Name _______________________________ Date ____________ Set

Name _______________________________ Date ____________ Block________

We will complete this WebQuest in the lab. You will need to use your time efficiently to complete this activity in the time allotted. Each student will need to hand in their own completed sheet.

Go to your account on CourseSites or OneNote

You may download this form, complete it electronically, and submit it to CourseSites. OR you may have a printed copy, complete it by hand, and turn it in to the basket.

Link #1:

Read the Introduction and From Darkness to Light sections.

1. What time period did the Renaissance come after?


2. What did type of studies did the Renaissance period generally promote?


3. Historians credit the Renaissance with ___________________________________________________________________________________

Read the “Humanism” section.

4. Define the term humanism: _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

5. What invention allowed for information to spread more quickly? ____________________________________________________________________________________

6. Which traditional cultures and values did the humanists study? _________________________________ _________________________________________________

Skip to and Read the “Art and Architecture” section.

7. What three fields of study were closely linked during the Renaissance? ___________________________ _______________________ __________________________

8. How did artists, like da Vinci, and architects, like Brunelleschi, include scientific and mathematics principles into their work?


9. Renaissance artists used these techniques to add realistic depth to their work.

___________________________________ ______________________________

Read the “Renaissance Geniuses” section and click on the names below.

10. Who was Michelangelo? _______________________________________________________________


11. Who was Leonardo Da Vinci? __________________________________________________________


12. Why is Leonardo Da Vinci called a Renaissance Man? _______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

13. Who was the most famous writer of the Renaissance? (you know this…you read one of his plays in 9th grade lit)_______________________________________

Extra Credit: Name 2 plays by this writer (hint-you may Google his name for help!)(NOT including the play you read in 9th Lit!!)



Link #2:

Read the first section.

14. What is the word “Renaissance” French for? _______________________________________________

15. Explain why you think this term is used for this time period. (think in comparison to the Middle Ages): ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

Link #3

16. Look at the painting of the Mona Lisa, by Leonardo Da Vinci in Link #3. This is probably the most famous painting in the world!!! Write down 3 things you notice about her and her surroundings.

1) _________________________________________________________________________________

2) _________________________________________________________________________________

3) _________________________________________________________________________________

4) She appears to be smirking (smiling) – any guesses why? __________________________________

Link #4:

Leonardo Da Vinci was a real “Renaissance Man”, meaning that he was an expert in many different fields. Many of his achievements came in science and inventions. Click on 2 of the inventions shown and fill out #17 and #18 on reverse:

17. Invention #1 _________________________ What do you think it was used for? _____________________


18. Invention #2 _________________________ What do you think it was used for? _____________________


Link #5: read about Niccolo Machiavelli and his book The Prince

19. What was Machiavelli’s The Prince all about? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Link #6:

Niccolo Machiavelli was the most important political writer of the Renaissance. Choose any 1 of the quotes and copy it down. Then explain what it means in your own words.

20. Quote: _______________________________________________________________________________


Meaning: _________________________________________________________________________________



Link #7: read the Introduction:

1. What was the Protestant Reformation? ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

2. When did the Reformation start? _____________________________________________________

Martin Luther

Link #8: Turn down the sound!!

Fill out the graphic organizer using Link #8

|Life of Martin Luther |

|Why did he decide to become a Monk? | |

|When did he decide to become a Monk? | |

|When did he become a professor at Wittenberg (Germany) university?| |

|What did he do as a professor? | |

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Link #9: Protestant Reformation Map ---

- Where did followers of Martin Luther’s ideas (Lutherans) live? ______________________________

- Where did followers of another reformer, John Calvin (Calvinists) live? _______________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

- Was the majority of Europe Catholic or Protestant during the reformation? ___________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

Link #10:

Use the Link #10 to fill in the table below on Luther’s 95 Theses.

|Cause(( |((Event(( |((Effect |

|Why was Luther upset with the church? |What did he do about it? |What was the reaction to the 95 Theses? |

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|What is an indulgence? |What were the 95 Theses? | |

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Key Figures

Link #11:

1. Who is King Henry VIII? ______________________________________________________________

2. Why did Henry VIII split with the Catholic Church? _________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

3. How many times was he married? ________________________________________________________

Link #12:

1. Who is John Calvin? _________________________________________________________________

2. What were his religious beliefs? _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

3. What 4 countries did Calvin have a significant influence on? __________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

Link #13:

1. Who is Queen Elizabeth I? _____________________________________________________________

2. Who were her parents? ________________________________________________________________

Link #14:

3. What did the Act of Supremacy do for Elizabeth? ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

4. What was the 1559 Religious Settlement?_________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

Effects of the Reformation

Link #15:


Link #16:

|Cause (( |((Event(( |((Effect |

| |Luther is excommunicated (explain what happened) | |

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| |Diet of Worms (explain what it was) | |

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Printing Press

Link #17:

1. What is the printing press? ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

2. Who introduced the printing press to Europe? ______________________________________________

3. How does it work? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

4. How did the printing press help Martin Luther? _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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