Human Anatomy & Physiology

FHC Human Anatomy & Physiology

The Digestive System - A Guide To Focus Your Study And The Preparation Of Your T-Shirt 2015


Your Task

Digestive System Check List (Check ‘em As You Find ‘em and Add ‘em to your T-shirt!)




_____ Note the “lip letters”.

_____ Be familiar with the lingual frenulum.

_____ The hyoid bone – where is it, what does it look like, what is it for? .

_____ The names and locations of the three types of tonsils (draw a diagram!).

_____ The names and locations of the four tooth types (draw a diagram!).

_____ The names and locations of the three paired salivary glands (draw a diagram!)

_____ The parts of a tooth, including: crown, root, neck, enamel, dentine, root canal, periodontal membrane, gingiva (draw a diagram of the tooth!).

_____ The meanings of the terms: bolus, peristalsis, uvula, adenoids,

_____ The sole digestive enzyme found in saliva: name and function.

_____ What is: the glottis, the epiglottis, the larynx.


_____ Know the difference between:

Chemical digestion and Mechanical digestion

_____ What organic molecule food type stays in the stomach the longest? Carbohydrate, Lipid, Protein, or Nucleic Acid?

_____ Identify the specific tissue type that makes up the lining of the mouth and the entire length of the esophagus.

_____ The space between the gingiva and the cheeks is the _____.

_____ Describe the locations of all the sphincter muscles that control food movement through the

digestive system.

_____ Note the tissue layers that line the digestive system: Be able to recognize a written description

_____ Mucosa or identify them in a diagram.

_____ Submucosa

_____ Muscularis

_____ Serosa



_____ Where is it, how long is it, how many layers in it, how does food get through it, how do liquids get through it.

_____ The cavity surrounding the heart through which the esophagus must pass on its way to the abdomen is the _____.

_____ The opening in the diaphragm through which the esophagus passes is the _____ _____.


_____ Name and identify the functions of the two stomach sphincters.

_____ The composition of “gastric juice”

_____ The three muscle layers and their functions.

_____ The locations of the: cardiac sphincter, pyloric sphincter, cardiac region, fundus, body, pyloric region. A diagram of the stomach drawn on your T-Shirt would prove to be

very helpful.

_____ Name and describe the functions of the three types of stomach secretory cells:

_____ Goblet cells

_____ Chief cells of the Body of the Gland

_____ Parietal cells

_____ Describe the immune function of the stomach

_____ Hormonal regulation of gastric fluid secretions.

_____ What food and fluid materials are absorbed through the walls of the stomach.


_____ Name, in sequence, the three “parts” of the length of the small intestine.

_____ The duodenum:

_____ What critical organ does the duodenum surround and support?

_____ What is the sphincter of Oddi?

_____ What is the principle protein-digesting enzyme of the small intestine?

_____ The tiny projections in the intestinal mucosa are named _____.

_____ What is the thin membrane that holds the folds of the intestine in place and supplies vascularity and enervation?

_____ What are the mucus-secreting intestinal glands found at the base of the intestinal villi?

_____ What is a lacteal?




_____ Location: where in the body is it found.

_____ Appearance: what are its size, color, and texture?

_____ Digestive function: the liver is most dedicated to the digestion of _____.

_____ Name the organ that is responsible for bile storage and that is located in a depression on the inferior surface of the liver:

_____ The sole digestive fluid produced by the liver is named _____.

_____ How does the liver store carbohydrates?

_____ Urea is produced in the liver:

_____From what is urea made?

_____What happens to urea?

_____What happens to the rest of the amino acid?

_____ What dietary metal is stored in the liver?

_____ Name three vitamins stored in the fatty tissues of the liver.

_____ The human liver has _____ (#) major lobes. What separates the lobes?

_____ Each liver lobe is subdivided into many small pea-shaped structures named _____.

_____ The major vessel which supplies the liver with food digestion end products is the

__________________ _____ _____.

_____ The duct that leads from the liver to the common bile duct is the _____

_____ The duct that leads from the liver and gall bladder to the duodenum is the _____.

_____ The duct that leads from the gall bladder to the common bile duct is the _____.


_____ The bacterium that most commonly occupies the large intestine is _____.

_____ The cecum and the appendix. Where are they? What do they look like?

_____ Where is the sigmoid colon, and what does it look like?

_____ What part of the large intestine is attached to the sacrum?

_____ Ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, anus.

_____ The wall of the large intestine is arranged in a series of pouches called _____.

_____ The flammable gas produced by bacteria housed in the large intestine is _____.

_____ How much of the water that enters the large intestine is reabsorbed through the walls of the large intestine?

_____ What is the composition of solid waste (waste #2).

_____ Absorptive capabilities of the large intestine.

_____ Colon bacteria: their form, their role, and their fate


_____ Location, appearance

_____ What does it store?

_____ What hormone regulates its function?

_____ What organ synthesizes and secretes this hormone?

_____ What is the name of the duct that connects this organ with the common bile duct?

There is a certain body of knowledge common to all complete descriptions of the human digestive system. These descriptions appear in Anatomy & Physiology textbooks, study guides, in encyclopedias, and even on the Internet. Although the system, upon first consideration, seems very complex due to the involvement of multiple organs, it is discovered that there exists a relatively compact body of information that relates to this fascinating system. The overall function of this system is easily described as “the reduction of food from the size of chunks to the size of molecules small enough to be transported by blood and fit into the body’s cells.” Your task is to assemble this body of knowledge into an organized description that you can transfer onto your T-shirts. Then, possessing both a detailed drawing of the digestive system and a condensed description of its function on your T-shirt, you will be fully ready to take “The Digestive System Test”.

Your task is the use several sources (your textbook, your notes, an electronic encyclopedia, the Internet) to generate material you can add to your Digestive System T-Shirt to help insure success on the test. Although the details of the information gathered and transferred to the T-Shirt will vary from student to student, the overall content will remain fairly consistent. You are to strive to assemble a description that is appropriate to your grade level (12, college freshman or sophomore) and obvious high intelligence. Below you will find a helpful Guidance List to direct and focus your study and information transfer. This list may not include everything you need to know on the test, but it will surely be helpful….to ignore any item on the list would be _____ (foolish, negligent, foolhardy, risky, oblivious, short-sighted, - pick one!)


_____ The pancreatic enzyme which splits starch or glycogen into disaccharides is _____.

_____ The pancreatic enzyme that splits triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol is _____.

_____ The pancreatic enzymes which reduce proteins to amino acids are _____, _____, and _____.

_____ The pancreatic enzyme which splits nucleic acids into nucleotides is _____.

_____ How does the pancreas help neutralize the pH of chyme that arrives in the duodenum from the stomach?

_____ Hormonal regulation of the pancreas.

What is the name of the hormone that is released upon the arrival of chyme from the stomach?

_____ Name the pancreatic cells that synthesize the pancreatic digestive fluids.

_____ The pancreatic duct unites with the _____ _____ _____ to form a short tube named the _____ _____________________.






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