Classic and less-known recipes from Sicily

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Elder’s Solidarity in Local Communities



Classic and less-known recipes from Sicily

This booklet has been published in the context of LLP program, Elder’s Solidarity in Local Communities-GRU-11-GIVE-12-DJ-IT, with funds from European commission. This publication reflects only view of the author and the European commission cannot be held responsible for any used which may be made on information contained there in.

Classic and less-known recipes from Sicily

Preparing ARACINE

One of the most important aspects of Sicilian cuisine is the quality of the ingredients used. Sicily, like many other areas of Italy, still follows the seasons very closely. It is virtually impossible, for example, to find non-seasonal fruit or vegetables in most greengrocer's. The result is that ingredients are fresh, often produced in Sicily (or Italy) and are wonderfully fragrant and tasty. So, to get the best out of our recipes you should buy fresh, in-season ingredients where possible.

All our recipes are local, some invented by us (here in Palermo), and others passed on to us by chefs or the owners of our properties.

 Here are some for you to sample:

• Antipasti and snacks

• Pasta dishes, soups and cous-cous

• Meat and vegetable main courses

• Fish and sea-food main courses

• Desserts

And if you're really into your food, why not also take a look at our pages on Sicilian food, Sicilian wine and Eating in Sicily. Or if you'd like to have some of these delicious recipes cooked for you whilst at your villa, look at how to hire an in-house cook?


We're sure you know your spaghetti from your penne, but our infographic 'The Truth About Pasta' has lots of facts we'll bet you've never heard!



Antipasti and snacks

Arancinette all'Olmo

(Don Arcangelo all'Olmo's mini fried rice-balls)

Ingredients (serves 10-12)

500gr risotto rice, 200ml milk

1 vegetable stock cube, 1 sachet of saffron

1 pinch of cinnamon

50gr butter, 50gr grated Parmesan cheese

100gr cubed ham, 100gr cubed Provola or other tasty cheese

250gr durum wheat flour

3 beaten eggs with a drop of milk

300gr breadcrumbs, Salt, Vegetable oil

For the thick, elastic, binding béchamel sauce

25gr butter, 25gr 00 flour, 200ml milk, 1 pinch of salt

For the ‘regular’ béchamel

25gr butter

25gr 00 flour

250ml milk

A grating of nutmeg

1 pinch of salt


In a large pan, bring 1 litre of salted water and 200ml of milk to the boil. Add the 500gr of rice and the vegetable stock cube. Mix frequently and once the rice is half cooked add the saffron. When the rice is fully cooked, slightly al dente and dry, add the cinnamon, 50g of butter and the same quantity of grated Parmesan cheese. Leave to cool.

While the rice is cooling, prepare a white elastic béchamel sauce that will bind the rice together. Melt 50gr of butter, add 25gr of flour and mix well to create a thick roux. Take off the heat and add 200gr of milk little by little stirring constantly. Add a pinch of salt and then put back on the heat, stirring until it thickens to a sticky, elastic paste. Then add to the rice, mix well and lay the mixture on a large plate to cool

While waiting for the rice mixture to cool, prepare a ‘regular’ béchamel sauce with 25gr of butter, 25gr of flour, 250ml of milk, a grating of nutmeg and a pinch of salt. Follow the same method used for the elastic binding sauce and when ready, add the cubes of ham and Provola cheese.

When the rice is cool, take a small flat palmful, add a little of the ham and Provala béchamel mix and then fold the rice around it, adding a little more rice to fully enclose the filling. Put the rice balls on a plate and when all are done, place in the fridge to cool.

When you are ready to fry the arancini (which should now be cold), take out of the fridge and roll them, first in flour, then in a beaten egg and milk mix and finally in breadcrumbs.

Heat some vegetable oil in a large pan and add the arancini one by one. Don’t add too many at one time as this will bring down the temperature of the oil. When golden brown, remove and place on grease-proof paper. Serve hot.

Insalata all'Eoliana

(Aeolian summer salad)

Ingredients (serves 4)

200g cherry tomatoes, halved

1 Tropea or other red onion

a small handful of capers

8 slices of lightly toasted bread

1 clove of garlic (crushed or chopped very finely)

8 anchovy fillets chopped into largish pieces

Extra virgin olive oil, Salt and pepper


While toasting the bread (thickish slices), halve the cherry tomatoes, crush or finely chop the garlic and chop the anchovy fillets into large pieces. Cut the onion into thin rings and then place all the ingredients together in a bowl. Add some olive oil, season with salt and pepper and mix well. 

When the bread is toasted put onto 4 plates, dribble with olive oil, add a few spoonfulls of salad on top and serve.

