**Annotated Bibliography due** |**Annotated Bibliography due** |

| | | |

| |SG: “Creating Academic Arguments,” pg. 240-245 |-Refresher of requirements for Discovery Argument|

| | |Assignment |


|Week 10: M, 3/24 |SG: “A Question of Audience,” pg. 245-247 | -Discuss readings and drafts of Discovery |

| | |Argument |

| |JA: 20 (in-class) | |

| | |-Thesis Workshop: Generating and evaluating |

| | |tentative thesis |

|Week 10: W, 3/26 |SG: “How Do Writers Attempt to Convince Their |-Questions and concerns about the Discovery |

| |Audience?,” pg. 247-248 |Argument |

| |AND | |

| |“Suasive Rhetoric,” pg. 248-252 |-Discuss draft requirements |

| | | |

| |JA: 21 | |

|Week 10: F, 3/28 |**Exploratory draft 1 of Discovery Argument due** | -Develop guidelines for responding to student |

| | |drafts. |

| |SG: “Workshop Guidelines,” pgs. 94-97 | |

| | |-Set up peer groups and explain the response |

| |-Bring enough hard copies of your draft for your peer |format |

| |group members. Send a soft copy to the instructor by | |

| |email. STAPLE all drafts | |

|Week 11: M, 3/31 |SG: “Receiving and Making Sense of Comments,” pg. 98-99|-Peer response groups |

| | | |

| |-Revise and prepare your paper to hand in for a final |-MLA Style and Documentation Workshops |

| |grade | |

| | |-Preparing your paper for 2nd draft submission |

| |-Consider visiting the Writing Center for peer help or | |

| |attending office hours | |

|Week 11: W, 4/2 |SG: “Strategies for Global and Local Revision,” pg. |-Setting goals for your revision |

| |89-94 | |

| | |-MLA Style and Documentation Workshops |

| |-Revise and prepare your paper to hand in for a final | |

| |grade | |

| | | |

| |-Consider visiting the Writing Center for peer help or | |

| |attending office hours | |

|Week 11: F, 4/4 | **Exploratory draft 2 of the Discovery Argument due** |-1-on-1 in-class Peer Revision Workshop |

| | | |

| |SG: “Re-Envisioning Your Writing Situation,” pg. 87-89 |- Specifications for final draft submission |

|Week 12: M, 4/7 |**Final draft of essay #2 is due at the beginning of |-In-class writing to self-evaluate and to reflect|

| |class |on the unit that we’ve just finished |

| | |  |

| | |-Introduction to Unit 3  |

Unit 3 Syllabus: ENGL 102-09 & 25

Instructor: Aja Y. Martinez


RA = Rereading America         SG = Student’s Guide        RFW = Rules for Writers

JA = Journal Assignment


|  |  |  |

|Week & Date |Assignments and |Class Activities |

|  |Readings Due | |

|Week 12: M, 4/7 |**Final draft of essay #2 is due at the beginning of |-In-class writing to self-evaluate and to reflect|

| |class |on the unit that we’ve just finished |

| | |  |

| | |-Introduction to Unit 3 |

| | | |

| | |-Requirements for Public Argument Assignments |

|Week 12: W, 4/9 |JA: 22 |-Continue discussion of requirements for Public |

| | |Argument Assignments |

|Week 12: F, 4/11 |JA: 23 |-Class at OSCR Multi-media Classroom, at AME, |

| | |room s314 for presentation of multi-media |

| | |resources available to you for your creative |

| | |projects |

|Week 13: M, 4/14 |**Rough draft of Part 1 is due at the beginning of |-In-class Peer Review for Global and Local |

| |class |Revisions |

|Week 13: W, 4/16 |JA: 24 |- Example of a Public Argument: Guest Speaker, |

| | |Professor Rick Orozco, on difference and |

| | |inequality among public school mission statements|

|Week 13: F, 4/18 |JA: 25 |-Fine-tuning your rhetorical skills: Rhetorical |

| | |Analysis of Film Speeches from |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |-Discuss concerns and answer questions about Part|

| | |2 |

| | | |

| | |-Divide into peer review groups |

|Week 14: M, 4/21 |**Rough draft of Part 2 is due at the beginning of |-Distribute Part 2 drafts for peer review |

| |class |homework |

| | | |

| |Presentations: Day One, Group One |-Presentations and In-class Evaluations |

|Week 14: W, 4/23 |**Peer reviews of Part 2 due at the beginning of class |-Presentations and In-class Evaluations |

| | | |

| |Presentations: Day Two, Group Two | |

|Week 14: F, 4/25 |Presentations: Day Three, Group Three |-Presentations and In-class Evaluations |

|Week 15: M, 4/28 |Presentations: Day Four, Group Four |-Presentations and In-class Evaluations |

|Week 15: W, 4/30 |Presentations: Day Five, Group Five |-Specifications for final draft submission of |

| | |Parts 1 & 2  |

| | | |

| | |-Presentations and In-class Evaluations |

|Week 15: F, 5/2 |**Final draft of Parts 1 & 2 are due in class ** |-In-class writing to self-evaluate and to reflect|

| | |on the unit that we’ve just finished |

| | |  |

| | |-Requirements for final Reflective Portfolio: |

| | |Peer Review and Personal Reflection with Cholla |

| | |Personal Statements |

|Week 16: M, 5/5 | **Draft of Reflective Portfolio letter due in class |-In-class peer review |

| |for in-class peer review ** | |

| | |-Preparing your Portfolio for final submission |

|Week 16: W, 5/7 |LAST DAY OF CLASSES |**Official Due Date: Final draft of the |

| | |Reflective Portfolio is due in class |

| |**Official Due Date: Final draft of the Reflective | |

| |Portfolio is due in class | |

|Week 16: F, 5/9 |**Optional Due Date: Final draft of the Reflective |-NO CLASS, FIRST DAY OF FINALS |

| |Portfolio is due to my mailbox | |


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