
Name the organs of the alimentary canal:Name the accessory digestive organs: “Enter”, part of the word enteric means:name the 2 types of peritoneum:What is the peritoneal cavity?What is a mesentery and what are its functions?Which arteries supply the digestive tract?What vein(s) drain the digestive tract?Name the 4 general layers of the digestive tract and their functionName the 3 sublayers of the mucosa and their functionSympathetic impulses inhibit/stimulate secretions and motilityParasympathetic impulses inhibit/stimulate secretions and motilityOral cavity proper lies within the:Labial frenulum: Lingual frenulum: Hard palate made of:Soft palate made of and functions:Tongue functions:Name the papillae:What is the terminal sulcus?Name extrinsic salivary glands and their locationFunctions of saliva:Teeth (describe each part listed):Crown: Root: Cementum: Periodontal ligamentGingival sulcus: Dentin: Pulp cavity: Pulp: Root canal: What is the voluntary phase of swallowing?What sphincter is between the esophagus and stomach?How is food moved down the esophagus?What are the folds in the stomach called and what is their purpose?Stomach cell types, describe their function:Mucous neck cellsParietal cellsChief cellsEnteroendocrine cells (no function we’re focusing on)What is the function of HCl?What 2 things increase the force of contraction of the stomach to mix and mechanically digest food into chyme? What macronutrient (carb, protein, fat) slows the movement of chyme through the duodenum?Name the 3 sections of the small intestine in order from the stomach to the large intestineThe bile duct and main pancreatic duct join at the ___________________________________ and enter the duodenum via the _________________________.These 2 ducts’ secretions are controlled by the _______________________________________________.Increased surface area in the small intestines comes from these 3 things:Microvilli increase absorptive but also release:_____________________ in the duodenum secrete alkaline mucus in order to decrease the pH from the stomach.The largest gland in the body is?Main function of the liver:How many lobes does the liver have? Name them.Which 2 bile ducts join to form the common bile duct?Function of hepatocytes:Hepatocytes make up lobules, hexagonal shape structures that have 6 _____________ and one ____________.What structures are included in the portal triad?Blood flows through lobules in this order:Bile contains bile salts which are important for:In addition to bile salts, bile is made of up:The gallbladder’s main function is to:The pancreas produces pancreatic juice, which is composed of:CCK is secreted from where and does what 3 functions?Secretin causes:Peristalsis is coordinated by the ___________________________________.The sphincter dividing the small intestine and large intestine is:What are the main regions of the colon?The pouch at the beginning of the large intestine with the appendix attached is:Define haustra:Define epiploic appendages:The internal anal sphincter is composed of _____________________________________and the external anal sphincter is composed of ________________________________.If one develops hemorrhoids, which hemorrhoids are painful due to innervation of the area?What functions does the bacteria in the large intestine serve?What is the function of the large intestine?How are carbs and protein absorbed?Absorption of monoglycerides and fatty acids happens when bile salts emulsify them and form _______________________. Inside the epithelial cells the fats combine with proteins and form _______________________________which are absorbed via the lacteals.Colon cancer usually metastasizes to the:Label the tooth structures.00Figure 23.1100Figure 23.11Label the stomach diagram.Figure 23.14a(a)Figure 23.14a(a)Label the diagram of the liver, gallbladder, biliary tree, duodenum and pancreas.Figure 23.21Figure 23.21Label the regions and structures of the large intestine.Figure 23.29a(a)Figure 23.29a(a) ................

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