Warm Sicilian octopus salad

Ingredients (serves 4-6 people)

1kg octopus

750g potatoes in small cubes

1 stick chopped small, 1 carrots julienne

75gr stoned green and black olives

1 tbsp of white wine vinegar, Juice of 3 lemons

Parsley, Salt and pepper, Extra virgin olive oil

Finely chopped chili pepper (optional)


First, ask you fishmonger to prepare the octopus so that it’s ready for cooking. Every chef has his own way of tenderizing an octopus before cooking but one simple way is to dip it into boiling water several times for about 10 seconds each. Then place it in a large pan of boiling water (no salt!) and leave to cook for for about 1 hr or until you can easily prick it with a fork. Leave to cool in the water and then drain and chop into pieces of about an inch long.

While the octopus is cooling, bring another pan of water to the boil, add a teaspoon of white wine vinegar, salt well and add the cubed potatoes. When ready, drain and leave.

In the meantime, get a large mixing bowl and add several tablespoons of olive oil, a good pinch of salt, some chopped parsley, some black pepper and a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice. Mix well. Here you can add the finely chopped chili if you want a little kick.

Put the octopus back into a pan of hot water to warm up for a minute or two, drain well and add to the mixing bowl along with the potatoes.

Then add the olives, the carrot and the celery and mix well. Spoon onto a serving dish, pour any extra olive oil mixture on top, add a little more chopped parsley and one final dribble of olive. Serve with a good glass of white Inzolia wine!


-Sicilian calamari fritti

An Sicilian recipe of squid in a light, delicately spiced batter,cooking with Sicilian ingredients, each dish being served with one of Planeta's wines.

Ingredients (serves 4)

For the batter:

120g flour

1.5 tsps baking powder

135ml ice-cold soda water

1 pinch chilli powder

1 small tuft of coriander, finely chopped

1 pinch of powdered cumin, Salt , Pepper

For the marinade:

200gr squid chopped into rings and smallish pieces

1 small red chilli, finely chopped

1 small handful of coriander, finely chopped

1 clove of garlic, finely chopped

1 tsp of fresh grated ginger, finely chopped

The juice of 1 lime

2tbsp extra virgin olive oil


Clean and chop the squid into rings and smallish pieces. Place in a bowl and add all the marinade ingredients. Mix well and place in the fridge for about an hour. After about 50 minutes, start making your batter, mixing all the ingredients into a bowl until you have a nice creamy liquid that is not too dense, but nice and cold.

Take the squid out of its marinade and place in the batter. Heat some sunflower oil in a deep pan (it should be about 1/3 full). When the oil is piping hot, start adding the pieces of battered squid, 4/5 at a time. As soon as they start to turn golden brown, take out and place on absorbent kitchen roll. Sprinkle with sea salt and serve immediately.

N'Zalata cu l'Acqua (Raw king prawn salad)

Ingredients (serves 3/4)

For the sauce:  

100g green tomatoes 

10g fennel, 20g celery 

20g cucmber , 1g fresh oregano 

1g fresh mint , 4g fresh basil 

10g boiled potatoes , 2g sherry vinegar 

1g balsamic vinegar 

Salt and pepper, 60g extra virgin olive oil , Mineral water 

For the salad:  

12 red king prawns 

80g boiled potatoes cubed , 80g green beans 

80g cherry tomatoes , 80g cucumber 

Salt and pepper, Extra virgin olive oil , Edible flowers



Blend the ingredients for the sauce, strain and return to the fridge.

Dice the salad vegetables and chop the peeled prawns into small cubes; add olive oil, season, mix well and then place the mixture in a smallish doughnut-shaped mould (something with a hole in the middle). Leave for a few minutes and then release the contents from the mould, creating a colourful circle with a central hole.

Fill the hole some of the chilled sauce, decorate with flowers, croutons and a dribble of extra virgin olive oil.

This recipe was kindly supplied by Chef Angelo at La Foresteria. 


Deep-fried rice balls filled with meat sauce or mozzarella, ham and butter.

Ingredients for 10 “arancini”

400g of arborio rice , 1 sachet of saffron

A few spoonfuls of thick bolognese sauce with peas (prepared separately) OR a 200g mix of mozzarella, ham and butter chopped together.

