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Hong Kong Shue Yan UniversityDepartment of English Language & Literature2nd term, 2019-2020Course Title: French IVCourse Code: FREN 292Year of Study: All Number of Credits:3Duration in Weeks:15Contact Hours per Week: 3 hoursPre-requisite(s):FREN 291Prepared by:Serge GalinCourse AimsThis course is a continuation of the basics of the French communication skills covered in French 291. Students will continue to develop fluency in the language and will be introduced to more complex grammar and more complex constructions. The unit focuses on mastery of the language required to function at an intermediate level in a range of contexts using correct and appropriate language.Course Outcomes, Teaching Activities and AssessmentCourse Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)Upon completion of this course students should be able to:TLO1Express interdiction, will and obligationTLO2Express likes and dislikesTLO3Give advice and express opinions and objectionsTLO4Talk about a recent eventTLO5Describe circumstancesTLO6Express an objectiveTLO7Telling about past eventsTLO8Describe in the pastTeaching and Learning Activities (TLAs)TLA1Oral expressionTLA2Written expressionTLA3Aural comprehensionTLA4Written comprehensionTLA5ReadingAssessment Tasks (ATs)AT1Continuous AssessmentStudents are expected to attend all classes, participate in the learning activities and complete class exercises and practices.25% AT2Mid Term ExamStudents will be tested on the materials covered from Week 1 to Week 8.25%AT3Final Examination50%TOTAL100%Alignment of Course Intended Outcomes, Teaching and Learning Activities and Assessment TasksCourse Intended Learning OutcomesTeaching and Learning ActivitiesAssessment TasksTLO1TLA1,2,3,4,5AT1,2,3TLO2TLA1,2,3,4,5AT1,2,3TLO3TLA1,2,3,4,5AT1,2,3TLO4TLA1,2,3,4,5AT1,2,3TLO5TLA1,2,3,4,5AT1,3TL06TLA1,2,3,4,5AT1,3TLO7TLA1,2,3,4,5AT1,3TLO8TLA1,2,3,4,5AT1,3Course Outline1. Review and express interdiction, will and obligation (2 week)2. Express likes and dislikes(1 week)3. Give advice and express opinions and objections(2 weeks)4. Mid-Term and talk about a recent event (2 weeks)5. Describe circumstances (2 weeks) 6. Mid Term Exam(1 week)7. Telling about past events(2 weeks) 8. Describe in the past (2 weeks)9. Reading week.(1 week) Academic HonestyYou are expected to do your own work. Dishonesty in fulfilling any assignment undermines the learning process and the integrity of your college degree. Engaging in dishonest or unethical behavior is forbidden and will result in disciplinary action, specifically a failing grade on the assignment with no opportunity for resubmission. A second infraction will result in an F for the course and a report to College officials. Examples of prohibited behavior are:Cheating – an act of deception by which a student misleadingly demonstrates that s/he has mastered information on an academic exercise. Examples include:Copying or allowing another to copy a test, quiz, paper, or projectSubmitting a paper or major portions of a paper that has been previously submitted for another class without permission of the current instructorTurning in written assignments that are not your own work (including homework)Plagiarism – the act of representing the work of another as one’s own without giving credit.Failing to give credit for ideas and material taken from others Representing another’s artistic or scholarly work as one’s ownFabrication – the intentional use of invented information or the falsification of research or other findings with the intent to deceive.ResourcesPrimary Texts:- Capelle G.., Menand R. (2009). Nouveau Taxi 1. Hachette FLE.Supplementary Readings- Collins Gem French Dictionary or any other dictionary.- Collins Gem French Grammar. - Internet based resources- Moodle @ SYUAssessment Rubric for AT1, 2 and 3.CriteriaExemplarySatisfactoryDevelopingUnsatisfactoryLanguage proficiencyNo errors in expression.Asking - answering questions with no errorsNo errors answering the grammar and writen comprehension excercices.Good pronunciation.Use of structures beyond expected proficiency. Good usage of appropriate cultural practices. Followed instructions, went beyond expectations.Almost all expressions correct.Asking - answering questions correct. Small errors answering the grammar and writen comprehension excercices.Easily understood with infrequent errors in pronunciation.Structures and vocabulary usage correct. Almost all cultural practices demonstrated and appropriate.Followed instructions completely.Some errors in expressions. Asking - answering questions with some errors. Some errors answering the grammar and writen comprehension prehensible with noticeable errors in pronunciation.Structures and/or vocabulary usage with errors.Some cultural practices demonstrated and appropriate.Mostly followedinstructions.Few or no expressions Asking - answering questions incorrectly. Lot of errors answering the grammar and writen comprehension excercices.Nearly or completely incomprehensible pronunciation.Nearly or completely incomprehensible structures.Cultural practicesinappropriate or not demonstrated at all.Little evidence of followinginstructions. ................

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