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I, Valentyn Piontkovskyi, was born on 20 July 1978 in Vysotsk village of Dubrovytsia District in Rivne Region, Ukraine.

Address: 33007, Ukraine, Rivne city, Kijevska str.78g.

Telephone: +380673810799; e-mail: pion_val@

In 1995 I finished Secondary School No. 1 in the town of Dubrovytsia and was awarded a Certificate for Outstanding Performance.

From 1995 till 2001 I studied at Bukovinian State Medical Academy.

From 1 August 2001 till 31 January 2003 I was doing my internship in Orthopaedics and Traumatology in the City of Chernivtsi Emergency Care Hospital affiliated to the Department of Orthopaedics, Traumatology and Neurosurgery of Bukovinian State Medical Academy.

In November 2002 I completed training courses in Vertebrology organized by the Department of Spinal Surgery of the Centre for Spine and Joint Pathology named after Prof. M.I. Sytenko.

Since May 2003 I have been a member of the International Society for Minimal Intervention in Spinal Surgery (ISMISS) and the International Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology (SICOT).

From 2005 till 2009 I was a postgraduate student of the City of Kharkiv Centre for Spine and Joint Pathology named after Prof. M.I. Sytenko of the Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine. In 2009 I successfully defended my Ph.D. thesis titled “Transpedicular Fixation of the Spine for Lumbar Osteochondrosis” and obtained the highest qualification grade in medicine. My thesis advisers were Prof. M.O. Korzh – Chairman of the Association of Ukrainian Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeons, and Prof. V.O. Radchenko – Chief Physician of the Centre for Spine and Joint Pathology named after Prof. M.I. Sytenko.

Currently, I specialize in modern methods of extra-cortical, intramedullary and extra-focal osteosynthesis.

I acquired competency in joint replacement in the following leading institutions of Ukraine and Germany: Centre for Spine and Joint Pathology named after Prof. M.I. Sytenko, the City of Kyiv Hospital No. 12, Charité Centre for Traumatology and Orthopaedic Surgery in Berlin.

From 2003 till 2007 I was holding the position of Traumatologist in the City of Khmelnitsky Hospital where I was the first to introduce and perform the following interventions:

- transpedicular fixation for spinal diseases and injuries;

- instrumentation surgery on the frontal spinal structures at all levels through transthoracic and extraperitoneal approaches. (Besides, I was the first to conduct vertebral body tumour removal through the frontal approach by using thoracolumbar frenectomy);

- Caspar microdiscectomy;

- interbody corporodesis with the application of interbody cages;

- epidural adhesiolysis for spinal disc herniations;

- closed blocking intramedullary osteosynthesis of long tubular bones;

Besides, I performed a number of surgeries in other regions of Ukraine. I performed cement total hip replacement surgery demonstration in the city of Chernivtsi.

Thus, I performed the following spinal stabilization surgery demonstrations in:

- the City of Kyiv Emergency Care Hospital;

- the City of Kyiv Main Military Hospital of Ukraine;

- the City of Odessa Military and Medical Clinical Centre of the Southern Region;

- the City of Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Clinical Hospital;

- the City of Dnipropetrovsk Healthcare Centre No. 6;

- the City of Chernivtsi Military Hospital;

- the City of Chernivtsi Emergency Care Hospital.

In addition, I performed blocking intramedullary osteosynthesis surgery demonstrations in:

- the City of Kharkiv Regional Clinical Hospital;

- the City of Lviv Military Hospital;

- the City of Chernivtsi Emergency Care Hospital;

- the City of Rivne Hospital;

- the City of Dnipropetrovsk Hospital No. 16;

- the City of Kamyanets-Podilsky Hospital;

- the town of Shepetivka Regional Hospital.

I successfully completed a wide range of trainings in the following foreign medical institutions:

- Germany (7 April 2009 – 22 April 2009, Certificate No. 18 dated 20 April 2010);

- Czech Republic (6 August 2008 – 14 August 2008, Certificate dated 12 August 2008);

- Russia (6 September 2009 – 8 September 2009, Certificate dated 8 September 2009);

- Poland (1 October 2004 – 7 October 2004, Certificate dated 7 November 2004);

- Spain and Turkey (2003, 2006 and 2010) – a range of international symposia.

From 1 October 2006 till 31 January 2007 I was attending training specialization courses in Neurosurgery.

From 4 September 2008 till 29 December 2008 I was attending training specialization courses in Paediatric Orthopaedics.

Since 2007 I have been a research assistant of the Department of Traumatology, Orthopaedics and Neurosurgery of Bukovinian State Medical University and the Neurosurgeon in the City of Chernivtsi Emergency Care Hospital.

Since 2009 I have been appointed as a Freelance Vertebrologist of the Main Healthcare Department of Chernivtsi Regional State Administration.

While holding the position of the Freelance Vertebrologist of the Main Healthcare Department of Chernivtsi Regional State Administration I performed the following interventions:

- transpedicular fixation for spinal diseases and injuries;

- paracentetic cement vertebroplasty for spinal diseases and injuries;

- stabilization of the cervical spine with the application of modern constructions through the frontal approach;

- surgical correction of scoliotic deformity;

- replacement of spinal disc;

- stabilization of the spine through a transabdominal and transthoracic approaches.

Since October 2010 I have been holding the following positions:

- Head of the Department of Orthopaedics,Traumatology and spinal surgery of Rivne Regional Clinical Hospital;

- Chief Freelance Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon of the Main Healthcare Department of Rivne Regional State Administration;

- Chairman of the Board of the Association of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeons of Rivne region.

I am the author of 53 publications for domestic and foreign medical journals and the co-author of a reference book "Degenerative Spine Disease".

I regularly attend international conferences, congresses and symposia dedicated to current problems of Traumatology, Orthopaedics and Vertebrology.

I am a member of ISMISS and AO-trauma, AO – Spine.

I am married and have two children.


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