AP Bio: 1st Semester Math Practice

AP Bio: 1st Semester Math PracticeRecombination Frequency1) The recombination frequency between gene A and gene B is 8.4% and the recombination frequency between gene A and gene C is 6.8%. If the order of these genes on a chromosome is B-A-C, then the approximate recombination frequency between gene B and gene C should be _____%.2) Find the recombination frequency between two genes on the same chromosome in peas given the following crosses:P (true-breeders): rough – soft pea x smooth – hard peaF1: all offspring are rough – soft Test cross: rough – soft pea (from F1) x smooth – hard peaF2: 115 rough – soft110 smooth – hard8 rough – hard12 smooth - softRecombination frequency = ____%3) In the nematode, C. elegans, dpy-5 and unc-4 are recessive alleles which confer the phenotypes of a dumpy body and uncoordinated movement, respectively. A wild-type nematode that is heterozygous for both genes is test-crossed with a dumpy-uncoordinated nematode and yields the following progeny: Phenotype# ProgenyWild-type243Dumpy - Uncoordinated239Dumpy251Uncoordinated242What is the recombination frequency for these two genes? _____%Would you say that these two genes are linked? ____ Why/why not? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________If they are linked, how many map units apart are they on the chromosome? _______Chi-Square1) In a certain species of flowering plant, the purple allele ‘P’ is dominant to the yellow allele ‘p’. A student performed a cross between a purple-flowered plant and a yellow-flowered plant. When planted, the 146 seeds that were produced from the cross matured into 87 plants with purple flowers and 59 plants with yellow flowers.Calculate the chi-squared value for the hypothesis that the purple-flowered parent was heterozygous for the flower-color gene. Give your answer to the nearest tenth. __________Based on your result, the null hypothesis is __________________. (accepted/rejected)2) In Drosophila, “bow-legged” is a mutation that is hypothesized to be X-linked recessive. A homozygous wild-type female was crossed with a bow-legged male. The F1 generation contained equal numbers of wild-type males and wild-type females. The F2 generation contained 30 wild-type males, 40 bow-legged males, 75 wild-type females, and 0 bow-legged females. Calculate the chi-squared value for the hypothesis that the “bow-legged” mutation is X-linked recessive. Give your answer to the nearest tenth. __________Based on your result, the null hypothesis is __________________. (accepted/rejected)Degrees of Freedomp123456780.053.845.997.829.4911.0712.5914.0715.510.016.649.3211.3413.2815.0916.8118.4820.09Genetic probabilitiesWhat is the probability the parents shown below would create the genotypic offspring listed? Show your work.187642523558500HhOoLlIiDdAaYy x HhooLliiDdAayy HhOoLlIiDdAaYy = hhoolliiDdAayy = HhOoLLIiDDaaYy = Cell countsA fertilized egg (zygote) undergoes 8 rounds of cleavage including cell partitioning. After the 8th round, half of the cells divide again while the remaining cells undergo apoptosis. After this event those remaining cells undergo 2 more rounds of cleavage. How many cells are present after these events? ________During embryonic paw formation in Timon, a meerkat, there are initially 623 cells between the first 2 digits of the paw. Each of these cells and their subsequent daughter cells must undergo 3 rounds of cell division to provide enough cells for proper paw development. Next, differential gene expression initiates apoptosis causing the loss of 85% of the cells. How many cells remain after these events? _________Osmosis36328352863850.6M sucrose1.2M starch1.6M NaCl000.6M sucrose1.2M starch1.6M NaCl12325352387601.5M sucrose0.8M starch0.4M NaCl001.5M sucrose0.8M starch0.4M NaClThe initial concentration of Side A and Side B are indicated above on either side of the U-tube. The membrane shown is permeable to sucrose and NaCl but not starch. Initially, which side is hypertonic? _____ what is the molarity of the hypotonic side? ____Please use the correct letters to fill in the blanks below.In order to reach equilibrium:sucrose will move from side _____ to side _____.starch will move from side _____ to side _____.NaCl will move from side _____ to side _____.After this system reaches equilibrium:what is the molarity of each side? A = ____ B = ____which side will lose water? _____Reaction Rates1) Catalase is an enzyme found in peroxisomes that facilitates the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), a toxic by-product of cellular respiration, into oxygen and water. An experiment was conducted to measure the reaction rate of catalase under ideal enzymatic conditions. Using the data collected and recorded below, properly create and label a line graph depicting the results of the experiment.Time (seconds)Initial H2O2 in beaker before catalase Remaining H2O2 in beaker after catalaseTotal H2O2broken down by catalase10 5 mL4.5 mL___ mL305 mL3.5 mL___ mL605 mL2.0 mL___ mL905 mL1.0 mL___ mL1205 mL0.5 mL___ mL1805 mL0.0 mL___ mL What is the reaction rate for the catalase in this experiment between 0-100 seconds? Label your reaction rate with the proper units! _________________2) An experiment was conducted to measure the amount of oxygen used by crickets over time at two different temperatures. Create a double-line graph displaying these results.Temp(°C)Time(min)O2 used 22o C0---50.02 mL100.03 mL150.05 mL200.07 mL42o C0---50.08 mL100.15 mL150.22 mL200.30 mLFor the entire course of the experiment, what was the rate (with proper units) of oxygen consumption by the crickets at 22o C? ____________ At 42o C? _______________ Plasmid MapsBacterial plasmids range in size from 1,000 to 200,000 bp, and are used extensively for cloning purposes. The plasmid drawn below has restriction sites for the following restriction enzymes: EcoR1, Sal1, and BamH1. The distance in base pairs (bp) between cutting sites is listed between the sites. Answer the following questions based on your knowledge of biology and the diagrams below labeled (a) through (e). a) Which of the gel electrophoresis results below would be most similar to the one that you would expect after cutting the cloning plasmid with the restriction enzyme EcoR1? Why? b) Which of the gel electrophoresis results below would be most similar to the one that you would expect after cutting the cloning plasmid with the restriction enzyme Sal1? Why? c) Which of the gel electrophoresis results below would be most similar to the one that you would expect after cutting the cloning plasmid with all three restriction enzymes-EcoR1, Sal1, and Bam1-all at the same time? Why? Use the plasmid restriction map to answer the questions below.Cutting pKC7 with the enzyme PstI will yield how many DNA fragments? _______The DNA fragment size(s) when pKC7 is digested with EcoRI is/are ________________________How long are the fragments when pKC7 is digested with both MscI and PstI?____________________________________________________________________________________In the space below, draw the electrophoretic gel of pKC7 when it is digested with the restriction enzyme(s) indicated. Std is the molecular weight standard with the DNA fragment sizes drawn.Lane 1 2 3 4 5 6StdHindIIISmaI &NdeI & MscI & SalI, PstIPvuIBglIIBsmI& BamHI6000 bp --------5000 bp--------4000 bp--------3000 bp--------2000 bp--------1000 bp-------- 500 bp-------- ................

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