The term First Nations only refers to Indians

Chapter 4: To what extent has Canada affirmed collective rights?

Name _______________________

/ 26 class________

date ___________________

Part A: True or False

Directions: Write True or False in the space provided. If the statement is false, correct it to make it true.

1. The term First Nations only refers to Indians. ____________________________________________________________

2. Britain created the Numbered Treaties proclamation when it was trying to establish control over land that formerly belonged to France. ______________________________________________________________________________

3. The terms of the Numbered Treaties were the same for each Treaty. ______________________________________________________________________________

4. First Nations negotiated Treaties so they could own the land that they lived on. ______________________________________________________________________________

5. Under the Indian Act, the government of Canada appointed Indian Agents to run the reserves without consulting the First Nations peoples. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau did not agree with including the rights of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples in the constitution when he first led patriation negotiations in 1982. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. The Numbered Treaties in Alberta include Treaties 7, 8 and 9. ______________________________________________________________________________

8. New Brunswick is the only officially bilingual province in Canada. ______________________________________________________________________________

9. There must be a sufficient number of people in a community whose first language is either French or English in order for the government to provide a publicly funded school in that language. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms allows French businesses in Québec to use only French on their signs. ______________________________________________________________________________

Part B: Multiple Choice

Directions: Choose the best answer.

1. In 1990, Alberta’s government enacted legislation that gave the Métis

A. the right to manage their own affairs

B. a permanent land base

C. rights to develop oil and gas resources on settlement lands

D. all of the above

2. The Numbered Treaties included the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario, and

A. Québec

B. Northwest Territories

C. New Brunswick

D. Prince Edward Island

3. First Nations peoples disagree with the view that they gave up their land under the Treaties because

A. they did not sign any treaties

B. the Treaties said that they could share the land with non-First Nations peoples

C. the Treaties expired in 2000

D. that was not the spirit and intent of the Treaties

4. Because the Canadian government believed that First Nations peoples needed guidance and that their ways were inferior to those of Europeans, it created which of the following?

A. Numbered Treaties

B. Nunavut Land Claims Agreement

C. Aboriginal Rights

D. Indian Act

5. A source that is created by someone who is not present at an event or gives interpretations of events that have already occurred is

A. a primary source

B. a secondary source

C. hearsay

D. an opinion

6. In 1990, new legislation gave the Métis settlement more __________, so that they could make their own decisions and manage their own affairs.

A. control

B. independence

C. heteronomy

D. autonomy

7. How did the patriation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms affect Québec’s language laws under Bill 101?

A. The Charter prohibited English signs in Québec.

B. The Supreme Court decided that the law cannot prohibit the use of English on

commercial signs.

C. The Supreme Court decided that signs in Québec must only be in English.

D. The Supreme Court upheld that signs in Québec must only be in French.

8. As Aboriginal peoples, which of the following were granted the right to fish and hunt without a license in 2003 by the Supreme Court of Canada?

A. Métis

B. First Nations

C. Inuit

D. French

Part C: Completion

Directions: Use the Word Bank to complete the sentences. Words may be used more than once.

Word Bank

First Nations; individual rights; Manitoba; collective rights; mandate; assimilate; Indian; policy; Aboriginal; annuity; language rights; law; right; Saskatchewan; New Brunswick; inherent rights

1. Aboriginal peoples, Métis, Francophones, and Anglophones all have _________________________because of reasons that are historical and constitutional.

2. First Nations peoples prefer not to be called ____________________, even though it continues to be a term with legal and constitutional significance.

3. ______________________ are rights with origins in fundamental justice.

4. What is a payment made by the Crown to First Nations members? _____________________

5. The Chiefs of any band of Indians shall be elected. At such time and place as the federal government may direct and they shall be elected for a period of three years. (Unless the federal government decides to remove them.)

This excerpt from the Indian Act of 1876 is an example of how the Canadian government wanted First Nations peoples to ________________________.

6. A law describes a principle or condition that must be followed.

A(n) ________________________ describes objectives of the government in upholding the law.

7. The province of _________________________was established as a bilingual province, with education rights for Catholics and Protestants and with Métis land rights.

8. Although Métis were recognized in 1982 as one of Canada’s Aboriginal peoples, they are not

considered ______________________________ peoples.


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