100g grated Parmesan cheese

2 egg, 300g breadcrumbs

Salt and pepper

A little olive oil, Vegetable oil for frying


Cook the rice with the saffron in salted water until soft and yellow. Drain well and add a dribble of olive oil to prevent the rice sticking too much. Then add the grated cheese, some freshly ground black pepper and mix well. Leave to cool. In the meantime, beat and season the eggs. When the rice is cool, wet one hand and spread some rice (about 2cm thick) on it. Add a dollop of Bolognese sauce (or the mozzarella, ham and butter mix) in the middle and close the rice into a little ball about the size of a small orange, making sure the contents stay inside. When all 10 rice balls are ready, roll them one by one in the egg and then in the breadcrumbs. Fry (preferably deep fry) in hot oil until golden brown and place on kitchen roll to remove any excess oil. Serve while hot and crunchy.

Insalata alla Palermitana, (Salad, Palermo style)

Ingredients (serves 4)

100g waxy potatoes, 100g green beans

4 anchovy fillets, 100g tomatoes

Extra tasty olive oil, 1 large onion

salt and peppers, A dash of white wine vinegar


Place the onion in its skin on a baking tray and put in a hot oven for about 20-30 minutes until it becomes slightly caramlised and soft. Boil the potatoes and the green beans in salted water, drain and leave to cool. Chop up the tomatoes and add to a large salad bowl. Then, cube the potatoes and add to the tomatoes along with the green beans. Chop up your very soft onion and add the anchovy fillets, bashing down into small pieces. Add a good lashing of excellent olive oil and a dash of white wine vinegar. Salt and pepper to taste and serve cool, either as an antipasti, as a side dish or as a main second.

Polpette di broccoli, (Cauliflower fritters)

Ingredients (serves 4)

400g cauliflower, 1 egg, 2 anchovy fillets

70gr Parmesan cheese

1 tbs pine kernels, 1 tbs raisins

30g breadcrumbds

olive oil, salt and pepper


Cook the cauliflower in slightly salted water until soft and drain well. After draining you could leave on a very low flame to evaporate any excess liquid. When dry, place in a mixing bowl and squash into a pulp with a fork. Add the other ingredients and mix well until you have a firm mixture.

Heat a little olive oil in a frying pan and shape the mixture into flattish balls. When the oil is hot fry the cauliflower polpette until golden brown on both sides. place on kitchen roll to remove any excess oil and serve as a mouth-watering starter.

Purée di zucchini con pancetta croccante

(Courgette puree with crispy smoky bacon)

Ingredients (serves 4)

6 good sized courgettes

4 rashers of smoky bacon or pancetta

3 cloves of garlic

A sprinkling of dried chilli

Salt and pepper, Olive oil


Slice the courgettes fairly thinly and chop the garlic. Heat a little olive oil in a pan and add the courgettes the garlic and the chilli. Stir well, season and cover, letting the courgettes cook slowly in their own juices on a low flame (they shouldn’t fry). When soft, after about 25-30 minutes, place the contents in a food mixer and whizz until you have a thick liquid with small pieces of courgette still visible. In the meantime fry the bacon until crispy. Serve the purée di zucchini in small individual pots with a rasher of bacon for garnish.


(chick-pea fritters)

 Ingredients (serves 4)

200g of chick-pea flower, 1/2 litre of cold water

Parsley, Salt, olive oil


Mix the chick-pea flower into the water, making sure there are no lumps. Add a pinch of salt or two and a small clump of finely chopped parsley. Mix well and then start to heat on a low flame until the mixture turns into a thick, almost solid mass. Then, pour the mixture into a baking tray and leave to cool. The thickness should be about 3-4 mm.

Once the mixture has totally cooled and turned to a soft solid state, cut into rectangles about 7cm x 4cm. Heat a decent amount of extra virgin olive oil in a frying pan, add a little salt and then fry your panelle rectangles until golden brown. Place on kitchen roll to get rid of any excess oil and then put a few in a crusty bread roll. Add some fresh lemon juice and eat while hot. 

Caponatina di Melanzane

(Sicilian aubergine relish)

© From "Italia" by Antonio Carluccio

Reproduced with kind permission of the author and his publisher, Quadrille.

This is one of Sicily’s most popular and versatile aubergine dishes. You can eat it with bread, as part of an antipasto, or as a side dish with hot or cold meats or fish. This is the original recipe from Palermo. A caponatina is a “small” caponata.

Ingredients (Serves 4-6)

600g meaty aubergines

Salt, 6-8 tbsp olive oil

1 large onion, sliced

2 celery hearts (inner heads only), cut into little chunks

500g ripe tomatoes, chopped, 100g pitted green olives

60g salted capers, rinsed

100g slivered almonds

2 ripe but firm pears, cored, peeled and sliced

½ tsp ground cinnamon, ½ teaspoon ground cloves

50g caster sugar, 50ml white wine vinegar

Ideally you want the pale violet type of aubergine, without too many seeds. Cut the aubergines into cubes the size of a walnut. Immerse in salted water for 1 hour, then drain, squeezing the water out. Pat the aubergine cubes dry.

