Guided Notes- Causes of the French Revolution

Guided Notes- Causes of the French Revolution

Admit Slip

Look at the painting and answer the following questions in the space provided.

1.) What appears to be happening in the painting?

2.) In your own words define the word revolution

Causes of the French Revolution

Impact of the American Revolution

νThe American republic stood as a symbol of freedom to both ___________ and __________.

νThe U.S. _________ created the most _______ government of its time.

νThe success of the American Revolution would inspire major global changes as other people challenged the power of __________.

Pre-Revolutionary France

The causes of the French Revolution can be categorized into four main categories; ___________, __________, ___________, and __________________.

νMuch of the unrest in France was rooted in the unequal distribution of _________ among the three social classes, known as ______.

Political Causes

νOn the eve of revolution, France was an _____________.

νUnder absolutism, most people in France were denied ____________ and say in ____________.

νMany of the monarchs in France had _________ to meet the needs of its people, causing an uprising.

νWhat does the term uprising mean? _______________________________________

νEveryone in France belonged to one of three social classes called __________.

Social Inequality

νThe clergy made up the _______ Estate, while the titled nobility composed the ______ Estate.

υThese two classes held enormous ________, did not have to pay ________, and enjoyed special privileges.

υThe First Estate and the Second Estate made up only ______ of the entire population of France.

υAlthough the First and Second Estate made up a small percentage of the population, they held most of the _______.

Social Inequality cont’d

νThe ____________ made up close to 98% of French society, made up of the ____________, poor city workers, and rural farmers.

νThe Third Estate was forced to pay heavy ____________, and had no say in ______________ rulings.

νThe Third Estate became increasingly discontent with their present role in French Society- _____________ of Population= No _____________ say.

Economic Injustices

νThe government, with its expensive wars and lavish courts, spent ________ money than it earned.

νThis caused a sharp increase in _____________.

νWhich estate was responsible for the heavy tax burden? _______

νBad __________caused food prices to __________.

νPeasants and city dwellers began to riot, as they could no longer afford to buy _______.


νEnlightenment thinkers _____________ with the absolute monarchy of France.

νThey called for a more ___________ form of government.

νEnlightenment ideas led many French to question the ordering of society.

νIt was not reasonable; they felt, for the First and Second Estate to have ________ over the _________.

Stages of the Revolution

■ People became increasing _____________ with the French government.

■ Finally, King Louis XVI called the _______________ to meet and discuss issues.

■ The Estates General was made up of representatives from all three ____________.

■ The ___________ estate was very frustrated with both the first and second estates, because the first and second estates did not include the third estate in making changes to the government.

■ The third estate declared itself the _________________, and vowed to write a new constitution for France.

Storming of the Bastille

■ Working class people, already rioting over the price of bread, stormed a prison called the __________.

■ The Bastille was thought to have ___________, in addition to prisoners punished by King Louis XVI.

■ Fighting took place around the countryside, and _____________ attacked nobles.

■ This event marked that start of the French Revolution.

Third Estate Fights Back

■ The National Assembly (Third Estate) abolished the privileges of the First and Second Estates and created a constitution called the ________________________________________.

This was based on the _________________________, and included many Enlightenment ideas.

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

■ States that all men have ___________________.

■ Job of _________________ is to protect the natural rights of people.

■ Guarantees all male citizens ______________ under the law.

■ States that people may practice any ____________ they choose

_______________ would be based according to how much m

A New Government is Formed

■ In 1791, the ________________________(Third Estate) wrote a new Constitution that defined a new role and purpose for government:

◆ Set up a ______________ monarchy with representative assembly

◆ Declared people had _______________________ and it was job of government to protect these rights

◆ Put __________________ under state control

■ News about the French Revolution spread quickly around _____________________.

■ Other European __________________ were worried that revolutionary ideas may spread into their own countries.

■ Other European rulers offered to help France put down the rebellion (___________________).

■ In turn, _________________ declared war on many ____________________ nations.

Reign of Terror

■ The war with other European nations ended poorly for ____________________________.

■ ________________ took control of the National Assembly, and ended the monarchy.

■ The Radical’s slogan was “_____________, ________________, and _____________________”.

■ The period following was known as the “Reign of Terror”, led by _________________________.

Maximilien Robespierre

■ Was a radical revolutionary

■ During his reign, _____________________ of people were executed (_________________) and put into prison.

■ The most famous to be executed were King __________________and Marie Antoinette.

■ Within a year, the violence turned back on ____________________________.

■ He was executed by the guillotine, and the __________________________ was officially ended.


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