CARPATHIAN MOUNTAINS SACRED PLACEPossible same name was GODOur oriental-induced “Gebeleisis” HYPERLINK "; Gibil or Gebal the god of fire in Sumerian mythology, The God of ...... HYPERLINK "; Gibil or Gebal the god of fire in?Sumerian?mythology, The God of Byblos the progeny of Hiram Abi, The heart of Freemasonry's abominable roots and found in Psalms 83 as those ....?Mountain gods?were known in Anatolia, Syria, and Palestine since Hittite times, and they continued to be venerated up until the Roman age.Me:ais,asa is anatolian &italic for “altar”Ais,aisna is etruscan “God”,So, GEBALaisis: “FIRE-GOD-GEBAL”Lycian KUGA:”Grandfather” HYPERLINK "; The Luwian Population Groups of Lycia and Cilicia Aspera During the ... HYPERLINK "; Philo Hendrik Jan Houwink Ten Cate?- 1961 - ?CiliciaThe same development must have taken place in?Lycian kuga- "grandfather" alongside Hittite- Luwian huh{h)a- while tedi- "father" as compared with Luwian tati- HYPERLINK "; The sanctuary of Adad at Zabban? A fragment of a temple list in ... HYPERLINK "; , a town in what was formerly Simurrum, on the borders between Babylonian and Assyria, remained in the first millennium a well-known cult-centre of Adad, for which the evidence is now collected by Daniel Schwemer (2000: 610). There is no doubt that the Assyrian temple list intends the Lord of Zabban to be understood as the storm god.[E-]-kuga the temple of Sala;House whose fearsomeness [E-]-kugaHouse wich is pure among the mountainsMe!What is this? Simurrum<>romanian city Simeria,near DevaIn?c.?1801 BC, the powerful kingdom of Elam, which straddled important trade routes across the? HYPERLINK "; \o "Zagros Mountains" Zagros Mountains, invaded the Mesopotamian plain.?With allies among the plain states, HYPERLINK "; Elam attacked and destroyed the kingdom of Eshnunna, destroying a number of cities and imposing its rule on portions of the plain for the first time.My note: these elamites,ancestor of sanskrit /Indo-European language HYPERLINK "; his accession he married Ne-maat-Hap, the heiress of the previous king, and assumed the name of Khasekhemui. After a reign of nineteen years he was buried at Abydos, near the tombs of the first dynasty kings, and in his grave was found the gold object, referred to in a previous chapter, which appears to have been of metal derived from Transylvania. This tomb chamber was built of squared blocks of limestone, the earliest stonework of the kind as yet found in Egypt………………………..Whence the Cretans obtained their gold is uncertain, for there are no deposits on the island, though the metal was at a later date found near Sardes in Asia Minor. It is well, however, to remember the fragments of gold in the tomb of Khasekhemui, which are thought to have come from Transylvania. If they Early Minoan Times 105 came from so distant a source they may well have been taken to Egypt by Cretan mariners………………Not far from Vinca is a cinnabar mine. Tordos is in the very centre of a region where lie the richest deposits'of gold now worked in Europe, deposits whence much precious metal was obtained during the time of the Roman Empire. Near other sites there are copper mines. It is probable that the First Danubian people, when first they entered the Danube basin, were well acquainted with metal and knew how to work it, though it would appear that the colonists who wandered to the north-west soon lost that knowledge. It would seem likely that the gold found in the tomb of Khasekhemui, king of Egypt, to which reference has already been made in Chapters I and IV, came from the Maros valley and from near Tordos, so that it is clear that gold was being mined in Transylvania at a date which cannot be later than 3000 B. c., the date that we have accepted for the Egyptian monarch. If our Danubians were good sailors, as Childe has suggested, they would have had no difficulty in carrying this commodity to Crete, if not to Egypt itself HYPERLINK "; Was Eridu The First City in Sumerian Mythology? | Peeter Espak HYPERLINK "; HYPERLINK "; HYPERLINK "; The latter seems to be created or constructed by the “primordial” god Lugaldu-?kuga—the “king of the holy?mountain.” The line in question may also be interpreted to mean that Lugaldukuga started residing in the holy mound. Lambert hypothesises that Lugaldukuga must be the name of 34 Sj?berg 1969: 17–18. 