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Name_______________________________________AP HG 3.3Date______________CULTURAL PATTERNS - RELWhat is the distribution of religious groups across the United States?DO NOW: Which religion best fits in the sentence blank?Word Bank: Buddhism Judaism Islam Christianity Roughly two-fifths of the world’s 14 million followers of ____________________ live in the United States .____________________________ is by far the most widely practiced religion in the Western Hemisphere ___________________ first came to North America through Chinese immigrants who settled in the western parts of the United States beginning in the 1840s.By 2040, __________________ will replace Judaism as the nation’s second-largest religion after Christianity.91440094615RELIGIOUS DISTRIBUTION IN THE UNITED STATES__________________________is by far the most widely practiced religion in the Western Hemisphere – ____________ Latin America______ North AmericaWithin the Western Hemisphere, a sharp boundary exists between North America and Latin America in the predominant ________________ of Christianity 3429000-635A __________________ is a large and fundamental division within a religion.A _________________________ is a division of a branch that unites a number of local congregations in a single legal and administrative body.A ________ is a relatively small group that has broke away from an established denomination. Three Branches:_________________________ - ______of the world’s Christians________________ - ______ of the world’s Christians____________ or _____________ or Greek Orthodox - _____ of the world’s Christians______ of Christians in Latin America are _________________________32% in North America_____________________ churches have approximately 82 million members in the United States, ______ of Christians18% in Latin America 228600158115Christians remain by far the largest religious group in the United States, but the Christian share of the population has declined.Underlying the change, there was an increase in the number of people who say they have ________________________________________.About 23 percent of American adults fell into this category, up seven percent from the 16 percent in 2007.3.1% Atheism: _________________________ 4% Agnosticism: the existence of God cannot be ________________________0-228600A. Using the letters in the legend, name the three religious groups shown on the map.Group X = _________________________Group Y = _________________________Group Z = _________________________B. For ONE of the three religious groups, first identify and then explain TWO factors that have influenced the distribution shown on the map. Predict an acceptable answer:-450557-218050Distribution of other Religions in the United States:1. 2.3.4.Judaism250317068580During the Holocaust (1939-1945), the Nazi systematically murdered 6 million Jews, about two-thirds of the Jews of Europe. After its established in 1948, the State of Israel absorbed several hundred thousand Jewish refugees from Europe as well as from Southwest Asia and North Africa. Today, less than 15% of the world’s 14 million Jews live in Europe, compared to 90% a century ago. Roughly two-fifths of the world’s 14 million Jews live in the United States and another two-fifths in Israel. IslamIslam is the predominant religion of Central Asia and of Southwest Asia and North Africa. The Muslim populations of North America and Europe have increased in recent years. Estimates of the number of Muslims in North America vary widely, from 1 million to 5 million, but in any event, the number has increased from only a few hundred thousand in 1990. Muslims in the United States come from a variety of backgrounds. According to the U.S. State Department, approximately one-third of U.S. Muslims trace their ancestry to Pakistan and other South Asian countries and one-fourth to Arab countries of Southwest Asia and North Africa. Many of these Muslims immigrated to the United States during the 1990s. Another one-fourth are African Americans. Muslims in the U.S. are not as numerous as the number of Americans who identify as Jewish by religion, according to a Pew Research estimate. Research projections suggest -2286000that the U.S. Muslim population will grow much faster than the country’s Jewish population. By 2040, Muslims will replace Jews as the nation’s second-largest religious group after Christians. And by 2050, the U.S. Muslim population is projected to reach 8.1 million, or 2.1% of the nation’s total population — nearly twice the share of today.BuddhismBuddhism is clustered primarily in East Asia and Southeast Asia. Like Christianity, Islam and Buddhism are divided into major branches with distinctive geographic distributions.There are an estimated 1.2 billion Buddhists worldwide, and perhaps 6 million in the U.S. alone. Over the past two decades, interest in Buddhism and meditation has grown tremendously in the United States—in 2003, Time magazine estimated that 10 million people meditate regularly.3138170544195This increased interest in Buddhism in the West is happening at a time when many people are experiencing the strain of living with the fear and anxiety generated by an unstable economy, terrorist threats, social unrest, and environmental peril.Buddhism first came to North America through Chinese immigrants who settled in the western parts of the United States beginning in the 1840s, as well as by North Americans and Europeans who visited Asia and brought back with them Buddhist texts. In the latter part of the 1800s, the influence of Buddhist thought began showing up in the literary works of Walt Whitman, Henry Thoreau, and Ralph Waldo Emerson.By the 1950s and 1960s, a number of Buddhist teachers emigrated to the U.S., Canada, and Europe and started establishing Buddhist centers.HinduismFueled by immigration, America's Hindu population has reached 2.23 million, an increase of about one million or 85.8 percent since 2007, making Hinduism the fourth-largest faith, according to estimates based on wide-ranging study of religions in the nation.The proportion of Hindus in the US population rose from 0.4 percent in 2007 to 0.7 percent last year, according to the Pew Research Center's "Religious Landscape Study."68580075565Religion:One thing you learned about its presence in the US:JudaismIslamBuddhismHinduism ................

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