East Craigs Primary School

5181600413385000Discrete SubjectsLiteracy - Phonics This term we will continue to work on block 1 of the Literacy Rich phonics, focussing on single sounds and then we will move onto Block 2 where we will be learning consonant and vowel digraphs. We will use this knowledge within the context of building and segmenting four letter words whilst continuing to revise the use of single sounds in three letter words.Literacy - Reading We will begin to use Oxford Reading Tree texts, alongside others where appropriate, to further develop reading skills including: use of picture cues, sounding and blending, checking if it makes sense, predicting characters and events, and reading with developing fluency. We will also develop our sight vocabulary of tricky words and Oxford Reading Tree words.Literacy - Writing We will continue to write 3 letter words and begin to write 4 letter words through dictation whilst consolidating our pencil control and letter formation. We will begin to write simple sentences through imaginative writing e.g. letter to Santa. We will focus on using phonics to word build and continue to develop the use of finger spaces. We will begin spelling some common words correctly in our writing.Number – S.E.A.L We will continue to work through the Stages of Early Arithmetical Learning, groups will experience a range of active learning both independent and teacher led to further develop maths skills and their ability to discuss their strategies and thinkingMaths We will learn about collecting, displaying and analysing data in different ways.PE We will continue to develop our fine and gross motor skills during our sessions with Mr Cheung. We will be playing Invasion games to develop a range of ball skills.Science This term we will be exploring how the sun and moon affect day and night on the Earth.French We will be part of “Phrase of the Week”, whole school initiative. Technology/ICT We will be exploring and learning how to use digital technologies and implementing this into our nativity show.Health & Wellbeing We will be working on a whole school approach to ‘Building Resilience’. – Talk Things OverEthos and Wider Life of the School:Buddies With our P7 buddies we will be continuing to build positive relationships through a variety of curricular activities. Team EC Award/Fabulous Fridays Celebrating personal achievement through nomination for the weekly Team EC Award and receiving whole school recognition. Community Learning Teams All pupils are participating in a Community Learning Team, this allows the children a fantastic opportunity to explore some specific areas of learning and then take this learning into the wider community in a variety of ways.Interdisciplinary Learning:Toys Primary 1 will be learning about energy, forces and electricity through our Toys project. We will be looking at different types of forces, investigating “What makes things go”, “how things work”. We will also be using problem solving strategies to make our own models and investigate everyday toys that we use. We will look at the impact modern technology has had on toys by comparing toys from the past to the toys we have now. We will have the opportunity to look at the importance of electricity and how to keep safe when using it.P1 Nativity We will be learning songs, playing rhythms on instruments, creating and performing dances, choosing roles we would like to play as part of performing a Nativity and learning any associated lines. We will also use our art skills to create decorations and/or props to enhance our performance. We will then perform our Nativity to some pupils in school as well as members of our family. We will also learn about some beliefs and customs associated with Christmas. Planned Opportunities for Wider Achievement:Achievement Folios Each child will have their own achievement folio to celebrate their successes both in and out of school.Special Moments Children will have the opportunity to share with the class any special achievements, special trips, special events and special activities. E.g. attending a wedding, winning a medal, certificate, visit to the museum etc. Community Learning Teams All pupils are participating in a Community Learning Team, some of the children selected a Community Learning Team in which they will have the opportunity to share some of their wider achievement from out with school e.g. pupils in the dance or music groups can share skills from dance/music classes.What will I be learning in P1 Term 22016-17Successful LearnerEffective ContributorConfident IndividualResponsible CitizenAcross the curriculum, we will be using a play-based approach to encourage natural curiosity in our pupils. We will be working in a multi-sensory way to cater for a range of learning styles. We are further developing the use of the outdoors to enhance the learning experience.Discrete SubjectsLiteracy - Phonics This term we will continue to work on block 1 of the Literacy Rich phonics, focussing on single sounds and then we will move onto Block 2 where we will be learning consonant and vowel digraphs. We will use this knowledge within the context of building and segmenting four letter words whilst continuing to revise the use of single sounds in three letter words.Literacy - Reading We will begin to use Oxford Reading Tree texts, alongside others where appropriate, to further develop reading skills including: use of picture cues, sounding and blending, checking if it makes sense, predicting characters and events, and reading with developing fluency. We will also develop our sight vocabulary of tricky words and Oxford Reading Tree words.Literacy - Writing We will continue to write 