
P4 Home Learning Grid- WB 30.3.20WritingWrite a letter to your class teacher telling them about your week.Steps to Success:I can include an address.I can say 3 things that I have done at home.I can describe how I am feeling.I can sign off my letter e.g. Yours Sincerely,You can upload your letter to SeeSaw, Your Learning Journal or tweet us on Twitter @GrantonPSSpellingUse Sumdog spelling to practise your sound for the week. Then use RAINBOW WRITING in your jotter to practise or write sentences using some of your words.Upload your written work to SeeSaw for your teacher to see.ReadingRead for 30 minutes every day.Summariser – Read and then summarise a chapter of your reading book or a book that has been assigned to you on Epic! INCLUDEPICTURE "D:\\var\\folders\\8n\\1wzp9lw161g_qf7pyn7qchdc0000gn\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\8wPZJ9iNi4S-UQmeuUJU9BXsv72IiHdfyW5JSUcLM9vqlotU9ac3J3TjZEIDm9MDULXx" \* MERGEFORMAT -400051587500Log in to Epic during school hours and read books from different genres that interest you. Below you can find your class code.P4a: pks9963P4b: tqh2069P4c: chg1298P4d: cca4429Mathematics Complete the Sumdog Measurement challenge that has been set for you this week. On Friday, you will have an assessment. Good Luck!Numeracy Use Topmarks.co.uk Daily 10 4 times this week to test your numeracy skills. Can you spend 10 minutes practising a topic and then try it at a faster speed? STEMBuild a model of your choice using lego, playdough, cardboard or junk materials. Photograph your model and ask your adult to upload it to your Learning Journal or SeeSaw. French 11874575565000Make your own set of pairs cards using the months of the year in French and English. Play with someone at home or test your siblings!Try out this song to help with your pronunciation Arts Art INCLUDEPICTURE "D:\\var\\folders\\8n\\1wzp9lw161g_qf7pyn7qchdc0000gn\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\82caf5fa432679989baffac2a37e39d7.jpg" \* MERGEFORMAT 1905-1333500Draw a picture of someone in your house in the style of Pablo Picasso. Watch this short video which discusses his style. Fischy Music Live on YouTube at 11am on Monday and join in with your favourite songs. P.E. The Body Coach will be live every morning on YouTube at 9am. Complete his work out 3 times this week. ................

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