Heat about 6 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil in a sauté pan and fry the aubergine cubes until golden. Scoop them out with a slotted spoon and set aside. Adding more oil to the pan if necessary, fry the onion until soft, then fry all the other ingredients, apart from the sugar and vinegar. Simmer for about 20 minutes.

Add the aubergines to the mixture with the sugar and wine vinegar. Taste for salt and cook for another 10-15 minutes. Caponata can be eaten warm but it is also delicious cold.

 © From "Italia" by Antonio Carluccio. Reproduced with kind permission of the author and his publisher, Quadrille.

Sicilian Summer Salad

Ingredients (serves 4)

300g Pachino or other cherry tomatoes

a handful of capers, a handful of olives cut into pieces

a small onion, a few anchovy fillets 

200g green beans

fresh basil, salt and pepper

extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice


Chop the tomatoes, the olives, the onion, the anchovies and the green beans (pre-boiled). Put into a bowl with the capers and the basil and mix well. Add a splash of olive oil, the juice of half a lemon, salt and pepper. Serve under a vine covered pergola with fresh crusty white bread and a chilled bottle of white.

Schiacciata alla Siciliana

Ingredients (serves 4)

For the bread

1kg of durum wheat flour

50gr of beer yeast , Half a glass of warm water

A little extra virgin olive oil, Salt and pepper

For the filling

The beauty of the schiacciata is that you can fill it with whatever takes your fancy or whatever you have in the fridge! However, our recommendation is sausage meat mixed with onions, garlic, a little tomato sauce and herbs.


Dissolve the yeast in a little warm water and add to the flower. Mix into a dough, adding a little water until you get a firm consistency. Sprinkle with flour and leave under a tea towel to rise for about 1 hour.

After the dough has risen, add a little olive oil and knead again until the oil is totally absorbed.

Roll out the dough into several round, 1cm-thick pieces and add your preferred filling. Once the filling is in place, roll over the dough to obtain a calzone like shape and place in a very hot oven for about 30 minutes. Serve hot.

Aubergine Caponata

Ingredients (serves 4) 4 medium size aubergines 

200 g of peeled mature tomatoes 

1 largish onion

2 sticks of celery

100 g of pitted green olives

100 g of capers

extra virgin olive oil

white vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper


Cube the eggplants into smallish chunks and fry in a little olive oil until brown. Lay them in kitchen paper so as to drain off as much oil as possible. Meanwhile, after peeling, chop the tomatoes into small pieces (alternatively you can use canned tomatoes). Finely chop the onion, do the same with the 2 sticks of celery and cut olives in half.

Heat some extra virgin olive oil in a thick-bottomed pan and sauté the onions and the celery. When soft add the tomatoes and simmer slowly for 15 minutes or so. When the tomato sauce is more or less smooth (though lumps are fine), add the aubergine, the olives and the capers (if these are salted ones, wash in a sieve to get rid of the salt).

Stir well and then add a tablespoon of olive oil, sugar and vinegar and a pinch of salt and pepper. Once more, mix well and then leave to simmer with a lid on a very low flame, stirring occasionally.

After 40 minutes or so, take off the heat and when the pan is cool, place in the fridge for a couple of hours before eating. Serve with crusty white bread, cheese and a glass of fruity white wine.

Sicilian Frittella

(Fava beans, peas and artichokes)

Ingredients (serves 4)

500g fresh peas

800g fresh fava beans

6 artichokes

salt and pepper

olive oil

a small bunch of shallots


Clean the artichokes and take off any hard leaves or spikey parts. Cut them into bits and soak them in water and lemon juice for about 15 minutes. Shell the peas and the fava beans.

Meanwhile, lightly fry the chopped shallots in olive oil until brown and add the artichokes, the peas, the fava beans and half a glass of water. Add salt and pepper to taste and cover with a lid. Cook for about half an hour, stirring every 5 minutes and ensuring there is always some liquid (if necessary add more water). By the end of cooking the liquid should have almost disappeared though frittella should not be dry.

Serve with a drop of olive oil and (optionally) some thin slices of parmesan.


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Elder’s Solidarity in Local Communities



This booklet has been published in the context of LLP program, Elder’s Solidarity in Local Communities-GRU-11-GIVE-12-DJ-IT, with funds from European commission. This publication reflects only view of the author and the European commission cannot be held responsible for any used which may be made on information contained there in.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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