3 letter words and begin to write 4 letter words through dictation whilst consolidating our pencil control and letter formation. We will begin to write simple sentences through imaginative writing e.g. letter to Santa. We will focus on using phonics to word build and continue to develop the use of finger spaces. We will begin spelling some common words correctly in our writing.Number – S.E.A.L We will continue to work through the Stages of Early Arithmetical Learning, groups will experience a range of active learning both independent and teacher led to further develop maths skills and their ability to discuss their strategies and thinkingMaths We will learn about collecting, displaying and analysing data in different ways.PE We will continue to develop our fine and gross motor skills during our sessions with Mr Cheung. We will be playing Invasion games to develop a range of ball skills.Science This term we will be exploring how the sun and moon affect day and night on the Earth.French We will be part of “Phrase of the Week”, whole school initiative. Technology/ICT We will be exploring and learning how to use digital technologies and implementing this into our nativity show.Health & Wellbeing We will be working on a whole school approach to ‘Building Resilience’. – Talk Things OverEthos and Wider Life of the School:Buddies With our P7 buddies we will be continuing to build positive relationships through a variety of curricular activities. Team EC Award/Fabulous Fridays Celebrating personal achievement through nomination for the weekly Team EC Award and receiving whole school recognition. Community Learning Teams All pupils are participating in a Community Learning Team, this allows the children a fantastic opportunity to explore some specific areas of learning and then take this learning into the wider community in a variety of ways.Interdisciplinary Learning:Toys Primary 1 will be learning about energy, forces and electricity through our Toys project. We will be looking at different types of forces, investigating “What makes things go”, “how things work”. We will also be using problem solving strategies to make our own models and investigate everyday toys that we use. We will look at the impact modern technology has had on toys by comparing toys from the past to the toys we have now. We will have the opportunity to look at the importance of electricity and how to keep safe when using it.P1 Nativity We will be learning songs, playing rhythms on instruments, creating and performing dances, choosing roles we would like to play as part of performing a Nativity and learning any associated lines. We will also use our art skills to create decorations and/or props to enhance our performance. We will then perform our Nativity to some pupils in school as well as members of our family. We will also learn about some beliefs and customs associated with Christmas. Planned Opportunities for Wider Achievement:Achievement Folios Each child will have their own achievement folio to celebrate their successes both in and out of school.Special Moments Children will have the opportunity to share with the class any special achievements, special trips, special events and special activities. E.g. attending a wedding, winning a medal, certificate, visit to the museum etc. Community Learning Teams All pupils are participating in a Community Learning Team, some of the children selected a Community Learning Team in which they will have the opportunity to share some of their wider achievement from out with school e.g. pupils in the dance or music groups can share skills from dance/music classes.What will I be learning in P1 Term 22016-17Successful LearnerEffective ContributorConfident IndividualResponsible CitizenAcross the curriculum, we will be using a play-based approach to encourage natural curiosity in our pupils. We will be working in a multi-sensory way to cater for a range of learning styles. We are further developing the use of the outdoors to enhance the learning experience.8477250127000Assessing Progress through the Education Scotland Benchmarks in P1 – Term 2EARLY LEVELCurricular AreaBenchmarkLearning StatementNumeracy & Mathematics Data and AnalysisInterprets simple graphs, charts and signs and demonstrates how they support planning, choices and decision making. Literacy & English (including Modern Languages)Tools for listening and talkingShares ideas with a wider audience, for example, group or class. Health and WellbeingPhysical Competencies: Coordination and Fluency, Rhythm and Timing.Demonstrates how to use repeated patterns of movement to create simple sequences, for example, one foot to two feet jumping. Social StudiesPeople, Past Events and SocietiesRecalls past events from their own life or that of their family, for example learning to ride a bike, a special party.SciencesPlanet Earth - SpaceDescribe how the rotation of the Earth in relation to the sun gives us day and night, and, how the pattern of night and day changes over the course of a year.TechnologiesDigital Literacy – Using digital products and services in a variety of contexts to achieve a purposeful outcome.Uses digital technologies in a responsible way and with appropriate care.Expressive ArtsDramaTakes on a role within a play or dramatized situation for example, a puppet show, a real or imagined situation, re-enactment of a story or traditional tale.Religious and Moral EducationPractices and TraditionsShares thoughts and asks and answers questions to show and support understanding about at least one celebration, festival and custom in Christianity and at least one World Religion. ................

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