An approximate phonetic pronunciation guide follows the French phrase.

Oui (wee) Yes

Non (nawng) No

D’accord (dakor) Okay

S’il vous plait (seel voo pleh) Please

Merci beaucoup (mehrsee booakoo) Thank you very much

Bonjour/Salut (bawngzhoor/salew) Hello, Good Morning/ Hi

Au revoir (oa revwar) Good-bye

Excusez-moi (exkewzay mwa) Excuse me (getting attention)

Désolé (dayzolay) Sorry

Parlez-vous anglais? (parlay voo ahnggleh) Do you speak English?

Y a-t-il quelqu’un ici qui parle anglais? Does anyone here speak English?

(ee ateel kelkang eesee kee parl ahnggleh)

Je ne comprends pas (zhe neh kawngprahng pa I don’t understand

Je comprends (zhe kawngprahng) I understand

C’est combien ? (seh kawnbyang ? How much is that ?

Je voudrais (zhe voodray) I’d like…

Celui-la / celui-ci ( sehlwee la/sehlwee see) that one / this one

Un comme ceci (ang kom sehsee) one like that

C’est trop cher (seh tro shehr) that’s too expensive

Je le prends (zhe le prahng) I’ll take it


1 un (aanh), 2 deux (deuh), 3 trois (trwa), 4 quatre (katr), 5 cinq (saink),6 six (seess),

7 sept (set), 8 huit (weet), 9 neuf (neuf), 10 dix (deess), 11 onze (ohnz), 12 douze (dooz),

100 cent (sahn)

1000 mille (meel)

WOLOF USEFUL PHRASES: The Wolof is Senegal’s largest ethnic group. Their language is widely used in Dakar and most other urban areas. Greeting people is very important in the Senegalese culture-even if you see a person several times a day you always say hello.

Na nga def? How are you?

Maa ngi fi rek I am fine

Waaw Yes

Deedeet No

Jere-jef Thank you

Bi, gnaata la ? How much is this?

Dafa djafe That’s expensive

Baax na That’s good

Kaay fi Come here

Buggu ma ko I don’t want it

Agg na I’ve given already (loosely translated)

Mayma suma djamm Leave me in peace

1 benn 8 djuroom gnett

2 gnaar 9 djuroom gnent

3 gnett 10 fukk

4 gnent 11 fukk ak benn

5 djuroom 20 gnaar fuuk

6 djuroom benn 100 teemeer

7 djuroom gnaar 1000 djunni


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