Les Accents et les sons des lettres!“French Lesson Video: French Lesson 4”‘L’accent aigu (23s)What is the sound that a letter with un accent aigu makes (write your own pronunciation sound): _________Word example from video : ______________`L’accent grave(50s)What is the sound that the accent grave makes on an ‘e’ ?: _________Word example from video: ___________________________On which two letters is an accent grave found?____ ET ____Does the sound change when a grave is on the letter ‘a’? : _________When the accent grave is over the letter a, what does it mean? _________Does the sound change when a grave is on the word “ou” (or)? : _________When the accent grave is over the letter u in où, what does the word mean? __________________^L’accent circonflexe(2m01s)It can be placed over which letters? _____ _____ _____ _____ _____Which letter is the only letter whose sound is affected? _________What does the accent circonflexe represent or mean? ___________________________________________________________What is the sound that a letter with accent circonflexe makes?: ____________Example from video: _____________________Sounds of letter combinations in French(3m28s)What combinations of letters make what sounds? Create a French pronunciation key with examples below of what you learn.Letter CombosPronunciation soundExampleAi, Ei “eh”Eu“euh”O, au, eau“oh”On, omNazaly “ohn”OinNazaly “wheh”Un, in, ain, aim, un, um Nazaly ??ehn??En, em an amNazaly ??ahn??Ill Y as in yoyo?La cédille (7m09s)It’s used on what letter? ______‘?’ is used when it’s in front of what letters? ______, ______, ______How does the cédille affect the sound of the letter ‘c’? ___________________________________________________________Exemple:_________________Activité: Recherchez le dictionnaire! For each of these accents, find 2 French words and record them (and their definition) below. (Look at the dictionary’s pronunciation of the word and try to sound it out!) ................

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