35 Frayne?… HYPERLINK " eye" rib eye - English-Yoruba Dictionary HYPERLINK "; Cuneiform (kuniforimu) :: Yet one still would have to show that this Egyptian creation was transferred to Mesopotamia and that the?Sumerian?protocuneiform and ... Cougar (Kuga) :: Borrowing a method used to study human demographics he and his colleagues took samples from 352 cougars in the RockyMountain?region?...PDF] HYPERLINK "; Was Eridu The First City in Sumerian Mythology?1 - ResearchGate... HYPERLINK "; “the most ancient city” in Sumero-Akkadian?mythology, this under- standing has a strong influence on our entire picture of ..... for other Sumero-Akkadian?shrines, as the text on the Gudea Statue B demonstrates (iv 7–9): é dnin-g?ír-su-ka ....?kuga—the “king of the holy mountain.” …….Lambert hypothesises that Lugaldukuga must be the name of the god Ea.38?... HYPERLINK "; The Archaeomusicology of the Ancient Near East HYPERLINK "; Richard J. Dumbrill?- 2005 - ?HistoryFrom the reverse of I (I col. 5) we shall assume from the few words remaining that they are religious songs of which we cannot say more than they are called: sllllt-[ru s'a eb-bu-be]. At rev. II (col. 6) our reading continues with diverse types of songs: a) s'jr ku-gu-u (l. 5), Akkadian rendition of?Sumerian?sirkuga, meaning 'sacred?song”...F] HYPERLINK "; Gendered literacy and numeracy in the Sumerian literary ... - HYPERLINK "; by E Robson - ?often in connection with mul 'stars', an 'heaven',?kug'holy', and/or gun3. HYPERLINK "; Sumerian Cuneiform English Dictionary 12013CT - bulgari-istoria.../Sumerian_Cuneiform_English_Dictionary_12.pdf HYPERLINK "; ?kug-ga-na = pure [121AC KUG pure + 120B5 suckling, carry + 1223E NA man, pestle, pounder]. HYPERLINK "; \l "!topic/mintamil/vCQ2eUNLdhI" The Sumerian Paradise Tilmun as Saivite Tillai - Google Groups descriptive?terms kug-ga( koGku) and dadag-ga , idu tangam: purified Gold is? HYPERLINK "; ELEMENTARY SUMERIAN GLOSSARY/част 4/ | Новини ... ? Новини ? История HYPERLINK "; . kù(g) (kug) - to be sacred, holy; to sanctify - посветем, свещен; освещавам. kù(g) holy, sacred;?... HYPERLINK "; sacred town" (uruKU3.GI? = "the town of gold”).Then,out of Strabon,? HYPERLINK "; \o "Strabon" Strabon. Apare la autorii moderni ?i ?n forma eronat? de?Kogaion.?...κα? τ? ?ρο? ?πελ?φθη ??ερν , κα? προσαγορε?ουσιν ο?τω?· ?νομα δ?α?τ? Κωγα?ονον ?μ?νυμον τ? παραρρ?οντι ποταμ?.”?...?i muntele a fost luat [de c?tre Ge?i] drept sf?nt, ?i ei ?l ?i numesc astfel; iar numele lui este Kōgaionon, la fel cu cel al r?ului care curge pe al?turi.”Not only a mount but it seems also a deity.We have three path of reasoning:1.greek-oneKOGaionon as in Mysaion,Heraion, :”the place/temple (of) Mysa/arts,Hera,etc.Temple,place/AION,ION(ancestral father,god-like depicted as related to Kronos and with pick-axe in hand)Sumerian:KUGA:”sacred,pure”Anatolian:Luw.huha,Lyc.kuga>koga:”grandfather”I allready shown that kuga could be equated as Giga.Remember Anatolian ruller GUGU,and related mythology to GYGantes.In Romania we have GOGeanu mountain range and peak GUGU.Also GOG and Magog.GUG/GOG is PIE-root for humpback(rom.geb,gab), mound, swelling.The same way as Gebel/Gebal is.(Humpback usually associeted to old-ones)Double-checking: HYPERLINK "; ?'pure; bright, shining, silver',?gug?'(to be) bright', PIE *k'u-k-,Sum.kug,kug-ga ; gug >>Anatolian GUG,GUGA,GYGES,HUHA,lyc.KUGA>PIE kuk; perhaps retained original aspect “pure,bright”wich was applied directly to theyr ancestors(as ancestors were highly respected, “pure,silver-haired”; there is another IE-root GOG/GUG:”swelling” as hills and mounds were sought mythical megalithical gygantic constructions of old-ones, ATLantes,GYGantes,kind of Titans) ................

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