Georgetown ISD

AP World History Must Know Dates TimelineTo 600 B.C.E.Beginnings of agricultureBeginnings of Bronze Age - early civilization’sHammurabi’s CodeEarly alphabetic scriptIron AgeAssyrian Empire600 B.C.E. - 600 CE 600 – 300 BCE Buddha, Confucius, Lao TsuGreek Golden Age Alexander the GreatQin unified China1 CE – 600 CEBeginnings of ChristianityPax RomanaHan DynastyRoman capital moved to ConstantinopleBeginning of Trans-Saharan Trade RoutesFall of RomeJustinian rule of Byzantine Empire600-1450Rise of IslamBattle of Tours (end of Muslim move into France)1st Schism in Christian ChurchNorman conquest of EnglandBattle of Manzikert (Seljuk Turks defeat Byz)1st CrusadeMongols sack BaghdadMarco Polo travelsMansa Musa’s pilgrimagetravels of Ibn BattutaBubonic plague in Europeend of Zheng He’s voyages/Rise of Ottomans1450-17501400 - 1500Ottomans capture ConstantinopleDias rounded Cape of Good HopeColumbus sailed the ocean blue/ Reconquista of Spain1500 – 1600Slaves to AmericasMartin Luther/95 thesesCortez conquered the AztecsPizarro toppled the IncaBattle of Lepanto, (naval defeat of Ottomans)defeat of the Spanish Armada by the Britishbeginning of Tokugawa1600 - 1700Jamestown30 years warunsuccessful Ottoman siege of ViennaGlorious Revolution/English Bill of Rights1750-19001700 - 1800Industrial Revolution7 years war/French and Indian War American Revolution/Smith writes Wealth ofNationsFrench Revolution1800 - 1900Haitian independenceCongress of ViennaIndependence in Latin America1st opium war in ChinaEuropean revolutions/Marx & Engles write Communist ManifestoCommodore Perry opens JapanSepoy Mutinyend of Russian serfdom/Italian unificationEmancipation Proclamation in USGerman unificationBerlin Conference - division of AfricaSpanish-American War - US acquires Philippines, Cuba, Guam, & Puerto RicoBoer War - British in control of South Africa1900-present1900 - 1930Russo-Japanese warMexican RevolutionChinese RevolutionWWIRussian RevolutionTreaty of Versailles - end of WWIstock market crash1930 – 1945Japanese invasion of ManchuriaItalian invasion of EthiopiaGerman blitzkrieg in PolandPearl Harbor, entry of US into WWIIend of WWII1945 - 1960independence & partition of Indiabirth of IsraelChinese Communist RevolutionKorean WarVietnamese defeat French at Dien Bien Phude-Stalinization/nationalization of Suez CanalCuban Revolution1960 - 2001Cuban missile crisis6-day war/Chinese Cultural RevolutionYom Kippur warIranian Revolution1st Palestinian IntifadaTiananmen Square/fall of Berlin Wallfall of USSR/1st Gulf wargenocide in Rwanda/1st all race elections in S. Africa9/11 Attacks ................

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