French 2: French in Action - Houston Independent School ...

French 2: French in Action

|Stage 1 – Desired Results |

|Content Standard(s): |

|Communication: The student communicates in French using the skills of listening, reading, writing, and speaking. |

|Culture: The student gains knowledge and understanding of the French and francophone culture. |

|Connections: The student uses the language to make connections with other subject areas to acquire information. |

|Comparisons: The student develops insight into the nature of language and culture by comparing the student’s own language and culture to another. |

|Communities: The student participates in communities at home and around the world by using their knowledge of French. |

|Stage 3 – Learning Plan |

|Learning Activities: |


|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday / Thursday |Friday |

|3 |4 |5/6 |7 |

|Dialogues Sympathiques |Dialogues Sympathiques |Dialogues Sympathiques |Dialogues Sympathiques |

| | | |Vocab Quiz |

|10 |11 |12/13 |14 |

|French in Action: Episode 2 |Listening Comprehension exercises |French in Action: Mise en question |French in Action: Episode 3 |

|Mise en œuvre |Record responses |Re-invent conversation and role play |Mise en œuvre |

| | |characters in Episode 2 | |

| | | | |

| | |Read Journal de Mireille | |

|17 |18 |19/20 |21 |

|Listening Comprehension: Record answers |Re-read episode text. |Listening Comprehension |Listening Comprehension |

| |Mise en question |Record Answers |Record Answers |

| |Role-play conversation and record | | |

| | |French in Action: Episode 4 | |

| | |Mise en œuvre questions | |

|24 |25 |26/27 |28 |

| | | | |

|Written Essay |Written Essay revisions |Unit Test | |


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