Conquest by the Cradle

George Washington (1789-1797)

Growing Pains

• Explain population demographics.

• Western areas

…for President

• The Cabinet

Bill of Rights

• Bill of Rights

• Judiciary Act of 1789

• Who was John Jay

Hamilton Revives the Corpse of Public Credit

• ID Alexander Hamilton’s plan regarding the public debt

• What was the debate the ensued and the results

Customs Duties

• What were Hamilton’s beliefs on the National Debt and how would he have it paid?

• The first tariff law (1789)

• The first excise tax (1791)

Hamilton Battles Jefferson for a Bank

• Describe the debate over the Bank of the US. Be thorough.

• What were the results?

Mutinous Moonshiners

• ID the Whiskey Rebellion

The Emergence of Political Parties

• Explain and trace the evolution of

The Impact of the French Revolution

• Explain

…Neutrality Proclamation

• Why did Washington issue his Neutrality Proclamation and what did it say?

• ID Citizen Edmond Genet

Embroilments with Britain

• What actions did the British take that sorely tested Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation?

• What was the reaction from the Jeffersonians?

Jay’s Treaty and Washington’s Farewell

• ID Jay’s Treaty

• ID Pinckney’s Treaty of 1795

• What was the precedent set by Washington and what was his farewell advice?

• Washington’s Contributions as President and the response of his opponents

JOHN ADAMS (1797-1801)

…becomes President

• Explain the presidential campaign and election of 1796.

• What challenges did Adams face?

Unofficial Fighting with France

• Why were the French upset with Jay’s Treaty and what was their response?

• ID the XYZ Affair

• War Preparations and the Limited War

… Puts Patriotism Above Party

• Explain the debate regarding war with France and the pros and cons to Adams

• ID The Convention of 1800

The Federalist Witch Hunt

• ID the Alien Laws

• ID the Sedition Act

• What was the impact of these laws on the new nation?

The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

• Explain these resolutions and their impact

Federalist v. Democratic-Republican


|Leaders and Important Persons | | |

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|Beliefs—Domestic Issues | | |

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|Foreign Afffairs | | |

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